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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. I did the second mission (New Eden) I was given multiple choices on how to complete it. Spoilers: Notes on gameplay, the AI is average, nothing great, but nothing bad either. The action is focused on non scripted events(ie random, still there are some). Stealth doesn't seem to be a viable method, the AI can spot you from a mile away, even with their back turned to you. Perhaps the stealth field upgade will change that or using light armor but I can't say, but even then you would still have to deal with constantly respawning enemies. The save system will put people off, it only has auto saves every 3 minutes and when objectives are complete. Levels/hubs are big, well compared to most modern shooters. Health does not regenerate, and you do not have medkits(however there is a research called medkits which unlocks them), there is also a power that turns equipment into health. Ammo is perhaps too plentiful (which makes managing health too easy IMO), but that might change due to the choice of weapons(I chose bog standard assult rifle), I noticed a distinct difference from changing to medium armor from heavy. With heavy armor and mini gun I just stepped out and mowed everything down, with medium armor and assault rifle I had to be more careful (move behind cover, make use of leaning). Still haven't used melee yet, but it looks very standard to me. I like the way it handles hacking, you have several choices to start of with, Destroy, Hack, Control etc, then once you've chosen what your going to do your given multiple viruses to choose from(attack, scan, defence, overflow), to bring down the targets HP to 0, you also have HP during the hack and the target will attempt to bring yours down to 0 too. While hacking the world still goes on around you, so you can actually be shot/killed while hacking, so you have to be careful when you make attempts.
  2. Well that was different, I jumped of a ledge at the home base (temple), which triggered paranoia. Apparently triggering that causes you to shoot randomly, and I just so happened to randomly shot someone one in the head. The resulting chaos was fun.
  3. You have something called resuscitators(aka lives). Every time you reach zero hp one of thses kick in, once they are all gone you die. However each time your resuscitated their is a chance you'll have a permanent injury(aka loss of stats) another stat(karma) can reduce the frequency or injury. I believe that's to do with your sanity. Mental balance is the stat governing that. Strange, what set up did you use? I chose heavy armor with a mini gun, which made it incredibly easy. Personally, I'd have to play it more before I recommended it or advised against.
  4. Only played the game for about an hour(character creation & opening mission) but so far, I've really enjoyed it. This is going to be a little gem.
  5. And now the back up doesn't work. It installs the game, then tries to dl an update that automitcally suspends the dl. I hate AVG.
  6. Well I had a great start to E.Y.E, AVG froze the program because it believes the exe is a virus. To top it all off, it removed the exe.
  7. I've followed it since I first heard about it and just picked it up. Well give a opinion when it's finished dl, bloody steam 5 hours for a 4 gig game is a joke.
  8. Red Faction Series Abandoned After Disappointing Sales Damn I've always enjoyed the RF games.
  9. Sound like an article from someone that lost their girlfriend to a blonde women. Kate Beckinsale would of made an awesome femshep.
  10. It started off as an analysis of Tali's sweat, trying to figure out what it would smell and taste like
  11. I've never felt the VO was bad in Beth games, it was just that they didn't have enough VAs.
  12. Why do you think there is a lack of horror RPGs? And would you be interested in making one?
  13. Well, if they ever do a SCI-FI I hope they can use their own license. Obsidian have not worked with THQ. They should rectify this by collaborating on a WH40K rpg.
  14. I believe the term for them is wet. Can't say I've ever had a Lucid dream that I remember. The strangest dream I've ever had, was one where my friends and I were in a huge house running from some sort of spirit monster. What made it strange was in my dream was I gave up and let the spirit get me, when it did my vision went red and I felt like I was dead. Then spent the rest of the dream watching it get my friends, like some sort of spectator mode. I also have this regular one where I'm on a swing at the edge of a cliff, and you guessed it I fall off and down the cliff, waking up before I hit the rocks. I hate that dream, ruins a perfectly fine sleep.
  15. And yet it does not give me the desire to go to my local mall and gun down the shopers. Nor does it desensitize me from real life gore, I'm about 99% sure if I seen someone in real life explode into a pool of blood and guts, I would exit my entire stomach content.
  16. Australia is finally getting an R18+ classification.
  17. The only thing certain, he's an animal.
  18. That was a long time ago wasn't it? I mean the prequels hadn't even finished doing their damage.
  19. You don't get the girl. Really? I would imagine certain cybernetic enhancements would would make him extremely popular.
  20. I would say it puts any other marketing campaign I've seen, to shame.
  21. Quiet! Your making me doubt my decision.... But every RPG should go down the MoTB evil path. Not just the ending but the entire playthrough.
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