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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Devotions in version < 1.1 is a PL-4 spell, not PL 7. That's char lvl 7 as a single class and char level 10 on a multiclass character.
  2. Those are both passives - how can they be Full Attacks? Do you mean if the dmg bonus still applies for the first hit only or if that got changed (maybe into a small time window)?
  3. I added the latest requests to the build list. Please report if something's not right or missing. Due to patch 1.1 some builds might need some refurbishment...
  4. And now you know why I don't post builds before the first few patches hit the game. A good amount of the builds in the list are screwed now (immortal x, endless y and so on). If PoE showed anything then that game breakers and severe balance issues will get nerfed. The trick is to find stuff that's powerful enough to be great but not game breaking so that it can fly under the nerf-radar.
  5. Most of the stuff they nerfed was in dire need of a nerf. Devotions made bringing a priest almost mandatory and stuff like chain-proccing Swift Flurry, Mercy and Kindness and so on don't need to be discussed, they were just awfully bad for the game balance or simply broke the mechanics. Concerning ACC nerf vs. difficulty buff: Where's the difference anyway? Lowering ACC or raising defenses on enemies is basically the same thing - only in the first case you can do it with one adjustment and have an effect while with the second you have to make hundreds over all difficulty settings (since the game's too easy on all settings). I'd say that's efficient, not lazy. And also nobody said they won't do (or plan to do) both: nerfing and adjustments of difficulty settings (on enemies/encounters). Some nerfs were def. uncalled for though.
  6. WotEP is not "useless". The double hit was obviously a bug. The AoE capability and especially the further enchantments are still top notch. Find another weapon that does AoE with every hit without drawbacks that gives you a 100% Riposte chance on miss (for example).
  7. Wounding Shot had the description "20% of weapon base damage" before the patch. Base damage is the damage range of the plain, unenchanted weapon without dmg bonuses. For examole: fists have 5-8 base damage (6.5 average). If Wounding Shot does 20% raw that means 1.3. If the tooltip now says weapon damage (without the "base") again there might have been a rebuff.
  8. Well, the idea is to produce 8x4=32 hits on the targets that suffer from Combusting Wounds in order to get 32 instances of CW's burn DoT going. Since CW is an AoE you don't want to pump all the pellets into one enemy (which would be overkill in most cases). Now also use Driving Flight for even more hits (best case 64). Can't see how to do that with an arquebus. The bow of Frosty the Snowman might work well, too (with all those hits it produces). I'm still waiting for an AI scripting option that lets you switch weapons. It's just too tedious to do it manually.
  9. I just realized that there won't be that many corpses in the Temple of Eothas.
  10. Swift Flurry procs can proc Swift Flurry again - and so on. There's a certain point where you can trigger a chain reaction that one-shots groups (if you can generate multiple hits per attack). For single target attacks Lightning Strikes is better (30% lash is multiplicative with base damage and damage bonuses).
  11. Sure, but that's a glitch. And there's no merit in using glitches. In PoE you could cancel recovery and reload completely when switching at the right time. Even worked with melee weapons and spells. Never used that as well.
  12. Geomancer, Combusting Wounds + 8 Blunderbusses (Quick Switch + Arms Bearer + the Leather Armor that gives you +1 Weapon Set). Driving Flight + Missiles... It's good, but a ton of micro.
  13. Buff ACC, then apply CC, only then start to deal damage. For example: Inspiring Radiance + Blessing, try to time Chillfog so that it goes off right after, then start dealing damage. Concentrate on the most dangerous enemy first, then the next and so on. That early in the game (where PotD is toughest) official companions are easier than hired adventurers because they are one level above them. Kana's White Worms can be very good if you use choke points and lure enemies there so they form a pile of corpses over time (great in Raedric's Castle and Temple of Eothas). Corpses can be reused and don't disappear unless you reload. Turn off the gib option: enemies that explode don't leave corpses.
  14. additem px1_rod_golden_gaze 1
  15. Funny... unlike in PoE, enemies stick to my Engagement-Edér like flies to Cpt. Poopyshoe in Deadfire now. I didn't max his defenses but went for good offense (for a weapon & shield setup) and just increased engagement slots with stance, shield & Hold the Line. Several Unbroken builds I tested were even stickier. Maybe you tanks' damage per hit is just too whimpy so it's no threat to disengage? I don't even know if enemies' AI does take thin into account though. Edit: when gunners are involved and you don't come out of stealth I have the same problem - but only if my watcher is a squishy. If you present a considerably weaker squishy and/or if you are a big threat (caster) then ranged enemies will try to kill you asap.
  16. This is extremely annoying when you want to attack out of stealth with any DoT (Deep Wounds passive, Arterial Strike, Battle Axes and so on) and then want to vanish using Smoke Veil - you'll become visible again immediately and get knocked out.
  17. I suspect that Swift Flurry works with explosives. So Ranger/Monk could be a thing. I know for sure that Assassinate works with explosives. So an Assassin is also a nice option. The beacon of paladins that does +40% damage on enemies around you might be cool with a bomb drop to your feet as well.
  18. Reload and Recovery also get a 85% speed bonus from stealth. As long a stealth isn't lifted your reloading/recovery phase will tick down really fast. It's noticable when you attack from far away since then there is some timespan between shot and hit (which lifts stealth I guess) where fast recovery/reload happens.
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