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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Apparently they are. Have not tested personally though. No they are not. Carnage does not transfer modal "afflictions" like Body Blows etc. What works is Charge (pre 1.1) and Clear Out (plus upgrades). Those are the only two abilities I could find that apply Body Blows (morning star modal) in an AoE. At least that's with game version 1.0.2
  2. Just take six priests with six times Inspiring Radiance. PotD = smashed. Cast damaging spells like Pillar of <Whatever> and Shining Beacon with over +90 accuracy for everybody at some point. +60 acc right from lvl 1 on. You will obliterate everything on PotD. First with weapons, later with spells. 6 times Inspiring Radiance = +60 (yes, it stacks with itself) + Devotions = +80 + Blessing = +85 + Crowns = +91.
  3. Best Race might be Moon Godlike because gear doesn't work while shifted anyway, but godlike racial bonuses do. I used a boreal dwarf for my playthrough though. It is possible so solo PotD with almost anything - we even had somebody in this forum who did a complete playtrough with a lvl-1 character ("Noober"). I did an Ultimate run with a Barbarian with 3 RES and 3 DEX - wasn't too hard (but I died from a Battle-Forged/Second Whind bug at lvl 16 in Noonfrost on the way to Thaos - after killing all bounties and dragons). So - a shifting druid should be possible as well (and easier than a barb). With casters it's tougher at the beginning but easier later on - due to the "scaling" of per-rest spell casting (few spells at low levels, a ton at high levels). Druid is a bit easier in the early game than let's say priest, because Spiritshift is quite effective right from the start. You will most likely need high move speed for kiting and pulling. A shifted druid (and druids in general) are not Masters of defense and can't tank all the enemies in an encounter. They have awesome CC and dmg spells, but sometimes you will have to flee. You will need to buff your accuracy somehow against bosses (scrolls for example) because that's what druids lack a bit.
  4. Yes. And every other universal accuracy bonus like Blessing, Gauntlets of Accuracy and so on. What also helps (and this might be a bug/oversight) is a single one handed weapon. This will give your offensive chants (at least Dragon Thrashed) +12 ACC. The one handed style does nothing though.
  5. On the other hand you don't lose much spell power if you spec for Spiritshift. A shocking boar druid with focus on self heals (Veteran's Recovery, healing spells, high MIG and INT) can be very sturdy, wreck stuff in melee (also against high DR targets) with Wildstrike + Avenging Storm, be a great CCer and will still able to cast other devastating spells (like Plague of Insects). High MIG and INT are good for (self) healing, Dot effects (boar tusks, spells like Plague oI) and AoE damaging spells in general.
  6. I see you put out some build posts recently. Which I like. While they are all very well thought through (as always ) I would think that we wait with putting them into the build list until they are tested more and leave the stage of "first draft" and reach a "proof of concept" level, what do you think? Since I might forget about this it would be great if you could remind me once you think the build is ready. Would be a shame if they drown in the current forum... current.
  7. Yeah that would be nice. I would like to play a Priest of Berath/Bleak Walker so I can combine FoD and Spiritual Great Sword - I don't care if my Faith & Conviction and my Holy Shmoly Radiance will suffer. I would like not only a mod (although highly appreciated) but I'd also like to see that this somewhat silly restriction gets removed from the main game entirely. Place a warning instead - that will suffice. Or even better: reintroduce "Untroubled Faith" et al.
  8. Haha... good one. Well as I said: different types could have different effects (if you want to make things more complex). Look at "Ring the Bell" and such. You could give two handers a might affliction on crit when backstabbing or more PEN for the physical damage, a dexterity affliction or an additional DoT for light weapons, you name it. But first of all I would prefer a simple solution that is easy to implement, easy to balance and removes the nonsense of "Ha! My two handed sledge hammer is perfect for backstabs!".
  9. I agree - despite me wanting to use the gamepedia wiki I find myself browsing through the fextralife one - because there I can access the information a lot easier and faster (although the info on gamepedia has better quality overall).
  10. I suggested this easy solution several times now: Instead of giving Backstab a percentage-based bonus of 100% (or 150% or whatever) it should get a flat damage bonus (maybe raw damage). Basically like Soul Annihilation (without the focus part). This way you would decouple the dmg bonus from weapon base damage. This would mean that every weapon type would be viable. With such a flat bonus it would also be easier to include Power Level scaling. This would also prevent that certain multiclass combos (Flames of Devotion + Backstab = multiplicative lash dmg which gets boosted by Backstab = one-shotting stuff all the time) are too strong. No need to nerf FoD further. Stuff that works like Soul Annihilation (flat dmg bonus as raw) just adds to the FoD damage and doesn't get multiplied. The amount of flat bonus can be easily found out by using the average base damage of all weapon types - for starters. That is the same as 100% weapon base damage - just averaged over all types. And if you want you could still give different dmg numbers for different types of weapons. I don't understand why this hasn't been the preferred implementation in the first place...
  11. I'm using Aloth as a Spellblade with the WotEP - and when he casts Infuse wVE first the cone isn't so small. I can imagine that a high-INT monk with Duality(INT) can hit 4 or more people with it easily.
  12. Hm, must be a copy & paste error. Sometimes the forum really wants to annoy me. With such a lengthy post and a lot of edits I encounter a lot of hickups lately when saving my edited post. Not too long ago all URLs got removed after saving or the list got cropped. Maybe that this left some errors (I'm like Obsidian: introducing new bugs with every patch ). I will fix this asap, thanks for notifying me. Edit: fixed
  13. Ha - I like it! With Berath's Blessing you can unlock a merchant in the first town that sells a belt that will fill your quickslots with 4 random potions. Potions scale (like crazy) with Alchemy and the odds are good that you will get a healing potion (among other really useful potions) every now and then. Maybe also a Lifegiver/Helwalker would fulfil this concept. He'd have no Flame Shield, but Moon's Lightl with +9 (+8 version 1.1) Power Level (+2 class + 5 shifting + 2 Wellspring) heals ~30 points every 3 secs with decent MIG for a long, long time. Moonwell is even better. If you combine it with the Dawnstars' Blessing and so on this is - in my opinion - more reliable than Triumph otC and you can add nice stuff like Nature's Terror (instead of Flame Shield). Ok, then you wouldn't prove anything for the priest class, hehe. What Do you think?
  14. Blade Turning will not result in a melee miss on you but will redirect 100% of melee attacks to bystanders. Since there's no miss, Riposte will not get triggered. This was tested in the beta though - but I don't think it has changed.
  15. Sorry to hear about that, but at least fury is more compete with other druid subclasses. The duration is short tho, everytime when i'm enjoying the lightning form, it ends, too bad. It gets prolonged once you kill stuff though. Use a Bleak Walker/Fury with Scion of Flame, Heart of the Storm and Spirit of Decay and you fury attacks will have +3 PEN when executing FoD. Even with nerfed Wildstrike this should still be a nice shifter setup.
  16. You can board directly if you wish (and suffer crew and ship damage). Kill the captain first.
  17. But but... if there's an ability that gets taken all the time by people although it's not overly powerful but just "cool" - wouldn't it make a whole lot more sense to buff the competing ability instead of nerfing the not so great (but for whatever reason appealing) one?
  18. You want examples? I already gave some in that quote you used. But I can repeat myself, why not: - removed the endurance/health system - removed DR and use AR/PEN instead - reinvented all afflictions and introduced inspirations - removed per-rest abilites and introduced per-rest empower instead - removed a general talent pool and put most of them back in as abilites - introduced weapon proficiencies I could go on for hours... And no offense, but if you can't "see anything changed much" you must be either blind or clueless (on that matter). I don't say that all of those "reinventions" are bad. Also reinventions and improvements are not mutually exclusive. I just would have liked it more if they stayed closer the the mechanics of PoE1 and used their time and money to refine that system and put more work into the actual content of the game rather than mechanics (that will be bugged and unbalanced so that we will be in the same spot as with PoE1 after release - and we are). But that's just my opinion. And I still enjoy Deadfire so far.
  19. Unless I completely misread his post I don't think his point was that it was a good thing, it sounded clearly sardonic to me. Yes, I was being sardonic. But just because I think something's not meeting my taste or expectations doesn't mean it's inherently bad. It's just not what I would have done - but I don't have to earn my living with the development of video games (thank you, merciful fate). I mean if so many people don't get how endurance/health works there's only one thing Obsidian can do: make it simpler. They have to sell games after all. And the government has to invest in better education obviously so we can have endurance/health back without confusing people too much...
  20. Have a nice holiday. And bring firkraag888 and master guardian along once you come back.
  21. Gromnir (along with his way of writing forum posts) has been here right from the start. He's basically a fixture. By the way: our Gromnir and Baldur's Gate's Gromnir are the same person. Maybe with that kind of information it's easier to understand why Gromnir is... well... Gromnir. Concerning the question: I believe it just escaped Obsidian that the priest is still not influenced by dispositions at all. Or it's really low on their priority list. Because if this was intended: why not say so?
  22. So far I liked Morning Star best. With Charge and Clear Out you could apply Body Blows (-25 fortitude) in an AoE AND have two damage types. Does anybody know if those two still can do this?
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