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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Wow. F****** wow. It's going to be a long 2 months.
  2. I will now never purchase any EA game from now on. +1 Maybe now EA will start using some of the Origin IP's.
  3. So basically, they are not making a Hitman sequel.
  4. 4. Updated graphics. 5. Return of Intimidate, persuasion skills. 6. More QA I actually prefer a story concept DA2(long term PC focused) was based on, rather than the 'OMG it's the uber evil comming for us all'. They just need to implement it better then they did with DA2(Superior quests, better characters, a more interesting locale etc).
  5. Steam and competitors. Agreed. Though I might just add wet as well.
  6. I'll be giving this a go. Hopefully I enjoy it more then RDR.
  7. So is it worth getting? I'm still enjoying Warband, but there wasn't much of a jump from the original M&B and Warband. Is this a bigger change? Yeah. You no longer recruit men by just showing up at their villiage and asking "Yo! you all wanna be warriors?" Instead you have to go to a merc camp and hire them, and then you can also purchase uprades equipment wise for them at the same camp. Also the inclusion of fire-arms has made it seem much harder to grind those first few levels/prestige because the rifles can two shot you if they get lucky enough. Also you start in an automatic area that teaches you the basics every time, and you start with a firearm of some kind that is just ridiculous in terms of damage per shot but takes 5-10 seconds to reload every time. Sort of like crouched lances in previous games, but instead of being a mobile target all the time you are jerky stop-go all the time because of hte need for aiming. They also changed the quest system... You can do regular jobs, or you can do "special" jobs for people, and I think you can also create your own caravans. Admittedly I haven't gone very far. Just started dl it. Really enjoyed M&B and Warband especially with mods, so really looking forward to it.
  8. It doesn't play like either of those games.
  9. Obama just won the re-election.
  10. Bloody hell. Bio finally make good looking mage armor in a game(I have a thing for masks ), and they charge for it.
  11. It's the same all around the world, it takes a 'special' person to be a politician.
  12. Wait so he's not the Sith Lord/Emperor in TOR? +1 TOR Good call. Bad call. Having said that, the ME books were worth a read if you liked the setting.
  13. I can safely and happily say, I have yet to be probed.
  14. All great games, especially Nexus. Missed this, yeah it got bad reviews, it was buggy on relesase, has bad VO and when compared to X games and Eve, it's economy is poor. Still I enjoyed it. And for those interested GamersGate has a special on games with spaceships in it. (No X3 though)
  15. Don't forget the great mods for X3.
  16. +1 Also Starpoint Gemini while not a Elite type game is worth a mention. It plays like the Star Fleet Command games, has lots of ships to buy(Frigate>Cruiser>Dreadnought>Battleship), trading, mining and RPG leveling up.
  17. Good to see Mordin, Legion, Garrus and Wrex mentioned, I liked those characters. I figured Kasumi, Zaeed, Samara and Morinth would be reduced to emails or cameos, but I would bet on Miranda and Jacob being companions again.
  18. Albania or Turkey have lower standard of living yet a high fertility rate. We westerners don't buy Turkish or Albanian brides
  19. religion to go extinct in 9 countries experts predict
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