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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. It will only happen if there was money in it. Like that diamond world.
  2. Nexus 2. Don't think they'll make the amount wanted.
  3. I kind of feel that they are there either for DLC or a TES VI.
  4. Even if that was the case(which it's not), how is that bad? Or is my sarcasm detector off? Mediocre? I found them to be great fun, especially 2 and Chaos Rising. The only thing they lacked was a complete turn to Chaos. /OT Most of the news coming from this sounds interesting to me, I've gone from being skeptical to being interested.
  5. FO:NV and its DLC. Tried to play SOTS2 but it's still to messy to play, however if they can get it patched up right, it will be an awesome 4x game.
  6. I'll reserve judgement until we see more info. South Park, RPG and Obsidian in the same sentence.....
  7. I just don't get it. The lore and setting of Skyrim is interesting, but the 'story' is just so bland again. Character have glimpses of being interesting, but just aren't given enough time, they just don't care about these parts of an RPG. Still I'm enjoying my play through with a werewolf PC, even if the roar is over powered.
  8. I still wish Obs had hosted the NV forums. It would of been fun times.
  9. My wallet is quivering in fear at that list.
  10. So who's the one that's going to hate it on these forums?
  11. Spent half the day figuring out what the hell happened to my gaming computer. Long story short the mobo died, and for some arsetastic reason so did both my 3d cards. I suspect a surge. Or you know, gremlins.
  12. I don't know about England, but in Aus there is a critical shortage of tradies(builders, plumbers, electricians etc) a great way to counter this is to eliminate yrs 11 and 12 and make them apprenticeship years for those that are interested. While leaving it for those that want to go on to higher education. There are few jobs that are always needed, tradies are one. Also higher education should be free, rather than it being for just those that can afford it(This would also alleviate doctor shortages, again an aussie problem). Great way to make things worse. Those that commited crimes should get the appropriate sentences.
  13. Acti would not want to have their own two games competing with each other.
  14. So wait, not only are the gangs coordinated but working together? Can't even count on turf rivalries these days.
  15. Unfortunately, I could see this happening a lot more and in other countries. This has less to do with the shooting and more to do with the lower classes becoming disatisfied with the situation they are in. When the gap gets so large and it starts to become impossible for the low income to survive or improve their lives, this happens. If they have no hope of a future, why should they care about it? Of course there is a lot of criminals running about, but I highly doubt they all are.
  16. If done well it could add to the authenticity to a game. Also wouldn't mind a Geisha trying to sell me something.
  17. Graphics wise absolutely, however the physics were pretty good.
  18. My bad. I seen Euclideon, but it just didn't click. So hypertheticly speaking it could be possible on current high end PCs. Also nice destruction physics.
  19. Brissy Company Creates Astonishing New Graphics Tech I have doubt about it's true uses, but interesting.
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