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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Just finished the game. Good game, was surprised. Still don't like Geralt or Triss, but the support characters were good and the world seemed more interesting. Excellent graphics and the game ran smoothly for me. Combat was fun reminded me of Assassin's Creed. Later down the line will have to see how differently the game plays out with it's C&C. In the end though I would still like to see CD Projekt next game be something other than The Witcher, unfortunately I don't see this happening. What I do find surprising is the complete lack of crying about how this isn't an RPG. What's happening here?
  2. I'll appreciate 3D when I don't need glasses, or a nintendo handheld.
  3. Honestly, I don't think you'll need an uber rig for this. I'd bet your current one would play it fine.
  4. I wonder what they said about DA2 Nothing, because while you were always Hawke, it did have character customisation and class selection. I don't remember anything about it being said when AP came out either.
  5. Or he expects them to release a good game. While that is very doubtful, it also has to be good and the chances of that are even slimmer.
  6. Not being able to create a character seems to be a negative point in some reviews. Funny thing is, I can't remember a recent H&S game that has had this. Any reason why Obs went this route.
  7. Nope it's not. Yup, it is, for all the reasons I listed. Though you can continue to just say "nuh uh!" if you want. You and that sorophx person argue very similar lol. I was just coping your 'patently wrong' line. Which happens with every game and quite simply has little to no indication of the story. You see they are marketing speak and marketing speak always sounds 1 dimensional.
  8. You don't need to reach the end IMO, but you do need to see more then the prologue to make a judgement. However he stated it doesn't seem to be.
  9. Oh no, Obsidian is the new Bethesda! :> I must admit it is a rather amusing turn of events. It's hilarious. Watching the obs fans hold the line against the old school purists.
  10. C2B tried to say DS3 was technically better then FO3/NV. Also C2B, my problem with DS3 was character models and textures, not environment and lighting.
  11. Not for story, demos are there to showcase graphics and gameplay nothing more. Most games only start to get ineresting after the prologue, which is basically when DS3 demo finished. If the demo was to just show "graphics and gameplay nothing more" then the story elements wouldn't be in the demo....the fact they are proves you wrong. This is why I say RPG demos are a bad idea.
  12. Vegetation in NV (with mod) Vegetation in DSIII And technically half of the effects DSIII provides I'm missing from many other games. Characters in DS3 Characters in FO3 & NV
  13. Witcher 2. Have to say it's a vast improvement over the original.
  14. Not for story, demos are there to showcase graphics and gameplay nothing more. Most games only start to get ineresting after the prologue, which is basically when DS3 demo finished.
  15. oh come on on my machine DS3 looks better than any of those Must be my machine... No. You can argue the others but that is as bad as it gets. There is no arguing, the rest are technically better(Character models and textures). As for FO3 and New vegas, don't make me post pics.
  16. Stable/smooth engine. Nice lighting. Good art direction.
  17. what's with all the hate there? I found them to be very nice, good textures, good animation. what's your point of reference? Everything released after 2006. Witcher 1&2, DA 1&2, ME 1&2, Fallout 3&NV, Divinity 2, Risen, Gothic 4 etc. I didn't expect that quality, but I expected better then I saw.
  18. BS their art department is very good, and encounter/level design in most games reaches genius levels at times. Alpha Protocol says hello. Utter garbage.
  19. Both games had some good writing, some bad writing, some good quest design, some bad quest design, and a mediocre plot. See what I did there? Tried to get a rise out of people? FO:NV was better then FO3, that's not saying FO3 wasn't good, it was and I enjoyed it, but FO:NV was IMO an overall better experience.
  20. Snap. While the environments ok and the lighting is nice, the character models are NWN2 quality. Gameplay also seemed...... Old is the best way to put it, having said that it was sort of fun. Won't say anything about story and characters given a demo is not enough to make a fair judgement. Overall, I not sure I'll be getting this (50/50).
  21. Anyone notice in that gameplay footage of Rage, that those troops were taking an awful amount of shots to go down?
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