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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Charge is still good (stun is a great debuff), Cleaving Stance was just stupid and now is ok and Unbending (Trunk) was just ridiculously powerful and needed a nerf as well. No wonder everybody's (and their neighbors') melee build included fighter. He still has Clear Out which is good for providing weapon effects in an AoE for example.
  2. Nerfing stuff like improved critical is kind of stupid given the multiplicative nature of conversions: diminishing returns the more instances you have. It wasn't worthwhile taking before and now it's garbage - same as the upgrade to Zealous Focus that gives you +5% (which was pretty bad in PoE already). Compare that to Exhalted Endurance (Robust) and how can you not ask yourself what they are sometimes thinking? Some of the nerfs were pretty obvious and needed (Cleaving Stance and so on). I also don't like it when items make abilities pointless because they are too good - but some nerfs are really pointless and even counterproductive. I know Josh likes the "nerf hard and then buff back up incrementally" approach - bit why nerf bad stuff in the first place? I guess SA forums,Twitter and Tumblr are not the best advisors when it comes to game mechanics...
  3. You could (maybe still can) lower fortitude etc. by 25 with modals (morning star etc.) in an AoE with Charge and Clear Out and also apply afflictions with stuff like Stunning Blows or Crippling Strike (and Arterial Strike) etc. as well as weapon procs. This is very powerful compared to other classes' abilities and has nothing to do with enemies' HP.
  4. Action speed buffs include reloading. So a Street Fighter can get very short reloading cycles if he gets flanked.
  5. With WotEP you can apply afflictons in an AoE by the way. With a huge cone (high INT + Infuse) you can put Arterial Strike and/or Confounding Blind or Gouging Strike on several enemies at once. Adds more misses (since their accuracy is lower), too. Spellblade seems to be a good option because of that. Paladin is also nice: FoD's lash gets applied to all enemies you hit and you'll apply Sickened several times with a Bleak Walker. I didn't test it but I guess White Flames will proc from every enemy you hit,too.
  6. Hehe, somewhat true. All those harbingers of doom:- The sales figures are so bad (I guess)! - The game is broken (so broken I didn't even touch it, but I read about it in the Daily Mail)! - The game gets released in parts (I assume)! - I'm a miser and somehow it's Obsidian's fault - but I'm here to tell the truth (and insult you while doing so)! - Duh! Being a member of the Harbingers of Doom seems to entail an inability to communicate decently as well. It seems as if as soon as you enroll to the HoD list all manners and dignity get removed, you'll be given a link to a random game forum with the mission to pester as many threads you can with toxic talk and personal attacks. Then after some rambling you will reach the second rank: you'll become a Harbinger of Doom and Daffiness (HoDaD). Nothing wrong with constructive criticism though. The game has some annoying issues. And to some extend I don't get it how those things can pass QA. As I already said a few times: nobody in their right mind expects new, complex software to be bug free - but if I'd let such obvious glitches pass QA I would get (constructively) toasted by customers. Sure, it's not a game then and I would disrupt businesses and cost them money - so the overall motivation to find bugs might be bigger - but still. You only need to play the game for a few hours to encounter reputation and relationship problems etc. And it's true that exploring maps before you got some corresponding quests can mess up things (like I got attacked in the Undercroft because I didn't go to the crime lord first and several quests failed before I could even get them - because I had to kill all those people. Not really a bug but annoying as hell). But all that doesn't break the whole game. I didn't encounter a single crash or other devastating bugs now in 80 hours (and 300+ hours of beta). Only thing that really broke was the Linux version in the early beta - but it was a beta. I play it a bit atm just to get the hang of it - before I will do a serious playthrough. Balancing issues are what trouble me the most, but I'm a PG and don't like to roflstomp the game with even mediocre chars. But despite the balance and the bugs I think it's pretty good overall, not broken. And even if it was broken I wouldn't feel the need to go all Hassknecht about it.
  7. You asked the same question in the thread about the beta changes and got a correct answer (that MIG got changed pre-release). If it's for discussion purposes then I'm all in though. One of the best balancing decisions made so far. But I guess the multiplicative nature of the beta-MIG was an oversight to begin with. Josh was taken by surprise when somebody asked him why MIG is multiplicative during beta. MIG shouldn't have as much impact on weapon damage as DEX or a crit (PER) since it also influences healing power. Also MIG can be important as dmg booster for abilities that can't get many dmg bonuses - like spells. There's no Sneak Attack or Two Handed Style etc for spells - so the additive nature of new MIG doesn't matter that much when it comes to spellcasting, bit it hurts weapon users a bit (which is good).
  8. Only weapon attacks. Medium and large shields however will reduce your spells' accuracy.
  9. It's a weapon for crowds. It's easy to just switch to a good two hander for single targets and switch back to the WotEP once you face a mob. It also has a crushing lash that makes up for the low base dmg a bit. The base damage is really low though. Like a fast one-handed basically. It could do with a bit more.
  10. All stuff people were constantly and vocally complaining about. I've seen people rage-quit because the +5% damage from Baubles of the Fin made them cut through enemies like a knife through butter. With the already criminally slow average recovery time at 4s, it was of utmost importance to reduce speed/recovery buffs—especially Swift Strikes and its upgrades from 20% to 15% because, frankly, that insane attack speed was breaking everybody's game. The Chanter nerf, however, is the real winner. Problem: Brilliant Inspiration is too powerful. Solution: Leave Brilliant untouched. Remove the only source of Brilliant in the game. That Brilliant was created and implemented for nothing is but a minor side effect. Nerf the Chanter phrase so that it becomes unnecessarily bland and weak for its Power Level, granting three tier 1 Inspirations that most other classes can already access in spades at much lower power levels. Now the invocation is useless, and Brilliant is still broken (but unavailable.) Very, very good design. Wow Andrea, you are really, really p!ssed right now. My supersensitive sarkasm-antennas are vibrating like you wouldn't believe.
  11. The second part only appeared if you imported a PoE1-Savegame where you forged the Blade of the Endless Paths.
  12. NPCs don't have large portrait pics. Crewmembers dito. Judging by that It's either a companion or a sidekick.
  13. That's ok since it really seems to be made for fighting groups and is pretty good at it. 9 -15 isn't so great but the AoE pollaxe even has only 9-13.
  14. Even if it only has the base damage of a heavy one hander: it still hits several enemies at once with decent INT, has a longer reach than normal great swords (1.3 meters - not like a reach weapon with 1.8 but close) AND has some of the best enchantments in the game. Again the example of the 100% Riposte. You can roll a whatever/Wizard and riposte the crap out of everything around you with AoE attacks. With a Spellblade you even have the chance to riposte twice on the same miss (100% WotEP + 20% from Riposte passive). Barbs still proc Carnage on every hit it does (I guess). I can't see how that is pretty bad. It's not super OP anymore, that's correct. Also consider how early you get this. I just retested my frontliner Aloth as Battlemage with it again (wears that weird but beautiful Illusion-Mask and wields WotEP) and it's still a lot of fun. I'm doing the same with Aloth. How did you go about getting deflection high enough? Did you rely on Llengrath's Displaced Image by itself (which is what I'm doing), or did you use Arcane Veil instead or additionally? I stack deflection items + Mirrored Image/Wizard's Double/Arcane Veil/Llengrath's and use self buffs + Ryngrim's Spells as well as PER-afflictions like Curse of Blackened Sight (-5 PER, -10 ACC) and PER-drains like Miasma of Dull-Mindedness (-10 PER) and such. I would really like to test a Monk/Wizard with 35 INT (Duality 10 + Infuse wVE 5) with the Blade. The cone should be very large and I didn't really test how the AoE-hits of the Blade work with the cone Torment's Reach...
  15. I don't completely understand what the OP means. Since Edér is not in your party (yet) when you fight the pirates he (and others) can die when at 0 health. Just don't hit him yourself and don't let the pirates kill him (and your crewmates). I started with a barbarian/fighter several times now and Edér is not "instakilled" unless you let him drop in the initial fight.
  16. Eh? The patch is already there and the bug (double hits on every enemy) got removed. The rest stays the same.
  17. Why is that? Turning Wheel & WotEP? Hm... maybe it's still an inspiration to others? Anyway: I will tag builds that no longer seem to be maintained or suffered greatly from patches (and don't get refurbished) with "DEPRECATED". If nobody contacts me I will then remove them eventually after some time. So I will put your build on deprecated for once and wait a bit, ok?
  18. Even if it only has the base damage of a heavy one hander: it still hits several enemies at once with decent INT, has a longer reach than normal great swords (1.3 meters - not like a reach weapon with 1.8 but close) AND has some of the best enchantments in the game. Again the example of the 100% Riposte. You can roll a whatever/Wizard and riposte the crap out of everything around you with AoE attacks. With a Spellblade you even have the chance to riposte twice on the same miss (100% WotEP + 20% from Riposte passive). Barbs still proc Carnage on every hit it does (I guess). I can't see how that is pretty bad. It's not super OP anymore, that's correct. Also consider how early you get this. I just retested my frontliner Aloth as Battlemage with it again (wears that weird but beautiful Illusion-Mask and wields WotEP) and it's still a lot of fun.
  19. Added the build to the build list. Did overlook it at first but now found it when I was searching the forum for class builds. Thank you for providing stuff like description and solo/difficulty infos right from the start.
  20. Hi - should this go into the build list? If yes I need some more info: - what difficulty? - solo/Non-Solo? - short description
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