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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Why should you feel like a bastard? Everyone moves on to higher pay when they can. Unless of course you slept your way there, but then that makes you something else.
  2. Enjoying my BH play through from a gameplay prospective more then the Sith Warrior, however the SW story and companions were better. BH is also so much easier it's not funny, after the SW playthrough I chose biochem crafting to avoid spending so much on medpacks, only to find that as a BH you don't need them.
  3. Finally zombies back to RE. And RE2 was the best, by a long way.
  4. I really wish there was more diversity in quests, I know it's an MMO, but surely there could of been puzzle quests or if they are feeling generous quests like the trial on Manaan in Kotor during the storyline missions. I had that happen on Dromund Kaas several times.
  5. bioware swtor post-mortem its more innovative than an fps So bio complains about reviews now?
  6. Happy Birthday Raithe. Drink lots. Strange when I've seen that I've always thought I dodged a bullet. That's not to say I don't want kids and a family, I do, it's just I've got plenty of time for that. *Gets hit by a car tomorrow
  7. I don't know, this brings visions of that creepy ST TNG episode where everyone looks alike and behaves the same way. No thank you.
  8. Kill it with fire. Then nuke it.
  9. I hope Volition and Relic get bought. If the rumors are true. I still want Freespace and Homeworld 3.
  10. I had him wipe 4000hp in one hit. You got to use disruption/force choke/push etc, anything that stops his charge up attacks.
  11. Well I know one thing, if God is real and anything like the one in the bible, I'm going to hell.
  12. Anyone else finding it hard to stay at the recommended level without grinding? Done every mission but 2(not including flash/heroic) on Tatooine but I'm only halfway through level 27(started 25). Every world before this raised me from min requirement to above requirement for the next world. I'm hoping this isn't a sign of things to come.
  13. They are done slightly better than that, being used as a means to explore the lore and the current goings on (faction/class) in the TOR period. I did all of them in Korriban(I believe) apart from the group ones, and didn't feel like I was grinding(which was surprising). Hell I've even used conversation to avoid combat, something I did not expect to see. I don't get the point of getting lightside points as a sith however, unless there is some sort of switching of allegiances at some point.
  14. Got the game in the post yesterday, been enjoying it so far. Almost chose BH, but went with sith warrior. Only to realize the companion is Mission 2.0.
  15. Agreed, but breech of personal space doesn't have a $value. That and I didn't see the perpetrator/s, so no evidence or leads besides a shoe print on the door.
  16. Cracked and bought this a few days ago, damn my weakness.
  17. Yeah I asked a few of the neighbours if they seen anything, which they hadn't, police weren't that interested since nothing was stolen. Strangely when I was at the post office this afternoon the woman there was saying there had been a lot of brake ins around here, where nothing was stolen, but intruders assault/attack the residents for fun. Ended up buying an alarm, just one that monitored door movement, more than anything to ensure I'm not caught with my pants down.
  18. I'm assuming you mean bullworker? They're actually pretty good. Had a great start to the day, was in bed when someone kicked my front door in, got up and ran to the lounge only to find the door open, wood and part of the door lock on the ground but no one there. Don't really understand the thought process.
  19. What a joke. Deus Ex is enjoyable for it's game play, story and dialogue. AP is a tedious game with good dialogue. Also AP boss battles are worse then DX:HR. The reason DX:HR bosses are so heavily criticized(and rightfully so) is because the rest of the game is so much better. Looks like a **** game that only fanboys could enjoy. Funny coming from someone like you. Are you a child?
  20. What a joke. Deus Ex is enjoyable for it's game play, story and dialogue. AP is a tedious game with good dialogue. Also AP boss battles are worse then DX:HR. The reason DX:HR bosses are so heavily criticized(and rightfully so) is because the rest of the game is so much better.
  21. ? Where did I say it did? ME was and always be Sci-Fi lite. However the 'front window' isn't the reason for that.
  22. Merry Christmas people, don't get too drunk.
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