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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Most players wouldn't have 200-210 deflection so that extra +5 looks weak to them. If you balance most items around total stacking and power builds these items will all look unattractive to 99% of players.+10. The armor itself gives +5 right from the start and can go up to +10 with enough skill points. +10 is a great value for an armor. 200 was an extreme example. Every tank would profit from +10 to deflection from something that's not a cape, weapon, a shield or a ring. I don't think that this item is only useful for 1% of builds. It's useful for every build that has decent deflection - so most tanks.
  2. Very true. No need for any ability - also stealth is not needed. Only sleight of hand if you want to pick people's pockets and mechanics to unlock their chests. But you've to unpause before initiating the conversation - else it will not work.
  3. The deflection of the armor (up to +10) stacks with a shield's deflection bonus. They are not mutually exclusive. Each point of deflection has increasing returns the higher you go (compared to enemies' ACC). So for a high-deflection character this armor is still very good. For other builds the deflection bonus is negligible, sure. It doesn't matter that much if you have 50 or 60 deflection. Take something else. But it matters if you have 200 or 210. +10 on an armor is actually pretty good in this case. I can't say yet if it's well balanced now but it definitely was too strong pre 1.1.
  4. You can never reach 100%. Each additional speed bonus has diminishing impact. You can look at it like that (simplified): - My recovery time is 10 sec (just an example). - I get a recovery bonus of 50%. Now my recovery is 5 sec. - now I get another bonus of 20%. My 5 sec recovery gets lowered to 4 sec. - now I get yet another bonus of 10%. My recovery drops to 3.6 sec. And so on.
  5. Do you drop out of stealth when you are out of hearing range as well?
  6. Yes, there's also an item (helmet) that passively reduces the damage you receive when you are near corpses. So - the mechanics are there...
  7. This. And since all item bonuses stack it's a nice armor to have for somebody who wants to invest in deflection.
  8. Unfortunately it's fidgety atm. I hope that they fix it in one of the future patches.
  9. I would have liked it more if Corpse Eaters would just have consumed essence from nearby corpses passively "on the fly" and gaining resources back (at a more modest pace of course). Then you wouldn't have to fiddle around with Flesh Communion.
  10. This is such a bad change. Seriously, why? If they want to decouple non-"magic" over time damage (like woundig) etc. from INT then they should also decouple the duration from INT and not leave it at "I curse you! Because you are so smart I will die more slowly, there!" But I would prefer if they just leave it like it was: consistent!
  11. That ability is called Assassinate though, not Sneak Attack. But it's nice with spells that you can cast out of stealth (which are all damaging spells afaik) and invisibility.
  12. Oh no! Not that inconsistent crap again where nobody knows which DoT is working how. Which abilities are affected? Please file a bug report - I will chime in!
  13. "There's a massive shortage of fantasy setting RPGs that are to my liking these days" would be correct. What's good and up to date is not defined by your likings.
  14. Why hat? He gave me a stinking necklace (Cipher's Shackle)! Does it depend on the class you give him or the dialogue options - or what?
  15. Daggers have 10-14 base damage, Energy Blade has 5-8. Daggers have 0.5/3 sec attack speed/recovery, Energy Blade has 0.7/3 The Blade has not the base damage of a dagger nor the attack speed (but has faster recovery than a sabre). It's modal is superuseless, that's true.
  16. You are stuck in the definition of classes of D&D and similar games. If you like their approaches better that's ok. But this game defines classes and what they can do differently than other RPG games. Their "magic" stems from the power of their souls. Everything supernatural is based on essence (or soul power) in PoE. That explains why they all have some mumbo jumbo going on. This may be to ones liking or not - but arguing with "nature of the class" or "history" is leading you nowhere. Your point is that you don't like it and would prefer a more conservative approach - and that's fair. But don't use your likings as basis for judgement. And don't insult the designers just because they created something that you don't like. I personally could also do with a lot less particle effects and boomboom - but I accept that the classes in PoE can do amazing things due to the power of their souls. That's in line with the world's lore. If I couldn't accept that I wouldn't play the game.
  17. The best part is that it shows me stuff that I'm supposed download - but I have already done that, so what's the point...?
  18. Good points. You may want to write a PM to Aarik D (Community Manager).
  19. You are right. There's not even a soulbound. So obviously I did not remember correctly.
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