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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Does the CE count as that? If so, I'm immoral.
  2. Sound plan with one problem, I don't believe they ever released a bundle edition of ME2, unless you count the PS3 version.
  3. It wasn't bad, might be alright in the full game. Still don't think there was a need for it however.
  4. I rarely see anything else when facing republic, perhaps the occasional scoundrel but never any knights.
  5. http://au.pc.ign.com.../1218981p1.html Will be interested to see what CD Projekt can do with their own IP.
  6. Oh what I would do for a modern day X-wing/Tie fighter. If bio had of shipped the old republic, or planned to release an expansion that corrected the error of not doing so, I would subscribe for life.
  7. I'm the same. But I feel supporting characters (companions/NPCs/villain) are the most important writing aspects of an RPG.
  8. The people there wish to remain under British rule. Nothing else to discuss, Argentina can go cry in the corner.
  9. And the gunplay, stealth, cover system, graphics, animation and sound. AP had better characters though.
  10. PST and Icewind Dale are pipe dreams, due to rights and such. And even if they weren't, they would be 4th edition games, Hasbro would allow anything else. Arcanum 2 is more likely, but would the project be worth it to Obs? I doubt it. Creating a new IP give Obs complete control, and has the possibility to get funding from a publisher to create a AAA sequel.
  11. So the creation kits been out a few days, and apparently due to the 'new engine' it doesn't work as well. Anything wrong causes the game to crash even if the error isn't being used. If Beth has hobbled Skyrim modablility, that's a disappointment.
  12. Surprised to see Morinth on the cast list, I did not imagine she would make it to ME3. Wonder if it's going to be a bad consequence. Hope it is as well as choosing Samara for a renegade shep, not enough no win situation in bio choices. As to who will be companions, I will be surprised to see any ME2 companion that isn't Garrus and Tali. Stuck with them, Virmire survivor, Liara and Prince jr. They aren't even bringing back Mordin's VA.
  13. Yeah, I found it a bit of a shock if I'm honest. There's a 2GB limit for Xbox demos, hopefully that's why. Hopefully, still not a great way to promote your product. Can't imagine devs being pleased with reducing graphical quality for demos.
  14. Selfishness doesn't have an age limit. Staying up a bit later than I should due to the fact I've ate something that hasn't agreed with me. Work will be fun tomorrow.
  15. Anyone else find the graphics, poor compared to ME2? Maybe it was just the demo but the textures seem low-res.
  16. Demo was a black screen, I thought the entire intro was just voices until I realized the intro had finished. Got it working by turning off post-processing, only to have it crash, loaded it back up only to have it cause my computer to restart after another 5 minutes. I'm hoping after a few months, the dev or amd/ati will have released patches to fix the problem.
  17. I sound like a broken record, but an horror RPG sounds the most interesting to me. Whether it be zombies/psychological/vamps/werewolves/demons/satan/ghosts/murderous little ponies, all sounds good to me. Most of all would love to see an RPG knock off of the thing, have 8 companions throught the game and every new game a different companions are the thing knock off. There's a reason many horror/Sci-fi shows has a thing copy episode. Sure not original but enjoyable to me.
  18. http://en.wikipedia..../Origin_Systems http://en.wikipedia....estwood_Studios http://en.wikipedia....andemic_Studios http://en.wikipedia....rog_Productions Some people do not forgive or forget. Don't see anything in the future that would cause dislike. On topic will wait a few months and get this cheap, not worth taking the risk of it not working. Shame doesn't sound half bad.
  19. http://www.vgchartz.com/article/88697/steam-sales-more-than-double-in-2011/ Steam is it's own platform now. Yeah old article, just didn't think Steams install base was that high.
  20. Almost finished my BH playthrough, found away past the same side missions, to spam PvP. Levels you up quicker and you don't have to do the same>Kill 50/destroy 5 barrels. Once I've seen the Commando/Jedi story, I think I'll unsub. I just don't see a point in continuing after seeing the story. PvP or raiding continuously for phat loot has never been apealing to me.
  21. If they do a kickstart project, my money is pretty much guaranteed, how much they get depends on what they would announce.
  22. Personally I would like to see something done in the horror genre, you don't really see it in RPGs and it's something unusual. Also character driven as opposed to story driven. 2d/3d/turnbased/isometric/3rd person/FPRPG, doesn't matter to me, I enjoy them all.
  23. Spoiler tags Morgoth. Even if it's not a massive spoiler.
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