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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Why? AP strength, it's C&C is not copyrighted. Obs could do the same thing with any IP.
  2. And irrelevant, any anger over ME3 won't be felt until DA3.
  3. Well that's just crap... Almost all news coming from Obsidian lately is bad.
  4. Yet, it was the thing that was most complained about right after the recycled areas. (Ok, maybe not right after, there might have been a pretty large gap there, but it was still definitely the second most-whined-about thing) Still doesn't change the fact of it's irrelevance to me. Another case of the bio boards focusing on the little things.
  5. One game I won't be picking up. Never really enjoyed these type of games.
  6. Most recent ones I tried where The Last Remnant and Star ocean, couldn't get into either of them. I just can't get past the protagonists anymore (he/shes with emo tendencies). I wonder if we'll see any JRPG try a customizable PC like in WRPG. IMO both could use some of each others ideas on RPGs.
  7. You know, I can think of more important things that needed changes than, companion armor...
  8. Might start playing again, stopped for a month.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpeRk1YFn8s&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crgEIhI3y_o&feature=youtu.be
  10. http://kotaku.com/5900248/david-gaider-ken-levine-and-chris-avellone-discuss-what-matters-most-in-games-the-words-or-the-world Interesting read. Avellone gets it.
  11. How is EA worse than half of those other companies? People take gaming way too seriously.
  12. The Resident Evil movies are popcorn fun, well 1,2 &4. 3 was just, well..... Mind you I'm a zombie nut.
  13. http://masseffect.bioware.com/community/comm_center Bizarre no?
  14. I love how bio changing the ending based on feedback is losing artistic integrity. But them changing characters to hit all demographics based on feedback is not.
  15. Right so now people believe posts from 4chan...... Anyway here is the supposed leak:
  16. Exactly my thoughts. Terrible decision making and resource management.
  17. See I'm in two camps. 1. I thinks it's a good thing to listen to fans. 2. It's not a good thing to listen to fans. See fans can be the best and the worst people to listen to. And sometimes they don't even know what they want. Lets take ME3 for example: A large portion of the fans want bio to change the ending, but how it's changed is a divided opinion. Some just want the entire ending reworked, some want it to be indoctrination, others want it to be a dream, another group just wants slide shows to show want happened to the ME characters and worlds. Then you have an entire different group that liked the endings, another that doesn't want bio to change the ending due to artistic integrity(something bio was previously willing to forgo in order to hit all demographics). So who should developers listen to? The majority? The minority? The 'fanboys'? The naysayers? They all have logical arguments for their viewpoint(most of the time). In the end the key to a good developer(IMO) is one the knows when to listen(other devs/fans etc) and when to ignore and finally when to just push on(recognize the right time to do so).
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