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At the same time, I think one can like BG3 and not D:OSs. The game is different/better enough. However, if one’s issue with D:OS was Larian (design goals and ideals), than yeah, BG3 will probably annoy that person as well.3 points
Keep forgetting to look into this more, but a short while back I was doing some more gaming with the party that has this merc build in it, and I noticed something very curious - I had Street Sweeper equipped, in the fight against Manzaggo. Lots of Fampyrs who cast Minoletta's Piercing Sigil. So I did something I very rarely ever did - I did Clear Out with Street Sweeper instead of my blunderbuss+melee load out. Then I got very intrigued by the fact that all the Fampyr buffs got cleared more than expected! After a couple more trials, it looks like Clear Out is very clearly two hit attempts per target with my 2h weapon. That means 2x damage and, with Street Sweeper, -20s off buffs instead of -10s. It's not a fluke - I've started using Clear Out even when I normally wouldn't (e.g. vs a single target that is already safely engaged by my tank) because 2x hits for 2x interrupts and -20s off buffs turns out to be extremely useful against late game tough foes. Unfortunately, I've had literally zero time since then to look into this more. Does anyone know about this or have more insight into what's going on here? no mention of this strange behavior on wiki or in my weaksauce attempts at searching the forums. I don't know if it's just 2h only, or if it also works with main hand melee or what not (when I do it with my blunderbuss set up, there is just wayyyyy too much info in the combat log to even notice that there's 2x hits, if it also doubles up there).1 point
1 point
Wasn't CIWS if it's the video I'm thinking of, as that ship didn't have one. Pecheneg or even a RPK. Seems a bit funny, but during the Falklands British sailors regularly tried to shoot down Argentine A4s with bog standard assault rifles (!) when Sea Sparrow failed. Phalanx being able to depress further was one of the (few) changes actually made due to the infamous Millennium Challenge, iirc. Same depression as the equivalent Russian system though. Not really hitting the target that is the issue so much as detecting it, since you don't need to take meatbags into account you can design sea drones to be only marginally buoyant and sealed thus extremely low profile, and you can pack a lot more explosive in or give it a lot larger engines than one that has to carry people. Ironically, the Russian are still up on Tarantul class corvettes as they captured 4 of them from Ukraine.1 point
This one I changed as you proposed. Now let's say I have the "master token". Don't hesitate to request it from me if you want to make further changes to ensure you start from the latest file. I think I will upload the new version tomorrow.1 point
Its hard to read intent but you dont seem happy? Ukraine needs funding to continue its defense against the Russian invasion and this aid is a huge part of a successful Ukrainian military strategy This is good news and well done to the EU, here is an updated link about this https://www.dw.com/en/eu-leaders-reach-deal-on-50-billion-ukraine-aid-package/live-68140069#:~:text=Just one hour into the,in Brussels in mid-December.1 point
No I don't think, you can keep yours don't worry. All I remember I changed was from the cooldown translation. I made more changes on the community patch.1 point
IMHO : BPM Barbaric Smash + St Omaku or Veilpiercer or Frostseeker BPM Crushing Blow + Rod modal or Frostseeker (with a good multiclass, you can burn your rage into an instant AoE) I'm absolutely fond of rods in general. Rod of the Deep Hunter is especially great because its debuff makes it as good vs crowd as vs bosses. Amira's Wing is just too cool with its devastating spells with weapon quality bonus and focus regen.1 point
Inferno (1980) A visually stunning giallo with a great operatic rock track that nevertheless left me feeling unsatisfied. It just doesn't really hold up if you compare it to Suspira, which is in all ways I can think of a better film. Still, it's worth a watch simply for the visual experience and that one track really makes me feel like I had a dream of a horror film. But since it was a great looking film with at least one incredible track........... Tetsuo the Iron Man (1989) Rewatch This is like if someone made a feature length music video to accompany a very grimy industrial and I mean that completely complimentary. It's an incredible ride that is just so absurd you can't help but laugh hysterically. I have listened to a track from the soundtrack at least once a day since I watched it a few days ago. Thanks for reminding me of this @Bartimaeus1 point
In any other game series I would be quite surprised by a multi-part crustacean love story quest.1 point
holy thread necro! but this is actually the good kind of necro because i definitely missed the post the previous time around. can't speak for boeroer, but IME there are three main aspects of a SC fighter worth talking about: clear out upgrades sunder armor some extremely light metagaming with the passive that gives you more discipline maybe? if you wanted to do a tactician, upgrading clear out and using a handmortar in your main hand with a melee weapon in the off hand might be a good pay off for SC. you'd need perception resistance or to leave your blunderbuss modal off, but you'd get tons of interrupts. i actually don't know if you're capped at restoring 1 discipline per attack, or if you could actually have a net gain in discipline. but even when capped at only 1 discipline restored fire in the hole (which can be upgraded to bounce) plus a good offhand weapon plus maybe the line clear out upgrade will tax your video card while outputting tons of damage and will be extremely cheap to spam in a fight.1 point
Alan Wake. Finished the main game, started the DLC. The story is nice, the technical aspects of the gameplay, where the MC cannot hit in melee, sprint for long, or dodge reliably (might be the "git gud" thing) could be better. I suppose, the MC wasn't working out, unlike the Control MC, who could sprint indefinitely. In terms of structure and pacing, Alan Wake feels tighter than Control, though losing all gathered weaponry at the start of each episode was unpleasant. The music was excellent. Slay the Princess. The developers were quite compelling in their post, thus, I purchased the game on GOG. The art style and the voice acting (which I kept on, because the Voices/characters had too similar fonts, except the Princess) were very expressive and fitting, while the length of each scene aligned perfectly with my attention span. The most important aspect for me was how much the game reacted to my choices and how many branching paths were there. After finishing the game, I can confirm that there were many more than I have experienced (checked an achievement guide) and I would like to try some of them.1 point
I’m on a quest to find my favourite vodka. So far, I’ve tried Polish, Russian, Swedish and Australian vodka. Just opened a bottle of Japanese vodka (I do love Japanese gin). Some day I’ll appoint one of them a “favourite” edit: doing a bit of weekend cleaning, washing the shelves in the cupboard with soap and water. Noticed I have an Icelandic vodka too, to try out after the Japanese one. Didn't say anything about being fish based1 point
I read through the other thread and created this account to post in there but I guess here is fine too. Going by the announcement thread I think I am in the big minority here in the fact that I am a primarily console gamer as opposed to a PC one. I also have pretty much been an Xbox fan since the first console launched in 2001. That being said, I follow the console landscape pretty closely and would like to share my take on what is going on with Xbox and Obsidian (and Inexile). First, I don't think a lot of you realize that there are a lot of Obsidian fans on console too. I have enjoyed them since KOTOR II and on console they have also release New Vegas (my favorite fallout), and Alpha Protocol (An underrated game I loved). As a guy who plays Xbox (and Playstation) I am super excited that they have gotten a great talent like Obsidian under their umbrella. Pretty much a dream acquisition if I had to go out and think about where I would like to see the Xbox brand grow from a gaming content perspective. Now there are lots of concerns and I think most are quite valid. In the industry we have often seen these types of deals go sour. Xbox/Microsoft themselves have obviously had issues and closed down talented studios before. There was an entire, frustrating and devastating period where several Xbox studios were creating kinect games and it was just horrible. Talent squandered on lesser products, like that Fable kinect game.... ugh. With that said I really do think this will be different (yea very cliche but at least hear me out). Microsoft has really pivoted the Xbox brand and approach. In the early days of Xbox, that division was a huge under dog. They were scrappy, they tried a lot of things and found some success, I had some grand times on the OG Xbox and it was largely seen as a joke. The 360 pretty much blew up for them and did extremely well but they stopped doing so many of the things that got them there, mainy they stopped investing in making games/software. By the time the Xbox One came on the scene they were bereft of in house talent and Sony was ready to fire on all cylinders, Nintendo too. Since Phil Spencer took over a few years ago they have changed course. I believe the future they are steering towards is one that revolves around streaming game and subscription services. Basically the "Netflix of gaming." They have already made strides here with gamepass, which is on Xbox and cost 10 bucks a month. You get a library of roughly 100 games to download and play its a really nice bang for the buck. I believe gamepass is their first foray into this netflix of gaming goal they are trying to achieve and if you want to be netflix you need to have compelling original content to earn people's subs. That's where their huge interest in first party software comes from now. They know they cant make this work if they don't have a lot of exclusive games to offer. Its no longer simply about trying to sell as many consoles as possible, its about trying to get as many gamers to subscribe to their platform as possible. That's also why they are integrating the Xbox and PC platforms. Their ultimate goal is to get any gamers to buy in whether they are on a PC, some kind of Xbox, phone, tablet, etc. They want anyone to be able to consume Xbox games. I think this bodes really well for Obsidian and Inexile because they aren't expected to make huge AAA hallmark titles to move systems. They are simply expected to produce quality games that Microsoft can release on a constant basis (along with their other studios) that hit a wide variety of interest and get people signing up for game pass or whatever it becomes down the line. They basically need reliable, game studios who have a track record of making solid games and getting them out. What Obsidian and Inexile have managed to do with modest crowd funded projects is an impressive feat and something seen as very attractive to Microsoft. I believe them when they essentially say they will let these studios make the games they want while providing support. They bought them to continue doing what they are doing because games like that make the platform (Xbox/Game Pass) more attractive. Now if you are worried about the games not being on Linux or being locked behind Windows 10, that's valid, I do think its likely that will happen. What I wouldn't be worried about right now is that Obsidian is going to be gutted and destroyed or forced into some horrible situation that kills them. Agai I am just a big Xbox fan and this is just how I see it but I think it makes a lot of sense if you try to read the tea leaves. Sorry for the long post, I just get really interested in stuff like this and can talk about it for days lol. End of the day I hope all of Obsidian fans can see some awesome products come out of this and be happy. I for one am very excited and I will be extremely disappointed if does go pear shaped.1 point
having done just that, stacking azata attribute and mind effecting boosts as well as all the enchantment/illusion gear in the game w/o resorting to expanded arsenal quirks, am less ambivalent than @majesticabout viability. am assuming azata kineticists remain kinda op. is more than a couple skald/bard builds we used for every hard and unfair boss battle, but regardless, an enchanter/illusionist is more than viable on any difficulty even without the expanded arsenal schtick. aside: is not to0 much undead in the game, but we nevertheless take the undead in addition to the functional requisite fey bloodline. sepentine might make more sense, but undead is typical our choice. (edit: you do not need play as a sorcerer caster to make an op azata enchanter work, but am highly recommending at least one level o' crossblood sorc if you choose to go wizard or whatnot.) furthermore, am gonna suggest that folks reflexive using unfair as a yardstick for mythic powha is misleading. @majestic is no doubt keen aware that the most difficult unfair content is early game and before you acquire mythic path specific powhaz, particularly ambush encounters pre mythic. insofar as late game, any mythic path has at least a few op builds. angle and lich (and only merged spell book angel and lich is arguable broken op) is not making the most challenging early content any easier, and by late game the angel and lich relative advantages decrease substantially. late game aeon and demon has a few builds we would place on par with merged spellbook angel or lich. the main advantage o' lich and angel for unfair runs is they do not require you to follow an uncompromising build path or discover every bit o' build-specific loot needed to achieve requisite ab or dcs. angel and lich has spells and abilities which ignore sr or obviate the chore o' generating improbable dcs. play angel and you don't need to consider adding a court poet companion to buff your caster, or adding the madness domain to sosiel. merged spellbook angel and lich make the game far more simple, and there is a mid portion o' the game where they is undeniably op. even so, every mythic provides possibility o' op builds capable o' roll-stomping unfair late game, and no mythic makes early game easier. as an aside, and for any who hasn't played the game in awhile, am suspecting a few folks is gonna be surprised by a recentish playful darkness change--like ulbrig, playful darkness is now equipped with a swarmbane clasp. HA! Good Fun! ps we did go with a merged spell book angel build for the inevitable excess dlc but less 'cause it were so powerful (although it certainly was a powerful choice) but 'cause encounters were simplified by having a functional immortal character able to one-button wipe the screen o' opponents w/o any o' the rock-paper-scissor considerations which is ordinary the cornerstone o' overcoming difficult d&d/pathfinder opponents.0 points
Looks even weirder than the first one. I can't wait. Although, I'm guessing I'll have to wait for the PC version...0 points
Possibly the effect 2) that deals no damages still apply some effects ?0 points
Three more bosses down in DSR. Capra Demon, Gaping Dragon and Quelaag. I made some stupid mistakes again and lost another 100k souls I tried few attempts against Bridge Dragon, but I got burned like a chips, because somehow the same tactics I did against it in PS3 version, does not work and I am getting big fire blast into my back, which burns all of my HPs in one shot, even if I have fire stoneplate ring and the fire resistance pyromancy buff. So I am for now clueless how to defeat it.0 points