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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Modals of morning star, flail and club are really awesome. What's that supposed to mean? Trying to be c0cky?
  2. Intentional. All modals are actives (since you can actively trigger them I think that's ok).
  3. And Instruments of Pain? I would test myself but I'm on vacation - without computer.
  4. That's one of the worst examples for logic thinking that I ever saw - because there's no logic at all.It's like saying "Because Bill is smarter than his older brother Ted I also have to be smarter than my older brother Pete." By the way: the Devoted gets -10 ACC for non-proficient weapons. That is a significant drawback especially if you have no meta knowledge. The Troubadour has longer linger time than a vanilla chanter and pays +1 for invocations. That would have been balanced (or that is at least an approach to balance, albeit a weak one because the +1 drawback doesn't scale well at higher levels and becomes negligible). But he can also decide to switch to double phrase accumulation speed on top - which makes the +1 invocation cost as counterweight really laughable especially at higher levels where you need more phrases. All in all the flexibility that is provided with the modal which helps you to easily circumvent the disadvantage is what tips off the balance. Also several people noted in beta and after realease that there's zero reason to pick vanilla Chanter over Troubadour. Just because you didn't read or hear about that doesn't mean that this is "suddenly" the case. It was always that case that the Troubadour is overpowered (at least when compared to a vanilla Chanter). And that is not how subclasses are supposed to work. They should be equal in power like Josh planned them to be. So in my opinion: if the Troubadour is a better summoner than the Beckoner AND there is no reason to pick a vanilla Chanter over a Troubadour then the blancing issue lies with the Troubadour, not the Beckoner. And that's logic.
  5. The dogface was just a placeholder for everything they had no proper icon for yet. Josh mentioned that in a stream. Complaining about cut content in a game is as fruitless and nonsensical as complaining about cut content in a movie. Usually things don't get cut just because the director thought "Let's take some of that good stuff away from the customers because we are so evil and resentful and they don't deserve it anyway".
  6. I also think that it's still good. Twice the amount of summons is a very powerful feat, even if they are smaller, don't last as long and have less health. The body blocking alone and the doubled dps make them very useful. After all subclasses should be designed in a way that the advantage comes with drawbacks so they are not more powerful than a vanilla class. And the lesser health didn't balance out the double amount of summons. If the Troubadour ist the better summoner now then I guess that's just a sign that he is overpowered. Because there's also no reason to pick a vanilla Chanter over a Troubadour - which shouldn't be the case. I just think that going from -1 to +1 after already nerfed summon duration is too much "sledge hammer style".
  7. Which Barbarian version? The class has no ability that procs an additional attack on crit or kill - or has it? If you mean Carnage: it doesn't work with ranged weapons. I wonder if Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming and Carnage work with The Long Pain or Instruments of Pain though.
  8. Why? I think it works in the context: ROFL! I meant whether you facepalm recursively! *tearwipe*
  9. I don't know if it would be an oversight. In PoE you could achieve the same with for example Crucible and Fenwalkers or Blaidh Golan. You would reduce the time of some paralyze or prone/stun afflictions to zero because the first one reduces the afflicton time by x% and a flat reduction (like -3 sec or so) while the item does this as well. On prone you would see that the animation "sit on buttocks" gets played but you immediately get up again.
  10. Yes, I didn't say it was a good fix. By the way I'm still not sure that the chain procs got fixed. Were they? I also have the impression in my playtrough that Cleaving Stance still procs off itself - but only attacks one additional enemy now. But I would need to do more testing to verify.
  11. Sounds like a theory that you should put to the test during a little console-session. It's quite easy to determine if an affliction sticks or indeed the duration gets completey nullified. If it doesn't get nullified (means no addition but most likely multiplicative bonuses) you can see how the stacking exactly behaves.
  12. I think they mainly changed it to melee only because of Kalakoth's Minor Blights and Rod's Blast modal, not only Frostseeker. Blights and rod were the most prominent and reported tools for Swift Flurry abuse in the beta.
  13. Providing comprehensible explanations as to why something works in a fictional setting is not the same as using realism, history or tradition to argue if a setting is good or not. It just has to be conclusive and not break its own rules. So, arguing that a fictional setting in which everybody *can* (not necessarily has to) achieve supernatural powers through the power of his soul is bad because it's not realistic, it's unlike older settings (not traditional) or it doesn't have an equivalent in history is silly I my opinion. You can say you don't like the approach because of those reasons and that's totally fair - but calling it bad or even retarded design like OP did is just silly.
  14. It not only makes no sense to argue with realism, history and tradition when discussing a fictional setting - it's also silly.
  15. But that's a problem of proper description and explanation (like a tooltip that shows the scaling), not a problem of the nerf or the item per se. This armor can give you +10 stacking deflection on top of other deflection gear - which can be *very* useful for builds that rely on deflection. Nobody said that this armor should be supercool for every character. It would become a no brainer. And those are boring and a hint that the balance is off. If an item is not useful for every build but only for some (like tanks) that's totally ok. It's just a problem if an item is of no use for everybody. Besides that I would like those enchantments that improve combat stats via skill scaling to go entirely. I find them impossible to balance and also silly. If you can't find other meaningful uses for a skill - remove it, too. I also find it pretty bad that spells like Plague of Insects scales with Alchemy. That's unnecessary and silly. Abilities shouldn't scale with skills.
  16. No, not in this case because 6 engagement slots can stop more enemies than 3 engagement slots.
  17. Afaik Disintergration doesn't destroy loot. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't in PoE and I'm pretty sure it doesn't in Deadfire (imagine pulverized dragon loot). But it leaves no corpse. Am I right?
  18. Tab doesn't work for prefab names. SpawnPrefabAtMouse CRE_Dummy spawns a non-moving, high endurance bit low deflection and AR Rotghast that does minimal dmg. It's nice for testing dps and such. Others are CRE_Tiger, CRE_Lagufaeth, CRE_Broodmother and so on. I think you can find more with FindGameObjectData CRE_<whatever>?
  19. <-- This "new generation of gamer" is 42 now and started with a C64 and Pools of Radiance. Looking back it was pretty crappy...
  20. Only Chanters and only some phrases and one invocation (White Worms). Never got fixed.
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