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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. 1.Liara 2.Tali 3.Miranda 4.Jack 5. Ash 6.Allers 7.Kaidan 8.Cortez 9. Garrus 10. Samantha Nep......
  2. That would be the stupidest thing to do. Not only is it the most hated, but it's the ending that makes the least sense, (space magic changed my DNA). Destroy or control will be the cannon endings. Hell with control they can bring the reapers back at anytime as antagonists. Assuming they don't just retcon the whole mess. And before someone chimes up about them not listening to the rants on their forums, give me another reason to why romances are so prevalent in their games. There where 10, count it, 10 unique romances in ME3. 6 for straight males (Miranda, Liara, Tali, Jack, Ashely, Allers) 2 for gay males (Kaiden, Cortez) 2 for straight females (Kaiden, Garrus) 3 for gay females (Liara, Allers Samantha) And yet there were posts about there still not being enough...... So perhaps the ranting coming from the bio boards will do some good for a change.
  3. http://me3finalhours.com/ Now for PC.
  4. Aliens and a Sci-Fi(perhaps original) setting, are 1000% more interesting to me than South Park and Dungeon Siege. Now could the two Sci-Fi games have turned out to be crap? Of course. But since DS3 had little interest to me and South Park is more like a amusing stroll, I would much rather of seen these two Sci-Fi games get a release. Or you know getting all of them.
  5. It all depends, if DA3 is DA2 all over again no. If it's DA:O again yes. If it's something new, then maybe.
  6. Why?????? Why is it always the Sci-Fi games.....
  7. http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/5695/article/mass-effect-3-writer-allegedly-slams-controversial-ending/
  8. Except the indoctrination theory is not a true ending. It's a cliff hanger that the next DLC/game content continues.
  9. Too smart for bioware. I mean I like this ending, parts of the game make more sense (ie the whole ending, but dream sequences too), but I feel it fit's too well. But another question has to be asked, if indoctrination was the ending, doesn't that mean bio failed in telling it's story? So many people missed it and it's only after video evidence, reruns and information collected from all three games, that more people are starting to believe it. Sure you could say it was an ending for fans of the series but it goes against bioware's mainstreaming of the game. Then you have the Normandy and stargazer ending scenes, and bioware basically apologizing for the ending it's just seems far more likely that bio screwed the ending. I sit in the camp of this would of been a great ending, but the reality is bio screwed up.
  10. Their number would be insignificant to Bio/EA. I mean they made it so you couldn't get the best ending without playing MP. So obviously non-online players aren't important. I'm not saying the Indoctrination theory is correct, just that non-online people have little value to EA, since they can't milk them with DLC. I'm a bit curious, what is considered the "best" ending? In my game, I picked the green ending. I've never touched the multiplayer. Pick I suspect it's more of a bone throw by bio to not commit to . But conspiracy theorist believe it's evidence of indoctrination.
  11. Their number would be insignificant to Bio/EA. I mean they made it so you couldn't get the best ending without playing MP. So obviously non-online players aren't important. I'm not saying the Indoctrination theory is correct, just that non-online people have little value to EA, since they can't milk them with DLC.
  12. Some people are going to be really disappointed.
  13. Dragon Age 3: Cataclysm The old god child will give Hawke/warden three choices at the end. 1. All Qunari & Mages die 2. Blood control of all Mages 3. Synthesis
  14. Volourn hijack your profile? Them's fighting words.
  15. Big publishers know there is a market there for niche games, they just don't think it worth their time/money/investment. Why would EA put millions of dollars into a new Wing Commander game when that money could go into making BF20192812 and sell 10 times as many copies? Kickstarter can prove them wrong, or it can prove them right. Double Fine and Wasteland aren't great examples due to the fact they are known by the 'hardcore' or the 'older' gamers. If unknown developers start getting funding for their turn based RPG/ adventure games, then publishers might take the niche market more seriously.
  16. The Krogan Solider is fun once leveled up. Run in and headbutt everything.
  17. Funny how this past week has made me look at gaming "journalists" in an entirely new light. It's like they are terrified of the concept of the gamers having a direct input in games, as seen here and in the response of several major outlets towards the fan furore over the ME3 endings. I'm wondering if they're afraid of losing their position or if whoever's footing the bills is driving this. Unfortunately gamers have always had an input into games development. It's why adventure games and space simulators(personal favorite) have basically gone the way of the dodo. It's why every year we get a new CoD yet we will never see another big budget Freespace/Wing commander/Myst. Kickstarter is an avenue for those that want niche games. It will never disrupt the balance of power. Even if projects start getting 5mil in funding that's still nothing to a EA or Activision. What it could do is show publishers that there is still a market for these games. However small, revenue is revenue.
  18. ME 1,2 & 3>BG 1&2 To me, it's better than ME2 in most ways apart from the ending. (Characters could be another one depending on taste) Some people have too much time on their hands.
  19. Shepard is . There can be Mass effect: The next generation, but no ME4.
  20. Easy way? They didn't even give it a proper ending. You keep harping on about a happy ending, but no one here has suggested that. What people want is a competently put together ending. And yes Volo it is the end of the ME trilogy. Just won't be the last game in the universe.
  21. Maybe Bethesda? Given the 1 point off metacritic aggregate bonus contract crap.
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