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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I hate it that you can't sail around a ship no matter how fast and how near you are. If an enemy ship shows you its cannons at close range you can't just sail past. If you then destroy its sails it will forever be able to hit you. Stooopid!
  2. I don't like anti-gay ranting and all that "SJW want to suppress freedom of spech and rule the world !!!1!!eleven!!" crap, but this comment made me chuckle a bit. I'm not even sure it's meant to be anti-gay. Ach whatever... If they only listened to me and AndreaColombo and whomnot and omitted those awkward romances. Those are always weird in RPGs. Like in real life... but unpleasently weird.
  3. That's why I like my Morning Star. Mule Kick has +10 ACC and Body Blows does -25 fort. They should put one in that's named "Lucy".
  4. I would say Slicken is even better than Chillfog. In PoE it was a one-time prone effect - not bad, but also nothing you would choose instead of Chillfog. In Deadfire it pulses and throws enemies off their feet and interrupts them all the time. With decent INT it's one of the best spells, given how early it comes, in my opinion.
  5. You mean abilites, not skills. The ones I know without looking it up: Disintegrate, Cleansing Flame, Wounding Shot, Deep Wounds, Wounding from weapons like Effort. Basically everything that has a fixed damage over time. There are spells like Disint. and Clean. Flame that show the complete damage as tick (wrong in UI). Or abilites like Deep Wounds or that says x% of Weapon Damage as DoT. Those stuff all profits from low INT and even grazes (= also reduce the duration of the DoT) - because the damage is fixed and can only be influenced my MIG. Additional ticks don't add any more overall damage like with other DoTs. Substracted ticks don't substract damage. The overall damage is set in stone and therefore fewer ticks (from low INT or grazes) lead to fewer but higher dmg ticks (= higher dps) while more ticks (from longer duration) lead to more but lower dmg ticks (=lower dps). And then there is that weird mechanic where the initial tick does more damage with very short INT (under 3 sec overall duration) so that at some point even the overall damage is higher with low INT and a graze, not only dps.
  6. Inspired Defenses (+1) and Stoic Steel (up tp +3) stacks with everything, so does Stalker's armor bonus. Not moving (Stoic Steel) and the nature of Stalker (+1 AR and +5 defenses) fit very well. Pick Strengthened Bond for +15 defenses against all AoE spells) and Superior Camouflage (+8 vs. ranged). Pick Goldpact for unlimited (non-stacking) +4 AR with Gilded Enmity (kind of unlimited with Sworn Rival). Get Patinated Plate and enchant with Bronze Juggernaut (+2 AR). Get Kapana Taga and echant with Lone Champion (+1 AR). Get Akola's Apex Ward and enchant with Hunter's Vigor (+1 AR) and Hide and Tooth (+5% melee dmg, +3 deflection against melee) and activate the modal (-50% dmg from ranged and reflex attacks). Then there are several items with damage reduction (-x% damage taken). Shifting Chroma from that whirling Hel-Stone can add +1 AR as well (random though). And of course pick stuff that raises your defenses in general to produce lots of misses and grazes. This is one of the combos with the highest passive (or let's say endlessly sustainable) damage reduction I can think of atm: Only AR: Plate: 9 Legendary: +4 Stalker: +1 (don't move too far away from pet) Insp. Def: +1 (drops shortly when different dmg type incoming) Stoic Steel: +3 (standing still, needs buildup) Hunter's Vigor: +1 Lone Champion: +1 Gilded Enmity: +4 Bronze Juggernaut: +2 (melee only) Shifting Chrome: +1 (occasionally) -------------------------------------------------- together: 27 max, 19 min You can still switch to a dual weapon setup and smack stuff pretty good with all the high ACC Full Attacks you have (FoD, Wounding Shot - also with Full Attacks the Juggernaut is not that bad) and switch back to Apex Ward as soon as you get in trouble, instantly stopping you (modals now stay active when switching back and forth) and granting you Stoic Steel etc. again. There are two pets that grant +1 to freeze or +1 to burn AR and several items that will give you increased AR to a single damage type as well which will stack with the general AR I summed up above.
  7. Sounds nice. If it didn't come so late I would probably try a build around that. Too bad it doesn't work with Berserker's Frenzy.
  8. From a mechanical point of view: Two Handed Style. All summoned weapon of the wizard are two handed, implements are two handed. So either don't pick any because you won't be using your weapon too often (or because Blast won't profit anyways) or Two Handed Style. Of course - if you want to build a special wizard, e.g. a tank with axe and shield (see Bilestomper build) you want to pick the style that's fitting. But in general: two handed or simply no style.
  9. It's passive, yes. But it's also only 1/encounter. That automatically means first kill in encounter and that's it. Def. not a bug. Invisibility after every kill would be way to good. They also make it so that enemies need to be attacked by an additional ally in order to get flanked. This doesn't influence flanked from PER afflictons though (Persistent Distraction still flanks normally for example).
  10. War hammer's Piercing Blows gives you +2 PEN which in the best case means +50% damage while it gives you a +50% recovery penalty. Due to double inversion it's actually more than 50% if you have any speed bonuses. This leads to a situation where even against high armored foes it doesn't matter if you switch the modal on or not. Exception: Full Attacks. With those the modal is bearable - especially if you are using a war hammer in the main hand and something else in the offhand. The dual damage type and the base PEN of 8 are nice though.
  11. It's from the Codex. If it wasn't snarky reality would fold itself up and the universe would implode.
  12. Rust's Poignard grants Shadowing Beyond. Assassin boots turn you invisible after the first kill in every combat.
  13. Or pick a Morning Star and use Mule Kick all the time. The dual damage, the +2 PEN, Disciplined Strikes and the -25 fort often lead to lots of crits which solve most PEN issues. And Mule Kick is so cheap. With Devil of Caroc Breastplate and Bracers of Discipline I can kick like a mule forever it seems. Seriously: for me they are the stars of two handed weapons - even if there are no jawdropping uniques. Pun intended. Also because there are so many enemies with stellar fortitude that prevents so many awesome spells/abilities to land. I like Devoted/Monk or Devoted/Berserker best because of the additional PEN and the attacks that target fortitude (Force of Anguish, Brute Force etc.). Estoc has better uniques and you don't need to think about PEN again - which is also nice.
  14. You guys obviously didn't read the in-game description of the Sanguine Plate...
  15. Like in PoE? Low pierce dmg retaliation with poor ACC and (most likely) low PEN that doesn't stack with other retaliations unless it's supper time? Meh...
  16. No idea about a list. But Vithrack Brains 100%: Splintered Reef, tavern barkeeper. There are also some in Nekataka but I can't remember where.
  17. Depends on the build, but in general they are totally ok. Unlike PoE, wizards get no special advantages from using implements. Dual blunderbuss + Combusting Wounds can be a nice combo.
  18. Unless you running a geomancer tank or melee ranger then stalker seems right. i know its weird but im running a main tank like this. I didn't mean in general. I meant for the use with Watershaper's Focus on the ranged Geomancer.
  19. Single weapon usage and style only add bonuses to the attacks with that weapon, not spells (unless they work with weapon attacks like Taste of the Hunt or Concelhaut's Draining Touch or Kalakoth's Minor Blights).
  20. The shoes of the Waterlilly make you immune but will give you -10 to all defenses which is severe. Maybe for certain encounters where you get spammed by hard CC they are nice though. Not all items have to be great for every situation - if they have their uses for special occasions. With Cap of the Laughingstock you could maybe build a party setup with a jester (Trickster) tank and 4 damage dealers who rely on healing and armor rather than deflection to stay alive (Fighter, Shifter, Chanter, Paladin etc). Should work really nicely, Trickster only because it fits beautifully. Also the Ring that does -8 INT is so nice for a specialized "stupid DoT" build like Rogue/Soulblade who wants to have 1 INT anyways. You'll get awesome defenses against afflictons and INT can't go lower than 1.
  21. I was thinking about putting it into a sqlite database or a json string and generate the list from that. But at this point it's not big/long enough and not worth it (yet). I just have to double-check the links after saving the post. And sometimes I forget that. I even thought about doing a script that would generate the list and then generate a single picture from it which I could reference in the OP via img tag. That would be the only way to display a (live) generated list directly in the post I guess. Then I wouldn't have to touch the OP at all. But then you couldn't search it with CTRL+F. SVG could solve that, but the img tag in this forum doesn't support SVG.
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