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It looks like freshly rotated 3rd Storm Brigade and Azov Brigade are raiding ruins of Avdiivka during night time. It is said, that they have inflicted 1400 casualties on drunken Russian soldiers in last 24 hours. Should be taken with a hefty load of salt, but there are so many videos popping out lately, that the russian casualties will be not minuscule.3 points
I’ve had this build in draft for years now, but just completed a full playthrough to test it exhaustively. I love the companion and sidekick builds @Ascaloth and others have posted, especially the way they mix mechanical fun with narrative details for each character. This build works great in most parties, but is designed to be paired with a Fassina Sorcerer build that I’m posting as well. This build is a riff on @Boeroer’s Konstanten Build (post) set up to offtank and pair well with Fassina. The lightbulb clicked when I saw Konstanten has the highest base Fortitude of any companion or sidekick. Maybe he had a wizard cousin who liked wearing diving helmets? I’m posting this build so that it’s available for folks who want to bring Konstanten along and are looking for a quick, fool-proof build. I tested this on PotD Upscaled with a typical party (Swash Eder, Herald Pallegina, Priest Xoti, Sorcerer Fassina). I used the Community Patch and Balance Polishing Mod, but the build does not depend on them to work. I’ll do my best to highlight if something is a CP or BPM feature only. (Borrowing @thelee's formatting here, slightly edited) The Pitch: This build drops enemy Fortitude through the floor while dropping Will and AR to boot. It stands in the middle of melee and shrugs off attacks that target Fortitude or deal Corrode damage. Howler - Chanter (Skald), Barbarian (no sub) Mountain Dwarf, The Dyrwood - Drifter (+1 RES, +1 Sleight of Hand, Bluff, Streetwise) Attributes: MIG 15 CON 17 DEX 12 PER 11 INT 10 RES 13 Note: If you are playing this build with a hired adventurer or watcher, you could make these choices to further optimize. Choose any non-godlike race. You could do worse than Mountain Dwarf, as CON Resistance is nice to have out of the box. Choose any Barbarian Subclasses that you fancy, though you need an answer for Berserker’s Confused status. Corpse Eater would fit well with the BPM upgrades, giving you even more survivability in most fights. Make CON, PER and INT your highest scores, followed by MIG and DEX. You could dump RES a little. Skills: Athletics and/or Alchemy and Survival. More explanation below. Abilities: AT1 Come, Come Soft Death (a), The Thunder Rolled (a) // Barbaric Yell (a) And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon the Shield Frenzy AT2 Thick Grew Their Tongues // Thick Skinned One Dozen Stood, Two-Handed Style, One-Handed Style [BPM] or Accurate Carnage [BPM] AT3 Reny Daret’s Ghost Spake // One Stands Alone The Shield Cracks Bloody Slaughter AT4 The Long Night’s Drink // Spirit Frenzy Savage Defiance Barbaric Shout AT5 Ben Fidel’s Neck Was Exposed // Bear's Fortitude (AT2) Leap, Tough, or Uncanny Luck AT6 Old Siec Would Not Rest // Brute Force Spell Resistance Oh, But Knock Not (AT4), What Ruo Naka Found, Threatening Presence [BPM], or Interrupting Blows (AT6) AT7 Called to His Bidding or Accurate Empower [BPM] // Spirit Tornado Stalwart Defiance [BPM], or choice of previous Weapon Proficiencies: Battle axe (a), Mace (a) Morning star Club Weapon slots: I: The Willbreaker (Unavoidable Demise, Make Them Flinch) II: Shattered Vengeance or Kapana Taga Essential gear: Helm of the Void Aloth’s Leather Armor Voidward Undying Burden Playstyle: This build focuses on synergistic debuffs to reduce enemy Fortitude, Will, and AR, setting up your party for faster kills, while soaking up enemy attacks. - The real work horse here is the synergy between the chant The Long Night's Drink Birthed the Revenge of Morning and the Barbarian abilities Spirit Frenzy/Spirit Tornado. While frenzied, every attack you make, with any ability, will cause Staggered (-5 MIG, Cannot engage enemies). Because The Long Night’s Drink is an attack, enemies affected by it are not only Weakened, but also Staggered. These two conditions together lower their Fortitude by 20!. For enemies who are resistant or immune to MIG afflictions, The Long Night’s Drink also lowers MIG independent of any affliction, resulting in an only slightly less impactful -14 Fortitude. This would be powerful even if it was a one time use ability, but the attack repeats every 6 or 12 seconds, and synergizes with itself, because it targets Fortitude. Once it hits, it has a much easier time of reapplying again, making it last the entire encounter in most situations. *Note: there is a bug in the vanilla game where Spirit Tornado only applies staggered on weapon attacks. If you’re playing vanilla, do not upgrade to Spirit Tornado. - In addition to Long Night’s Drink and Spirit Frenzy, we can lower an enemy's Fortitude by an additional 25 points with the Morning star modal Body Blows, which targets Deflection. This is often the first wedge to pry open high Fortitude enemies, as it makes The Long Night’s Drink much easier to land. On top of those, we have the upgraded version of Reny Daret’s Ghost Spake (Ben Fidel’s Neck Was Exposed), which targets Will and lowers all defenses by 10 and applies Frightened (-5 Deflection, -10 Will, -3 power levels). Lastly, the invocation And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon The Shield lowers AR by 2. With the upgrade, this can be kept up for the entire battle without much effort (especially on any target being focused). The net effect on all of this on enemies who are not affliction resistant or immune is: -2 AR -15 Deflection -55 Fortitude -10 Reflex -20 Will - Spirit Tornado is worth a quick mention here. With BPM, it is very worth snagging, and honestly great for end game even in Vanilla, as many late game enemies have Might affliction resistance anyway. Terrified for 1 Rage in an AoE is very fun. - Choosing higher level invocations increases your max phrases. Your goal is to have at least 5 max so that you can cast Ben Fidel’s Neck and Hel-Hyraf back to back at the start of combat. Non-offensive invocations cost +1, and choosing a high level one will give you the highest possible max phrase count. - Keep your weapon modals on all the time. The damage penalties eat up all of your bonus damage from MIG, but in light or medium armor with frenzy, you still put out some decent damage. I didn’t do any math on this, but my gut is that the modal deals more total damage across the party if at least 1 other party member is attacking Fortitude. Once you have The Willbreaker, it makes more sense to use that 100% of the time and have another character use a club to keep Bewildering Blows up, even when trying to lower enemy Will, because Relentless stacks with those and adds an additional -3 to -15 Will. - With Kosntanten’s health pool being so large (~500 hp with a few points of bonus constitution and frenzy), you don’t have to babysit him. Instead, when you notice he’s getting close to bloodied, or is being focused by a few high damage enemies, you can toss a heal over time on him and/or use Stalwart Defiance. In BPM, Defiance stacks with Robust, in addition to getting extra base healing, but even without those changes, it’s a pretty great fit for K. - Surviving fights also requires having enough armor for the enemies you’re fighting. At a minimum, enough means that when he’s critically hit, he has enough AR to avoid overpenetration. You can figure out what that target is by using this formula (AR needed to avoid overpen=1+((Enemy PEN * 1.5)/2). With Thick Skinned, he should be fine in most fights with upgraded Light or Medium armor even on PotD. When in doubt, Potions of Spirit Shield last a decently long time and are cheap. Aloth’s Leather Armor is a phenomenal choice, because it has no weaknesses if you upgrade to Structurally Stable (and actually gains extra Corrode AR). The bonus defense against Transmutation and the Overseeing enchantments are also wonderful. Other great choices are Magnera’s Chain, Iridescent Scale, or Saint’s War Armor. The latter two really depend on Woodskin/Delemgan and some +corrode AR to work, but they have great enchantments). If you are facing particularly challenging enemies (e.g. rogues with ranged weapons that prioritize low HP allies), Heavy armor works great, too. Blackened Plate with the damage aura and -AR aura are a natural fit here. Both autohit, so won’t apply Staggered from Spirit Frenzy, but they do stack with everything else in your toolbox. - One very powerful trick that I like using Konstanten for on challenging bosses is putting him into the Kahako Nihi armor from SSS with the Hardened Plates upgrade. With heavy armor, K can take crits easily, and the debuff that it causes lasts the entire encounter. This is especially nice on Megabosses like Dorudugan and Hauani O Whe, where you’re stuck grinding them down. - The biggest downside of K in this build is low accuracy and low Intellect. These aren’t as damning as you might think, though. Gloves of Reliability and Helm of the Void, are a big help early (as of course priest/paladin buffs). Since your biggest single debuff targets deflection, flanking, etc also helps. The other reason it’s not completely damning, is that your main abilities are very cheap (1 Rage, 2 and 3 Phrases). If you whiff one, you can try again at little cost. Similarly, lower duration is not much of an issue. Lastly, as a melee chanter, your chants and invocations easily hit multiple enemies. - Pretty much as soon as you can get K, you can snag Saru-sichr from Arkemyr’s mansion with no violence. If you planned ahead and started with some extra gold from Berath’s Blessings, you should also have Shattered Vengeance. These will keep K in business for most of the game. I’d also recommend doing Beast of Winter as soon as you can (14 is great). Helm of the Void is huge. If you have a wizard with Combusting Wounds, Neriscyrlas is a breeze. K can make sure it lands, and Thick Grew Their Tongues helps you keep that pesky Llengrath’s Safeguard. Sidenote: if you’re running Fassina here, all of her poison spells work on top of Combusting Wounds shenanigans. Very easy once K gets N’s Fortitude under control. - This build works exceptionally well with Fassina and other characters with abilities that target Fortitude and Will. Big K has no problem standing in the hostile AoE spells that Fassina uses. If you use an Antidote, Khapa Tea, or get Purge Toxins from Fassina, you can safely ignore Venombloom, Malignant Cloud, and Noxious Burst. But if you don’t have immunity to poison, your high Fortitude and Voidward will make them completely survivable. Konstanten has the highest base Fortitude of any companion or sidekick.** We take Bear’s Fortitude to increase that even further, and with Frenzy up, he gains an additional +20 Fortitude. If you have an active source of +All Defenses (Circle of Protection, etc.), that’s helpful, but not necessary. I also usually give Konstanten a Cloak of Greater Protection for an additional +10. **For fun, here’s a breakdown of the top 5. Konstanten (Barbarian): 54 (30 class, 10 MIG, 14 CON) Konstanten (Howler): 49 (25 class, 10 MIG, 14 CON) Pallegina (Paladin): 45 (25 class, 4 MIG, 6 CON, 10 Faith & Conviction (+Deep Faith)) Eder (Fighter): 44 (20 class, 12 MIG, 12 CON) Serafen (Barbarian): 42 (30 class, 10 MIG, 2 CON) - I think Alchemy is by far the most useful active skill, especially for the late game where fights can go very long and keeping buffs up is worth quite a bit. That said, there is great synergy with Athletics and Undying Burden, and if your party needs someone with high Athletics, that’s a great fit, also. - As mentioned above, Konstanten works great with a source of consistent Healing over time. A Herald with Ancient Memory and Exalted Endurance is usually plenty to keep him happy (also a great choice to work with Fassina, due to Righteous Soul). Some things that worked for me on Megabosses: Dorudugan: I had K face tank Doru to start the fight until he caught Hardened Plates, then had him wail away with Willbreaker, standing far enough away from the other 2 melee so that a Brutal slash would only ever hit 2 of the 3. BPM savage defiance and some back up heals along with stacked AR meant no overpen with crits, and underpen on regular hits. You have to do some work with a few characters to make a debuff strategy work here, but K is a key piece of the puzzle. BPM Threatening Presence helps quite a bit (immune to engagement when above 75% HP), but you can eat a disengagement crit with this setup with a similar amount of health. I respec to Blood Frenzy/Bloodstorm for this b/c he is resistant to Body Afflictions, and w/ BPM I had basically infinite frenzy (I think BPM Salvation of Time or something else has an odd interaction here, but I couldn’t figure it out). The extra dmg from the dot is not huge, but there’s not much else to spend points on. Hauani O Whe: Similar to Doru, stack AR, stay alive through the crits. I used Disintegrate to shorten the fight tremendously, and K helped that land. If you weren’t doing that, I’d pick up the accuracy boost for The Thunder Rolled and keep oozes stunned (5s base, vs Reflex w/ one attack roll for 2 Phrases) Sigilmaster Auranic: The biggest contribution K makes is the use of his old massage room back the the Wild Mare, but he does fine here smashing on sigils and making Auranic easier to land damage on. Spirit Tornado is fun on Auranic, who can be terrified. Belranga: Pretty happy here with Khapa Tea smashing away. Carnage is nice to speed up spiderling kills. Once you switch over to Belranga, the lowered defenses help speed everything up a bit. BPM Notes: - The Improved Empowered Abilities are great with this build. Accurate is a must, Lasting is great as a second. With Lasting, Ben Fidel’s Neck is probably your best choice to empower at the start of a fight.2 points
This seems to be interesting, especially the wording used in the proposal. "the supply of additional long-range weapons systems and ammunition needed for Ukraine (...) to be able to carry out targeted strikes under international law on strategically important targets located far into the Russian aggressors’ rear" Germany will vote on this soon. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/02/20/7442721/2 points
2 points
Im playing Shadowrun Returns, first time I have played this franchise Its fun, very simple and linear but good fun2 points
I’ve had this build in draft for years now, but just completed a full playthrough to test it exhaustively. I love the companion and sidekick builds @Ascaloth and others have posted, especially the way they mix mechanical fun with narrative details for each character. This build works great in most parties, but is designed to be paired with a Konstanten Howler build that I’m posting as well. This is in no way unique insight or creativity on my part, but mostly a very basic build that focuses on fun synergies. I’m posting so that it’s available for folks who want to bring Fassina along and are looking for a quick, fool-proof build. I tested this on PotD Upscaled with a typical party (Swash Eder, Herald Pallegina, Priest Xoti, Howler Konstanten). I used the Community Patch and Balance Polishing Mod, but the build does not depend on them to work. I’ll do my best to highlight if something is a CP or BPM feature only. (Borrowing @thelee's format here w/ some slight edits) The Pitch: Stack gross amounts of +PL and clear the battlefield with layers of AoE DoT, Pulse, and direct corrode and raw damage. Sorcerer - Wizard (Conjurer), Druid (Animist) Human (Ocean Folk), Vailian Republics - Arcane Apprentice (+1 INT, +2 Arcana) Attributes: MIG 13 CON 11 DEX 12 PER 12 INT 16 RES 14 Note: If you are playing this build with a hired adventurer or watcher you could make these choices to further optimize. Choose Nature Godlike (trade +1 Poison PL and +2 INT for +1 universal PL) Choose Ancient Druid instead of Animist (additional stacking +1 PL for plant and beast spells). Make PER and INT your highest scores, followed by MIG and DEX. You could dump RES and CON as much as you are comfortable. Skills: Alchemy (or Arcana) and Metaphysics. More explanation below. Abilities: AT1 Concelhaut’s Parasitic Staff (a), Conjure Familiar (a) // Talon’s Reach (a), Sunbeam (a), Spiritshift Wolf (a) Slicken Choice of: Touch of Rot, Tanglefoot, Vile Thorns, Nature’s Mark AT2 Infuse with Vital Essence // Insect Swarm, The Moon’s Light (a) Necrotic Lance Autumn’s Decay or Binding Web AT3 Deleterious Alacrity of Motion // Infestation of Maggots, Returning Storm (a) Combat Focus Purge of Toxins [BPM] AT4 Spirit of Decay // Form of the Delemgan, Conjure Blight (a) Wicked Briars or Wall of Flame Spell Shaping AT5 Rapid Casting // Wall of Thorns, Plague of Insects (a) Farcasting Embrace of the Earth Talon or (Uncanny Luck, Heart of the Storm, or Scion of Flame) AT6 Arkemyr’s Capricious Hex or Ninaguath’s Freezing Pillar // Venombloom, Sunlance (a) Choice of: Quick Summoning, Garden of Life, Spell Resistance [BPM], or an optoin from a previous tier AT7 Tayn’s Chaotic Orb or Wall of Draining // Accurate Empower [BPM] or Call to the Primordials, Lashing Vine (a) Potent Empower [BPM] or an option from a previous tier Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger (a), Rod (a) Staff or/and Pike Hunting Bow Arquebus Scepter Weapon slots: I: The Spine of Thicket Green (Empowering Instinct, Grove’s Respite) or Lance of the Midwood Stag (Lord of the Forest) II: Essence Interrupter or Blightheart or Amaliorra Note: Spine vs. Lance. Both are available immediately for “free”; I used the Spine for my playthrough, but on reflection, Lance is likely better in every case except vs Vessels. Both work great, though. You could always juggle them to maximize PL for plant/beast spells, but that is more micro than it’s worth for me, plus I prefer to have my second weapon set for an alternative ranged option. Essential gear: Spider Silk Robe (Spider Blooded, Poison Master) Mask of the Grotto Deep Serpentskin Grimoire Fassina’s Grimoire Battle-worn Grimoire Playstyle: This build focuses on maximizing a few strong spells with synergistic keywords (Poison, Plant, Beast, Acid, Decay, Conjuration) to stack up staggering amounts of damage, but stays flexible with tried and true utility spells for every situation. Universal +1/+3: (Summon Familiar/Lance of the Midwood Stag) Poison +3 (Mask of Grotto Deep & Spider Silk Robe) Conjuration +2 (Conjurer subclass) Plant +3 (Spine of Thicket Green) Beast +3 (Spine of Thicket Green) +PL by Spell: +8 Malignant Cloud (Conjuration, Poison) +6 (+7 w/ Spine) Plague of Insects (Beast, Poison [BPM]) Venombloom (Plant, Poison) Wall of Thorns (Plant, Poison [BPM]) Vile Thorns (Plant, Poison) +6 Noxious Burst (Poison) +5 Necrotic Lance (Conjuration) Binding Web (Conjuration) Death Ring (Conjuration) All Wizard Wall spells (Conjuration) +3 (+4 w/ Spine) Insect Swarm Talon’s Reach Tanglefoot Wicked Briars Form of the Delemgan Lashing Vine Call to the Primordials The basic flow is standard stuff: buff > DoT spells > direct damage spells w/ debuffs and utility spells as needed. Buffs: Infuse w/ Vital Essence Deleterious Alacrity of Motion Summon Familiar Form of the Delemgan Core DoTs: Plague of Insects Infestation of Maggots Venombloom Malignant Cloud Insect Swarm - Keep the staff modal on most of the time. Pike modal is a great debuff if you aren’t using Nature’s Mark or similar active effects that reduce Deflection. You should be able to stay in robes the whole game, but if you are concerned about getting focused fired, Cabalist Gambeson is great b/c Woodskin and Delemgan cover the AR gaps perfectly (always a fan of flaunting the haul from Arkemyr’s Vault, too). Ironskin is also great and is in the Snakeskin Grimoire. - Form of the Delemgan is easily the strongest spell in your entire repertoire. It single-handedly makes many encounters go from deadly to average with the Dexterity Affliction immunity and bonus AR. For your tankier party members, it makes Scale armor and Brigandine amazing by shoring up their pierce AR gap. Note that bonus AR is one place where specific does not stack with general. If you have both Spirit Shield and Form of the Delemgan, it will choose the higher of the two values for each damage type, rather than stacking. - Early/mid game you’re going to want to pay attention to enemy defenses and armor and cast the best spell you have for those defenses/AR, regardless of bonus PL. Sunbeam, Returning Storm, Slicken, Chill Fog, and Combusting Wounds are almost always useful. When all else fails, switch over to your ranged weapon and plug away (or bonk w staff or pike). - Poison immune enemies are not that scary or troublesome. Just lean on your non-poison options. Unless you wait till very late, you won’t have many poison spells for Hanging Sepulchers. The rest of your early game kit works great. Same for Poko Kohara Ruins/Engwithan Waystation. Splintered Reef is an interesting case, as the Fampyrs are not immune to poison and many have lowish Fortitude. It’s worth blasting them with everything you’ve got and not worrying about the immune skeletons and guls. Speaking of, Guls and Alguls are weak to fire, so blast away. The fights in SSS with constructs, skeletons, and naga are all manageable, as well. Essence interrupter w/ Essential Phantom works great for the constructs. For the Naga you have less options, but Chill Fog, Slicken, Wicked Briars, Tayn’s Chaotic Orb, Lashing Vine are all helpful. - I recommend rushing the Kraken (lvl 10/11) and Splintered Reef (lvl 15/16) to maximize the time you have with your full equipment set. The Kraken has high Fortitude, but is not immune to Poison, and is weak to freeze and corrode. See above for Splintered Reef. When I did Splintered Reef Menzaggo died from AoE DoTs before I ever targeted him with anything else. While it doesn’t have much we really need for Fassina, rushing Beast of Winter is quite easy, too. Fassina eats Neriscyrlas up (Combusting Wounds, Wall of Flame, Insects to strip Concentration, Wall of Thorns - RIP). - This build works exceptionally well with a Howler like Konstanten built to lower enemy Fortitude and take the occasional hit from hostile AoEs. See my companion build, The Bodyworker for a version of this kind of build. It’s particularly helpful to crack open big enemies with high Fortitude via Morningstar Modal and -all Defense debuffs. Anything that lowers Fortitude in an AoE is awesome. Especially awesome are debuffs for Fortitude that target a different defense. For example, vs. Will:. Devotions of the Faithful, Secret Horrors, Interdiction, Mind Plague, Reny Daret's Ghost Spake w/ Upgrade, and Shining Beacon. - Other fun combinations include: watch a big boss’s HP bar fall through the floor by stacking up all of your DoTs and have a priest cast Cleansing Flame (this might depend on BPM fixes). watch all of your DoT and debuff durations fly through the roof when a boss is hit with Enfeebled from a Forbidden Fist monk - Paladins with Righteous Soul and melee characters with Khapa Tea make your life much simpler once you have Malignant Cloud and Venombloom. You can gather up all of the melee enemies and then plop your spells right on top without worry. - I like the idea of stacking Alchemy all the way and using poisons to take advantage of the +PL. This sort of works with Blightheart and the Arquebus modal (which gives a much needed +20 accuracy to the poison). The fact is, though, it adds significant micro and not much versatility. Arcana is the clear best choice, not the least of which, because Fassina gets a special background with +2. Being able to cast all those evocation spells, along with some of the best from Priest, is so valuable at the end of the game. - Accuracy is not Fassina’s strength, so look for all the ways you can improve that. Aware from Priests or Ciphers, +Accuracy from Priests or Paladins or Deadeye. Potion of Perfect Aim is wonderful and should be used for every difficult fight. Some things that worked for me on Megabosses: Dorudugan: Equip Essence Interrupter and keep an Essential Phantom up. Keep Form of the Delemgan up on anyone in melee. Respec to grab heals - Moonwell counters a few spells, which can really help survivability. Embrace of the Earth Talon is great if you use Amaliorra and every possible debuff / accuracy boost. Hauani O Whe: Not poison immune, but the highest Fortitude defense of any enemy in the whole game. For simplicity sake, I used Disintegrate to cut the fight in half, but her DoTs would shred through some smaller oozes. For big HOW, I landed a combusting wounds and then dropped every wall spell I had on ‘em. Wall of Thorns, Flames, Force from Fassina. Watch his health plummet. Venombloom is great, too. Sigilmaster Auranic: Nice addition with Arcane Reflection self-cast. Essence Interrupter and Phantom for the Sigils. Form of Delemgan is a life saver vs. all the Petrify and Paralyze. Venombloom and all the rest aren’t too hard to land here, once you clear the sigils. Probably some other tricks you could do, but this one is relatively easy. Belranga: Form of the Delemgan majorly trivializes a key mechanic by eliminating all of the paralyze/petrify. DoTs clear up the spiders with ease. Once you get Belranga into territory where you can land spells, any of your tricks work great. Stack up the DoTs and watch her fall. BPM Notes: - Wildstrike Corrode seems like an easy fit in this build, but it’s actually not as useful for us, because when you are Spiritshifted, your carried weapons are replaced by the Spiritshift ones. This means you are always trading away more applicable +PL for the narrower Wildstrike bonus. That said, there are other reasons to spiritshift, and if you want to have more to do while shifted, by all means. - The Improved Empowered Abilities are great with this build. Accurate is a must, Potent & Lasting are great as a second/third. Venombloom is probably your best choice to empower, so kick things off with a bang and then toss out the rest of your spells.1 point
1 point
Ok, weird. Open your file explorer and put %Appdata% into the address bar and hit enter. You should now get to something like `C:\Users\Yhekal\AppData\Roaming` Is there a folder named "Apotheosis" in there? If so, delete it and run Apotheosis.exe again No, it shouldn't.1 point
I got a free key through Shady from the giveaway thread and felt guilty for hating the game - feeling the key was wasted on me. I am beginning to understand that I sacrificed myself and saved someone else from playing it.1 point
Currently playing a sorcerer and it changed my view on conjurer. Their spells aren't ideal on their own but at least they have access to wall of flame, chill fog, freezing pillar etc. Sorcerer naturally leans to using tons of DoT/AoE spells combined with combusting wounds so conjurer will have most of the tools at hand. Caster/caster multiclass is also better in BPM compared to vanilla, since the spells we get from brilliant is limited in power, in longer fights a MC caster isn't far behind compared to SC casters.1 point
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1 point
It's also my favorite of the series though I do pretend like 3 never happened.1 point
I fully agree about the first part. I'm not sure how likely that is, though. It's like the situation with the young woman who was apprehended by the police and social services when she was about to jump off a bridge and kill herself. "You think you came here just in time but you're twenty years too late" is a fairly devastating point to make. (And as this is an internet forum, I feel compelled to point out that this is not a general statement: not every dire situation is such that someone else is fully or partly responsible for it and should have acted earlier.)1 point
If the 1:7 death ratio is real, the math says, that Russia will run out of manpower sooner than Ukraine, unless Putin borrows DPRK army as well. Not to mention, that Russia could sustain the equipment losses, which they currently have for maximum 2 years. In some equipment it is projected just about 1 year. So less equipment will mean more meat assaults which would mean more favourable KD ratio for Ukraine. But first, the EU and US should finally wake the **** up their factories, and the NATO have to allow strikes in Belgorod, and other bordering areas in Russia, which does not allow UA to perform at full capacity1 point
My game YT account is kaput, gone. Made me feel weird for a few minutes but I don't use it/care about using it anymore so I don't miss it, either. But anyone who maybe wanted to rewatch the FO:NV Thriller video once every few years, you're outta luck now. hahaha Edit: The older I get the more I miss the non-internet days. I mean in terms of my life/habits/hobbies etc.1 point
As Kaylon said in some other thread, Eager Blade, enchanted with Battle Unending used by a Berserker/Forbidden Fist is a good combo. You'll get an alternative crush dmg attack with the Forbidden Fist attack. With its Enfeeble you prevent the enemies from getting occasionally healed by the blade - while you still profit from the healing on crit.1 point
Progress Update I went through the trinkets and made the following changes (mod files attached): Changed the cast time of all abilities to Very Fast (1.7 seconds for all of them) Changed recovery time for all abilities that deal damage immediately on cast to Very Fast (2.0 seconds) Draconic Blast (Whispers of Neriscyrlas) Final Flame (Detonator Shard) Changed recovery time for all abilities that do not deal damage immediately on cast to Instant (0.0 seconds) Changed all ability usage: 1 per rest > 1 per encounter Added +10 Accuracy to all attacks Update Keywords for Petrifying Venom (Spider Empress' Mandibles) - Poison (display only, attack already had the keyword) Final Flame (Detonator Shard) - Fire (display only, attack already had the keyword) Draconic Blast (Whispers of Neriscyrlas) - Acid (display only, attack already had the keyword) Tayn's Chaotic Missiles (Tayn's Gratitude) - Summoned Weapon (display only, ability already had the keyword) Other changes Draconic Blast (Whispers of Neriscyrlas) Increased Base Penetration: 7 > 9 Llengrath's Warding Totem (Glasanam Argûes) Reworked Ability to increase its uniqueness and power level. The original is a less useful version (because of positioning requirement and short duration) of the Level 9 Wizard Spell Llengrath's Reflection. Original ability creates a small (1.5m) area on the ground (no scaling) for 10s (no scaling). While the caster (does not affect any other characters) stands in the circle, 100% of spells are reflected. There is no limit to the number of spells that can be reflected in this way. Reworked ability has the same AoE and duration, but now resists 100 of spells, rather than reflecting. This makes the user immune to all hostile spell effects, including spells that are AoEs, which are normally not affected by Spell Reflect abilities. Some remaining questions/decisions: Tayn's Chaotic Missiles (Summoned Weapon) is typed as unarmed (with a fist icon). Should this be changed to wand or scepter? I seem to recall that Kalakoth's Minor Blights are considered a wand. At the very least, we could change the icon to be the same as Tayn's Chaotic Orb Spell. I can't figure how to do that in Apotheosis, so welcome any help. Do the summons need scaling? Muātu's Aid (Muātu's Head) Superb Weapon (Ngati's Tusk), joined my level 20 party as level 23, I think (summoned in Periki's Overlook) Servants of the Stars (Celestial Agitator) Have very small HP and die easily, but that's sort of by design, I think. They hit decently hard w/ a frost attack, but not much in the way of accuracy. Trinket Fix.rar1 point
I have no idea who this "Dan" is they all keep mentioning ( ), but great/fun video for VA fans.1 point
I used the "poster edges" artistic filter in Photoshop and had moderate success imitating the conversation portraits. Just apply a color filter overtop and adjust the color values until it matches the yellowish parchment color of the background.1 point
It's truly mind-boggling that Netflix pulled that ****. Like if you're paying for 2 or more screens at a time why do they care where those screens are? NANI?!?!?!?!?!?0 points
First disappointing chapter of Frieren. It does seem like it's a set up for a future plot, but it was just so low effort. For some reason the author decided to wrap it up in 1 chapter and continue the story. Feels so jarring when compared to the rest of the short stories in the manga.0 points
Went and drew blood for my bp meds, and had my BP taken. My meds ran dry a couple of days ago, and there was a new nurse and she got very concerned and expressed so about my 170/110 which caused both me and the more senior nurse that knows of me to chortle. "Oh, it's about 100 to go for his personal record"0 points
0 points
I haven't watched the three most recent Delicious in Dungeon episodes because Netflix finally noticed that I don't leave with my parents. There hasn't been much of interest to me on Netflix, so I'll let my parents keep it and I'll catch on when I visit. Frieren 23 Frieren and Fern started another test, to explore a dungeon and reach its bottom. What could possibly go wrong? Denken managed to gather the few people who understood they were not competing anymore. They fight together against some magic clones of themselves. But then they meet the final boss: R.I.P.0 points