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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. I loved that little ghost. It's observations of the other NPCs and their general disapproval of it made it that much better.
  2. I don't think you're understanding (or you're completely ignoring) the points I've made in this thread. It's not necessarily about *no* evil or *no* good choices, period. It's about choices that aren't clearly marked as being more evil or good than other choices. In my idea, you can still play the bad guy. But instead of it being easy for you to decide which option to take, you'd have to think harder about the choice because of the potential consequences down the road. For example, most games have a "good" choice and a "bad" choice, so you'd just have to click on the bad one to make sure your evil character continues his reign of doom. Like in KOTOR, if you were trying for an uber-bad Dark Side character, the game made it easy for you to raise your DS points by virtue of the options available to you, both in quests and in dialogue. There could still be good and evil, and you can still make a super good or a super bad character. But the options shouldn't be so blatantly obvious that it takes one second to click on your choice. What you described isn't grey choices though. It's well written choices, which I think everyone wants. A grey choice, is where there is no moral choice, it's just a choice. Be it based on faction or like/dislike, neither evil nor good. It's also there because you can only be the hero, so it makes no sense to have alternatives to that. I don't want to see everything like this.
  3. I agree, lets also have a fat plumber with a beard. Followed by a flying fox, a women in a full metal suit and finally ending with a yellow animal that zaps the PC.
  4. You know, as I mentioned before I'm not really fond of *paths*. Path's are still linear in their own sense, even if there are multiple of them. I have nothing against them if it's multiple smaller ones that are still well done (and overlap to each other so you can mix things up). Two big paths that are vastly different take too much time and resources, and due to the big differences its even more impossible to account for everything. I understand where you are coming from, but I like be given multiple scenarios, with different outcomes. I'm not talking about TW2 Roche/elf level. Closer to NWN2 thieves and guards choice. I also just don't want to be forced to be the hero. So I normally just repeat myself about multiple paths, in order to avoid that happening. MoTB was one however, that had just one singular path, but your choice defined what that path was, if they did that again, I would be very very happy. Same, I want to tell the story. If you get my meaning. Rather than just being told the story.
  5. Did you mean that there shouldn't be morals in the PE world? Listen having everything justifiable gets old fast, and is a stupid as I'm going to destroy the world because daddy didn't love me. Somethings aren't justifiable and I want to see these choices implemented in PE. No. The witcher made you be the hero(which it had too, the character is a hero). This is something I really don't want to see PE.
  6. Obviously choice is important, I would like to have different paths to chose from in the story. Rather than it being just a singular path. As for consequences in sequels, I've yet to see this done well. So I will remain cautious in any expectation.
  7. Excellent, now to get the adventures guild and I can have a party of Ciphers.
  8. Exactly, however people seem to struggle with this concept of choice.
  9. I hope that there are no cosmic entities in existence to hear your wishes, or to agree to grant them, for your wishes are a travesty against all of mankind. Aside from you. What can I say, I like my games well done.
  10. Really got to find time to give this a try, it's installed and waiting just haven't found the time or interest to start it up.
  11. Perspective has nothing to do with RPG. Games don't become less of an RPG just because they aren't isometric, turn-based or rtwp. Has nothing to do with what I said. I didn't mention third person camera. I mentioned third person shooter. Which is again irrelevant, a third person shooter can be an RPG, just like an FPS. Absolutely, but being a TPS doesn't mean you can't have level progression.
  12. Oh look another one that's imagination on what is evil is poor. Normally people that just want grey choice, are ones that just want to play heroes. Sorry but I find playing an hero boring, especially when that is all you can be. Everything grey is worse than everything evil and everything good. Far better to have good, evil and everything in between. In the end it comes down to this, I want to be the villain of the story.
  13. Perspective has nothing to do with RPG. Games don't become less of an RPG just because they aren't isometric, turn-based or rtwp.
  14. I very much agree with this. However I would like to see "Me want, me take!" type dialogue for a low IT character.
  15. Am I the only one that loved it when Minsk went insane and tried to kill the PC due to low reputation? Sure it hobbled my party, but it's a consequence. Consequences are things we like to see in RPGs.
  16. (%*$!#(#($*%!!! :banghead: :banghead: :ban: Considering it's those features that are having a detrimental effect on the entire genre. I'm going to have to vehemently disagree. There is absolutely no need for a dev to come up with the idea of having a voiced PC if they are making an RPG. It's benefits are minimal and it's negatives are high.
  17. This is an excellent addition. Sure I won't use it first time through, but in future runs, when I've seen all the companions content, I'll be making the entire party. All mage party here I come.
  18. I have never actually played a Paladin or Bard in any game. So my vote is no.
  19. While we all know that to be accepted as an rpg, the game must feature simulated dice-rolling. Amiright? The sarcasm is strong in this one.
  20. No. No voiced PC, no timed dialogue(which did work well for AP) and no cinematic cut scenes that force your character to stand idly by while something important happens.
  21. One of Many, Is my favorite, funnily enough my second is Okku. A really good example of Obs implementing good C&C.
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