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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Great read and as Scythe said it's good to read his thoughts on voiced protagonist, which I agree with.
  2. Evochron Mercenary, an indie space combat/trader game.
  3. Sad part about that is what Tales said, the uber lyrium spoilt that. That said however, all of act 3 in DA2 left a bad taste in my mouth.
  4. The Path is a strange one, it's an arty indie game. Also game me some genuinely creepy vibes.
  5. No, they make them better. *Prepares flame shield.
  6. It's a British film set in a European city with two Irish actors. Brit = European, fighting words.
  7. From the pics, I don't see that, the cars are modern.
  8. Well then, guess I'll give it a miss. Shame because the Gothic francishe was a good one. Thanks for the input.
  9. Worth buying at it's price?
  10. What exactly is the difference of features between both engines? I imagine depending on what the developers intend to do, they would be capable to making games look very different from they currently look like. Given what I've seen of Onyx(Aliens and DS3) it just can't match the graphical quality that Red Engine can. It's like trying to say Eclipse(Dragon Age) can match the quality of Unreal 3(Mass Effect). Remember this has nothing to do with art style.
  11. While I have nothing against Onyx engine(I thinks it's quite good), I would take Red Engine any day of the week. I really hope CD projeckt license it to other devs.
  12. If there's same-sex and/or furry/scaly marriage, BioWare just got owned. I doubt we'll be able to have a threesome with a bisexual pirate and a Spanish elf. BioWare has nothing to worry about. That's nothing compared to what's out there on the Oblivion/FO3 modding scene, or if you can read Japanese.
  13. I know it's already known about on this forum but, Dead State deserves mentioning. Screenshots
  14. Pfft, I know that's you Gabe, from your Estonian fortress, where you plot to conquer the world.
  15. Same, forgot about this little gem. I almost bought the complete edition thinking I could gift the extra copy, but apparently you don't get an extra copy of KA. Kinda off if you ask me.
  16. Which you are seriously guilty off. Let's translate here: Waaa game I liked didn't get good score, waaa game I didn't like got a good score. And again your holding your opinion as the only option.
  17. So stealth/hacker path, that was always the most fun anyway.
  18. As long as you don't love aussie TV.
  19. X3-Terran Conflict, with a bunch of scripts and mods installed. (Pirate Guild, Yaki Armada, NPC bailing, MBR, STO, DDTC) Playing as a pirate, good fun raiding Paranid ships. Unfortunately I just lost my home base(Ryu TL) and it's six escorts to a Paranid raid, which equals about 80mil in credits lost. Bloody Paranid, but at least I escaped.
  20. What's so bad about it? They should think of it as easy money. This will bring a bunch of 'noobs' with nice ships and cargo with no idea what they are doing.
  21. But DS3 is? You just described every fantasy RPG ever made. But if we have to look at character systems alone, it really is no contest when it comes to 'depth'.
  22. That the smaller/independent ones are easier to bribe?
  23. What? I don't even.... That is a buy just to see how it works.
  24. It was recieved poorly by a lot of fans, it's just that lot of fans that liked it too. You mean, all 112 of them? A hundred people with big mouth appear to have the weight of a million, huh? Don't worry, Bioware won't get back to DA:O. DA2 was way better so they should build on that for DA3. Good joke.
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