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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. is it written somewhere (some sequel making code of honor or something) that sequels have to be exact copies but with different content? just chill. a lot more people didn't like the first DS, than did. so it's a welcome change. you've been heard, great, still doesn't mean your opinion is the only right one, why enforce it here? Where was this when Fallout 3 was coming out? Not saying it's wrong, just amused by the double standard.
  2. Hardly. That award will got to DNF or some other big named game that really failed to meet expectations.
  3. It was recieved poorly by a lot of fans, it's just that lot of fans that liked it too.
  4. Uhmmmm, Square Enix may be a well known publisher but you can't really suspect them of giving out bribe money. Their recent games aren't exactly known for scoring too high. Also, yes. There are journalists that have a personal feud against Obsidian as evidenced by a recent escapist article. I still don't see why one journalist having a rage about FO:NV bugs equals journalists having a feud with Obsidian. Or why you said it. He was making a point the any publisher can bribe and how stupid it is to say that journalists have an agenda against Obs and that's why they are giving them low scores. Either way, I apologise for assuming you were just having a fanboy cry about low scores.
  5. This, I spent more time creating My Player in 2k11 then I ever have in a RPG. Also look at FPS, their online components have customization now. Really what it is, is that many RPG devs are getting so enamoured with their writing and cinematic experience, that they see character creation as not being as important as the previously mentioned items and in some cases detrimental to them. And in some cases it's our fault, ask most RPG fans, what the most important thing is? They'll say writing, you'll also here immersion, then gameplay followed by graphics. Many won't mention character creation. So from a devs point of view, if many people don't mention it as much as other items, it can't be that important right?
  6. My mistake. Why bring it up then? I don't see another reason why you would bring it up, except to say this is why DS3 gets low score from some sites.
  7. One guy, that probably won't review another Obs game, and might have not done so before. You got no journalists, one guy. Really your just looking for a way disregard reviews you disagree with.
  8. Who bought Eidos........ So one journalist has a silly rage, (even then he's still entitled to his opinion, even if you don't like it) and now game journalists have some vendetta against Obs? A best it's one guy blowing of steam, at worst it's one with an axe to grind. No secret conspiracy to bring Obs down.
  9. EA CEO Joins Frontlash Against Hardware Necessity
  10. It's the most recent big mulit platform RPG. Many peoples memories only go that far. Witcher 2 says hi. The comparison is a fair one. Multi platform says hello.
  11. Thats a Yorkshireman for you. "TIZ BUT A SCRATCH, BACK TO TEH BAR!!!" And likey too drunk to realize they've been stabbed.
  12. Obama is still better then the Australians pick of Gillard or Abbot. Gillard are right wing Labour candidate that lies and backstabs twice as much as a normal politician. Abbot a nut of a Liberal, that believes women should save their virginity for marriage, and stay at home and iron.
  13. Or maybe for some bizzare reason they liked FFXIII. I know hard to understand, but possible. Ah another one, please wait patiently while a official from the NWO- I mean UN, comes to your home to silen-help you.
  14. It's the most recent big mulit platform RPG. Many peoples memories only go that far.
  15. I don't get how people that question game journalists integrity because they give a game they dislike a high score, or don't give a game they like a high score, can then turn around and link to reviews that give a game they like a good score as proof of quality. Now I'm going to get the but, Obs are a smaller company and less well known, so they can't 'bribe' these questionable journalists. To that I say SquareEnix is a massive publisher that can bribe journalist just as easy as Acti, Ubi, EA and Bethesda, I mean they did buy Eidos. Add to that the price to bribe a journalist isn't that high apparently..... What was one, put them up in a fancy hotel to play the game thery're reviewing.
  16. So no news.... I wonder if Obs will have another different publisher. They've had Atari, Bethesda, LA, Sega and Square so far. Who's next? Ubi? EA partners? Take2? Acti? Valve would be nice.....
  17. They said Skyrims lead platform was console.
  18. It's the same as in it's an RPG(character advancement/loot which all rpgs have to some degree), but it plays (ie combat, controls) completely different.
  19. I myself have never really been intersted in MMO, I've tried a few(Warhammer, Conan, Eve) but just didn't find them interesting. I think the main problem for me is that I have commitment issues. However I completely understand why devs are constantly trying their hand in the MMO market, it's a gold mine if the game hits the right strings, more then COD/AC could ever hope to be.
  20. Only one guy and you don't have control of her/his actions. A game with a party, for me, is something akin to BG/NWN2/DA with total control of the companions' advancement, equipment and actions in combat. No, there's 4 heroes in a party. And you do control their equipment and their advancement. But you only have one with you at a time, and you can't give them orders.Where as DA2 has the PC plus three other characters, that you can give individual orders to each. So no, DS3 plays nothing like DA2.
  21. She has a spell that surrounds her that constantly damages you, are you mistaking that for retribution? Retribution is a stat/ability the causes damage to the enemy whenever they hit/damage you.
  22. why can't it do both? Thankfully DX:HR will just ignore AP and concentrate on being a sequel to a great game. Honestly though, AP and DX have little in common. you'd be surprised Fortunately DX:HR level design and gameplay has noting in common with AP and a lot in common with DX.
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