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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Please report Battle Forged in the bug section. It has been reported several times now but neither did we get an answer whether it's really bugged or not - nor did it get fixed.
  2. Well, if you'd place 6 cre_dummies around you and they'd get one-shotted from one attack you would know.
  3. @Stephen Unsworth-Mitchell: may I politely ask you to not use white text? I know you mean well and it's cool when I read your posts on the PC, but I'm using the forums a lot on my mobile because I travel a lot - and there the background is actually... white. Hehe.
  4. It's Path of the Damned. Remember the bear cave... That was Path of the Mauled by the way.
  5. Right. There are several things that were totally uncalled for. I blame it on the fact that certain designers only read SA or Tumblr or Twitter contributions instead of follwing this forum. But it's also true that: A lot of people don't seem to be able to differentiate. Like... at all.
  6. I wuld like if there was an ability that lets you dodge (using your reflex) instead of deflect/parry. At least against certain attacks. But unfortunately this opens way too many possibilites for game breaking mechanics and it makes the game mechanics much more complicated.
  7. Something has to be left over for PoE3, right?
  8. I strongly believe that the nerfs don't have anything to do with the whole club-or-sword thing. All the good weapons got a nerf because - let's face it - they were just too good. If you find an item and it just makes all the creativity/ideas/efford you put into your character pointless then it's too good. And the Kapana Taga was too good in my opinion. Now it's still a great weapon, but doesn't feel like "oh sure, the BIB fanbois got the awesomest weapon because they licked boots" anymore. The actual change from sword to club was done decently I think.
  9. The only way to make shields effective is to give shields and weapons delfection stats and remove the deflection stat from characters themselves. I like that idea. But you would have to alter the way armor and more offensive setups work to compensate.
  10. I have to agree: in my first playthrough I totally got lost because of too many sidequests paired with the open world approach. I tend to lose motivation (to do all the content) if a game is like that. There is a feeling like "who cares what I'm doing anyway?".
  11. For me there's no point besides the loot. If there wasn't loot I would skip the whole ship stuff entirely (I mean besides using it to sail around of course).
  12. Josh once explained how he likes to overnerf things and then reiiterate over the whole thing with smaller re-buffs in order to find the perfect point of balance. I can't say that I agree with that approach but because of that I think there will be a lot more patches with incremental rebuffs. It was so in PoE. Several stuff got nerfed pretty hard after release and then rebuffed with several patches. Look at FoD, Animal COMpanions, Spiritshift, Backstab and many, many other things.
  13. Huh? Weird. Are you using the beta branch or not? Maybe file a bug report?
  14. Who knows. At least he wrote a somewhat reasonable, non-provocative post about his criticism. I don't have to agree with everything to appreciate the form (except the last part - but the rest was ok so we can cut him a break ).
  15. Those are (unprovoked) personal attacks that followed a statement that wasn't in line with one's opinion. If some people can't recognize them it's sad - because it might be a hint that it's totally normal for them to talk like that to another human being. Nothing wrong with criticism and disagreement - also nothing wrong with "flaming" such snotty behavior.
  16. Hehe, yes. But there's also no point in repeating all that criticism over and over again when it's obvious that Obsidian didn't take it into account and the game is not like you imagined it should be. Now it's either "play it because it's still fun" or "ditch it because it sucks too hard". For me it's the first but I can understand if it's number two for others.
  17. It's ok to be annoyed by bugs. It's also ok to criticize the game. It's not ok to pester people in a forum with personal attacks who just don't agree with you. Everybody should try to discuss in a civilized manner - even if the opinions are diametrically different. Doesn't have to be perfect all the time, but at least one should try.
  18. Ha! You're basically repeating the criticism not a few beta testers (including me) came up with after playing the beta for some time. What was so wrong with PoE1 that you had to reinvent the wheel (pun intended) instead of improving its mechanics for PoE2? But Obsidian chose to comply with the criticism they received: DR/bypass too mushy, combat too confusing, endurance/health system too complicated to be grasped, talents feel bland, per-rest is no-no and a lot of other nonsense. So here we are. Enjoy!
  19. Hehe, somewhat true. All those harbingers of doom:- The sales figures are so bad (I guess)! - The game is broken (so broken I didn't even touch it, but I read about it in the Daily Mail)! - The game gets released in parts (I assume)! - I'm a miser and somehow it's Obsidian's fault - but I'm here to tell the truth (and insult you while doing so)! - Duh! Being a member of the Harbingers of Doom seems to entail an inability to communicate decently as well. It seems as if as soon as you enroll to the HoD list all manners and dignity get removed, you'll be given a link to a random game forum with the mission to pester as many threads you can with toxic talk and personal attacks. Then after some rambling you will reach the second rank: you'll become a Harbinger of Doom and Daffiness (HoDaD). Nothing wrong with constructive criticism though. The game has some annoying issues. And to some extend I don't get it how those things can pass QA. As I already said a few times: nobody in their right mind expects new, complex software to be bug free - but if I'd let such obvious glitches pass QA I would get (constructively) toasted by customers. Sure, it's not a game then and I would disrupt businesses and cost them money - so the overall motivation to find bugs might be bigger - but still. You only need to play the game for a few hours to encounter reputation and relationship problems etc. And it's true that exploring maps before you got some corresponding quests can mess up things (like I got attacked in the Undercroft because I didn't go to the crime lord first and several quests failed before I could even get them - because I had to kill all those people. Not really a bug but annoying as hell). But all that doesn't break the whole game. I didn't encounter a single crash or other devastating bugs now in 80 hours (and 300+ hours of beta). Only thing that really broke was the Linux version in the early beta - but it was a beta. I play it a bit atm just to get the hang of it - before I will do a serious playthrough. Balancing issues are what trouble me the most, but I'm a PG and don't like to roflstomp the game with even mediocre chars. But despite the balance and the bugs I think it's pretty good overall, not broken. And even if it was broken I wouldn't feel the need to go all Hassknecht about it. Have to agree about trolls So many trying sell idea that tyranny sold badly and POE 2 doing even worse. Tyranny sold bit under expectations and managed that while not been marketed much at all. Issue that stops tyranny 2 nothing to do with selling badly. POE 2 is not broken and having come out with out having all DLCs is actually normal and has been for many, many years. POE 2 not selling badly, think we discover it selling not to differently from POE 1. No one knows till someone releases selling figures. Wow it isn't broken? Why half of it isnt working for me then? They only fixed bloody black screen crash i was having in this Beta Patch and even then companions etc still broken. Can you pls stop talking out of your ass and acknowledge you a not the only one in the world? I am happy you finished the game with broken reputation and companion relationships (cause even if you don't encounter anything else THIS was definitely in the game. If you say it is not - argue with the developers. Cause even they admitted it) God i starting to hate this community. And again - how is working for free as a game PR manager working for you mate? Good Hassknecht example there, thanks. How is it working for the HoDaDs for free by the way? If you hate this community it would be better to leave. Because you won't achieve anything with hate, personal attacks and swearing around like an unruly five year old. Unless you like to hate around, then stay for your own amusement.
  20. Beta + actual game (according to steam which can't tell if you are idle or really playing...). I tested the beta quite excessively and reported broken stuff like Swift Flurry and Blast+Afflctions and Spirit Lance + Soul Annihilation and whatnot. But most of the stuff still made it in and only now gets patched. A waste of time and effort maybe.
  21. Right. By the way MIG is now in the same place as it was with PoE1. So if somebody thinks that maxing MIG and INT was mandatory in PoE there's no reason to think otherwise for Deadfire. Even more so because there's no health bar (from the endurance/health system) anymore and healing is more important in Deadfire.
  22. Charge is still good (stun is a great debuff), Cleaving Stance was just stupid and now is ok and Unbending (Trunk) was just ridiculously powerful and needed a nerf as well. No wonder everybody's (and their neighbors') melee build included fighter. He still has Clear Out which is good for providing weapon effects in an AoE for example.
  23. Nerfing stuff like improved critical is kind of stupid given the multiplicative nature of conversions: diminishing returns the more instances you have. It wasn't worthwhile taking before and now it's garbage - same as the upgrade to Zealous Focus that gives you +5% (which was pretty bad in PoE already). Compare that to Exhalted Endurance (Robust) and how can you not ask yourself what they are sometimes thinking? Some of the nerfs were pretty obvious and needed (Cleaving Stance and so on). I also don't like it when items make abilities pointless because they are too good - but some nerfs are really pointless and even counterproductive. I know Josh likes the "nerf hard and then buff back up incrementally" approach - bit why nerf bad stuff in the first place? I guess SA forums,Twitter and Tumblr are not the best advisors when it comes to game mechanics...
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