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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Same I can't believe I missed this. Bloody hell, not what I want to here........ Bloody M$.
  2. Valve is still pumping out quality. Besides ME3 was great except for the ending. The ending just happens to leave a sour final taste to the game.
  3. Basically what Hudson is saying: We wrapped up all the side stories nicely, but gave little attention to the main ending, because we want to sell more dlc/ME games.
  4. Javik is great to bring along just for his comments, some of the best in the game.
  5. Another thing that annoys me, there is no reaper win ending.
  6. So the hot thing on the bio forums, is Talk about giving bio too much credit, I also doubt they would like to deal with the ****storm that ending DLC would create.
  7. , have a problem with the horribly executed ending.
  8. The best ending still tastes like crap. Bio should of looked at how FO:NV did it's ending, that was an ending. Exactly
  9. Now.... wtf did I just see as an ending? Ending spoiler people don't read unless you've completed it or don't care. ................................................ Now people can use the 'it's about the journey not the destination', but when the destination is a place where all there is to eat is crap, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  10. Good that the PC only guys will get to play this. Especially if your a masochist.
  11. You can only upgrade them to V Yet there is an achievement for upgrading to X. MP only perhaps?
  12. Really bioware? You say you reduce the number of squad members, so you can focus on the 6 you get in ME3. But then you give the ME2 and ME3 squad mates similar levels of content............ Then you give us three new characters that aren't squad mates but with enough content to be, there real purpose, characters players can have sexy time with.So instead of having Mordin, Grunt, Zaeed or Miranda we get, Dianna Allers, Samantha Traynor and Steve Cortez. Characters that add nothing to the story, but hey at least we can romance the hell out of them............... But perhaps it's a good thing, I really don't want to see the you tube vids of Grunt and Shep in the shower.
  13. I thought that was the trailer for Homefront 2.
  14. http://au.ign.com/articles/2012/03/02/report-valve-developing-steam-box-console
  15. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-02-29-revealed-games-memo-to-staff-on-mass-effect-3-cancellation Game will not be stocking Mass Effect 3 at any of its stores. Looks like it doesn't include Game Aus, given they are still pimping it.
  16. Oh for..... Computer says no.
  17. http://www.gamersgate.com/DDB-DBAMC/dungeons-and-dragons-anthology-the-master-collection For anyone that doesn't have BG 1&2 + expansions, PST, IWD 1&2, PST and ToEE. All for $7.
  18. I rather liked it, mind you I got it for half price and after it had been patched.
  19. Arma 3 screenshots. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/02/23/arma-3-community-alpha/
  20. My bad, had the comp on mute and didn't hear the guy talking. Just assumed it was a new weapon/upgrade.
  21. Don't know what to make of that, on the one hand I hated the mini game to the point of cheating to avoid it, on the other that sort of reminds me of what my dream ST game would have, exploring unknown worlds/system recovering technologies/ getting attacked be enemies etc. I'll put it this way, having the scanning of planets just for retrieving minerals bad, having it involve random encounters, lore finds, armor/weapons/items and missions good. Having said all that, it doesn't make sense to have either of them in ME3 given the plot. Why would Shep go around scanning system while Earth has the reapers over for dinner?
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