See I'm in two camps.
1. I thinks it's a good thing to listen to fans.
2. It's not a good thing to listen to fans.
See fans can be the best and the worst people to listen to. And sometimes they don't even know what they want.
Lets take ME3 for example:
A large portion of the fans want bio to change the ending, but how it's changed is a divided opinion. Some just want the entire ending reworked, some want it to be indoctrination, others want it to be a dream, another group just wants slide shows to show want happened to the ME characters and worlds. Then you have an entire different group that liked the endings, another that doesn't want bio to change the ending due to artistic integrity(something bio was previously willing to forgo in order to hit all demographics).
So who should developers listen to? The majority? The minority? The 'fanboys'? The naysayers? They all have logical arguments for their viewpoint(most of the time). In the end the key to a good developer(IMO) is one the knows when to listen(other devs/fans etc) and when to ignore and finally when to just push on(recognize the right time to do so).