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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. So, I take it you've been to Russia? When your dropping population like Russia is, something has got to be wrong. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article...-16/433927.html http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globa...ulation-decline
  2. Right, DA2 suffered horrible encouter design.
  3. Unfortunately not. Giant swords doing swirls or mutant agents that can cloak themselves.
  4. Who plays as elves anyway? I still have nightmares about that orc near the town from G2.
  5. So bascially fantasy Alpha Protocol. Both average games, that could of been much more.
  6. I kind of used to, but the frenzy team Bashir whipped themselves into around DA2 release was downright... boring. Couldn't agree more with the 2nd part of your quote there. How was it any different? The only difference for DA:O was Monte pleasuring himself in tunnels.
  7. Deus Ex Human Revolution Freedom of Choice Trailer Just hope it's indicative of most of the game, just not 1 or 2 parts.
  8. Yep. Some parts were so bad I had to go to DX9 to proceed(High Dragon). Still Shiny>Stability.
  9. It crashes like mad on my quad core. Bio used Obs QA method.
  10. Rammstein - Ich Will, Moskau, Engel and Sonne.
  11. Homefront Exceeds 1 Million in Sales Not a Failure
  12. Would rather see HD remakes of Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3. But I enjoyed Code Veronica.
  13. Or to hear about the gay agenda of gay Gaider....
  14. Bethesda: 'people who say graphics dont matter are lying'
  15. I've haven't had any long loading times, but I'm only a few hours in.
  16. Well this is fun, I enjoy a game crashing every 20 minutes.
  17. But there is always Youtube. Besides the warden won't be mentioned in DA2. It's all about Hawke and that manly chin(regardless of gender.) Technology of DAII
  18. What a joke. I'm half surprised it's not DLC.
  19. Crysis 2 MP demo. Oh and the steam group tag, is very inviting.
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