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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. So this mean no PC. right? Otherwise it would of said multi-platform next-gen game.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means it sold 5 mil to retailers, yes? Sold-through means copies bought by customers. So assuming I'm correct, does that mean THQ statement was towards sold-in not sold-through?
  3. Dead State added two pledge tiers: $85 The Save One for Yourself Tier (USB shaped like a bullet with the game loaded on it) $250 The Splendid Box Deluxe Edition
  4. Given most AAA games struggle to hit 2M....... I don't think any of THQ's games have sold that, besides Saints Row. Not exactly what you would want to hear.
  5. Look like it will hit it's target, plus get a bit extra.
  6. Looks at the pic after this post.... I'm convinced Wals is the best reverse psychologist on this board. Of course it's awesome, Ukrainian's are a great model.
  7. Yep. More of a comment on how CDP handles nudity/sex. Honestly a fade to black looks better. Graphics/animation aren't at a level where it doesn't look odd. Resources better spent elsewhere. Good news about customizable protagonist.
  8. Have no experience with the setting, but it being cyberpunk is enough to have me sold. Now if they can just stay away from set protagonists and boobie cards.
  9. http://www.kotaku.com.au/2012/05/video-game-car-crashes-have-never-looked-this-good/
  10. All states/countries/superpowers support, what supports their interests.
  11. So Nico was tough-ass? Not a single GTA PC has been that. I'm glad someone finally made a martial art/open world sandbox game this gen. Nothing beats playing as a Bruce Lee wannabe.
  12. In that case it's been screwed for a long time. There has not and will never be a business company that's in it for the betterment of mankind. Sure some companies have done and will do just that, but it's just a byproduct of greed.
  13. http://au.ign.com/articles/2012/05/26/the-big-role-playing-games-of-2012 What a horrible list.
  14. Disciples II gold is currently free from Green Man Gaming
  15. It's a pity that the worst character in the entire game, is the one you play throughout it. Got to say though, I'm intrigued by CDP's new IP.
  16. I've had a nexus for about a month now, can't say anything bad about it, runs well, is compatible with most apps(haven't found one that isn't, but there is bound to be) and a great display. I'd recommend it, if you can't/ don't want to wait for the Galaxy SIII. There is also the Note if you really want a big screen, however it's too big in my opinion.
  17. Not enough martial art games that aren't just fighting games. I will have to order this from overseas, since it will be either RC or watered down in Aus.
  18. I don't know what to think about that, if we look at the games made with that engine, they are mostly iOS/android and web browser games.
  19. I'm guessing, I thought you were a zombie defense doesn't work. Watched the youtube videos of it, the zombie animation really annoy me, the one shot anywhere kill mechanic annoys me, the fact you can't bait zombies to attack another player is annoying, yet the thought of offing a player while they are reading a map is strangely alluring. Unfortunately I only have Arma 2, might give this a try if arrowhead comes on sale.
  20. With the news coming from bioware forums about DA3, I don't care.
  21. Is it good? I've been looking at it and trying to decide whether I should buy it or not. I've really enjoyed it so far, but it depends on what you want. The strategy/ship battles part is very limited, same camera angles and same animation. With cards that can add bonuses during the phases. The diplomacy could also use some work. More in depth look here. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/59536-what-are-you-playing-now/page__st__477 As an alpha it's in a more stable state then many games gold, but I feel it's missing some features that gold will get. If your a 4X nut like me, you should enjoy it in it's current state, if not hold off till it's gold.
  22. Continuing playing the Alpha of Endless Space, easily the best 4x space game since Galactic Civ. The game plays like a traditional 4x space game, each star represents a system(which can have up to 6 planets/asteroids), multiple types of planets(Arid/Volcanic/Tundra/Jungle/Desert/Terran/Gas Giants/Ocean/Desert/Barren), planets can have anomalies from ancient cites to psychotropic atmosphere. Planets can also have resources, some of which are required for advanced tech, and finally they can have moons, which can add bonuses to the system. Unlike other 4X games, you don't build facilities on each planet, rather you select what the planet specializes in(production/food/money/research) and build system improvements. The tech tree is fairly large with 4 different trees(War/exploration/industry/economy). The ship design is cosmetically limited, you just pick a hull type, then deck it out with weapon systems(missile/kinetic/laser), defense(Shields/deflector/missile defence) and finally support systems(engines/armor/power etc). Diplomacy seems pretty standard, honestly haven't explored this part too much. Then there is the Heroes, these guys can either be admirals or governors, as they level up you choose traits that increase their attributes or perks that add different bonuses. The combat system plays differently then what you expect. Rather then being strategy, it plays out as three phases; Long range(missiles), Medium(lasers) and finally close range(kinetic). Before each phase you have a chance to play a card, which can increase defense/offense/repair etc, and the AI plays one to. I believe it plays as a rock/papers scissors, but I'm not a 100% sure. Generally from what I've seen, the player with the biggest guns wins. The view itself reminds me of watching a Battlestar Galactica episode with cinematic presentation of the battle. I like it, but the angles get repetitive quickly and you can't take control of the camera. Graphically, this games is very good, I'll post some screens in the photo thread for you to see. The UI is very easy to navigate and lays out the important information pretty well. The game itself is still in the alpha phase, but it seems pretty stable, I've yet to had a crash. But there is still some things missing that cause annoyance for me. No starbases of system defenses so you have to keep your fleets stationed in your systems. No carriers, which for me is a disappointment. The AI could use some work, they invaded one of my systems while they were outnumbered and technically inferior, they also seemed to be a bit slow to expand. All things said, this game is very good already, if they improve on the game towards full release, it will be the best 4X since MOO.
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