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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. True. Infidel. Dawn of war has been a great series, especially DOW2 and it's expansion. The Stalker Series.
  2. Highlander game Canceled I'm sort of disappointed by this, while I was expecting this I was still hoping to go around chopping the heads off immortals.
  3. I just hope that they don't drop the FO3 improvements just because this is an Elder Scrolls game. I've had this feeling that they made FO3 the way it was, because it was FO. But don't have any intent of bringing over any of the rp improvements to the Elder Scrolls series. I've alway got the impression from Rage that it was open and freeroaming.
  4. There are many that are looking forward to ME3, but those that aren't like to bitch. I just hope it's not all about Earth, the Reapers are a threat to all life, to just have the focus put on Earth would be annoying. I've never understood the interest many have had with seeing Earth over the course of the series, seeing the Asari/Taurian etc homeworlds is much more interesting to me. But perhaps Earth is just one of four other planets/places that Shep deals with Reaper attacks..... A plus is that the possiblility of causing or letting Earth be destroyed is looking more likely. No better consequence for our actions over the last 2 games then that. (Would be an awesome consequence to the specist Shep)
  5. Meh, I would put that on the grab when it's cheap pile, especially if it's on your list for being an RPG. Fable 3 makes the original Fable look like a incredibly deep RPG. Unless of course your real reason for getting it was to run around naked, farting in peoples faces and having 10 different spouses.
  6. I'm pretty sure we will never see a RPG based on a Sci-fi show. Which is funny because most of them would work better as an RPG, rather then a FPS or MMO(which is what we would get/have got).
  7. Kind of noticed the same thing in The Witcher. Maybe it's a RPG-Dev thing? True, AP did have Scarlet and NV has Cassidy....
  8. The one NPC that wouldn't complain about me doing something, is the one that gets cut.
  9. This baby will be mine on Friday. Hopefully the English localization won't completely suck balls. GamersGate have got it for sale.
  10. I don't think I could play a game across 3 monitors.
  11. Felt like stirring the pot? Obs got NWN & Kotor sequels because they where the only other game company that makes story driven rpgs. Honestly name another company that makes story driven RPGs beside Bio and Obs. That's not to say Obs wouldn't of got them had there been other companies, it's just Lucasart and Atari didn't have many choices. As to why they would accept, why wouldn't they? Most devs would love to get a start up with two successful franchises. As for NV, I think it was quite natural for Beth to look to Obs and a no brainer for Obs to accept. DS3 though, that was out of left field. People love to blame the Q&A teams for this, but I would bet my house on most devs knowing about the bugs before the game ships. In any case an easy explanation would be Obs trying to do too much, not saying enough is enough early enough.
  12. Nope, it's worldwide. Still wish Valve would release it's numbers, because if Valve really has 20 mil accounts, you would have to figure FO:NV would sell 500K+ on it.
  13. So is it a continuation, or just a remastering?
  14. I'll make this oh so quick. FO:NV > MOTB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Obs previous work. A damn fine game you made Obs.
  15. Just let Cass be killied. It was unfortunate she was vapourized, I didn't get to eat her, unlike Boone and Veronica. *funny noise Lecter makes.*
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