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7 points
3 points
My father asked me to look over some pages of text he's written. His, uhm, command of German grammar* isn't the best, and so off to proofreading I went. German grammar rules are complex enough, but then there are exceptions, and even the exceptions sometimes have exceptions. There is one in particular that drives me nuts. We have prepositions that force the use of certain cases even if said case would not be indicated otherwise. That's mostly fine, one eventually gets the hang of it (as native speaker, at least), but it wouldn't be German without exceptions. There's a small set of prepositions that can indicate the use of either dative or accusative case. An (meaning at, to, or by) is one of them. Which case is indicated by the preposition then depends on what you want to express. A location following "an" is always in the dative case, e.g. Die Katze sitzt am Fenster (The cat is sitting at the window, am is a contraction of an and dem, the article of Fenster), unless the verb of the sentence is used to express direction towards/away from the location, i.e. Die Katze lehnt sich ans Fenster** (The cat is leaning against the window, ans being a contraction of an and das, accusiative case). Confused yet? You probably should be. The dative case is always used when an is used with expressing time, e.g. Am Montag (Montag = Monday). There's actually no exception to that, which is a nice change of pace. There is, however, an exception for appositions whenever an is used to express time. Why? I have no idea. Really, none. Whenever you have an apposition that apposition inherits the case of the element it is in apposition to. Which in the end means that when expressing a point in time with an, the following apposition can have either the dative or the accusative case. Both are considered correct. E.g. Am Montag, dem 23. Jänner, gehen wir aus. and Am Montag, den 23. Jänner, gehen wir aus. both meaning On Monday, January 23rd, we'll go out, and both are correct German. Using the accusative case feels wrong. It looks wrong. It just... isn't. It should be wrong, dammit! I was halfway through correcting every instance of den until I remembered that it's not really wrong. Bah. * In his defense, German grammar was created by Satan himself as a means of torture, it's not uncommon to struggle. It's objetively hard even for us natives to write grammatically correct German. ** To make matters even worse, if you'd remove the third person reflexive pronoun sich (here meaning itself) from the sentence, you need to use the dative case again, e.g. Die Katze lehnt am Fenster (The cat leans against the window - no more present progressive) because lehnen alone no longer indicates any direction in the act of leaning, it's just something the cat does at the location. So that makes sense, does it?3 points
Somebody tried to make an island analogy and the replies were golden: http://geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=112142 points
2 points
2 points
It's logical to demo something on the worst possible controller no? Like, if it's playable with that then it's playable on anything. Guitar Hero drum controller it is then.2 points
Some of games I find pretty: Kynseed, Ghost of a Tale, Bastion, both Ori and the..., witcher 2&3, neverwinter nights series (despite blocks), Deadfire, Tangledeep, Regalia of Men and Monarchs, Trials of Mana, Minoria, Kingdoms of Amalur (early game)... basically there's more, but some games are ugly to me what I do not find pretty Braid, Skyrim without mods, Bloodstained ROTN, Dust (too much old), Noita (too much pixels) what are games that are pretty to you?1 point
I got home two hours ago from a weekend camping trip. Dinner saturday night was two fried smallmouth bass I caught while fishing in Realfoot Slough. I cooked them with instant grits and pan fried biscuits. Not exactly healthy but definitely delicious. I'm telling you guys, this modern world we live in has nothing to offer us that is worth the misery you pay to have it. One of these days I am going to go full on mountain man and leave it all behind.1 point
1 point
1 point
Tried posting in the metal thread but got a 403 forbidden, so see this as a test.1 point
I would like to stress the point, that he's not talking about the moderator team Sorry to hear Fionavar. I know cats aren't always as close to people as other four legged friends, but I do I remember growing up with what can best be described as just about managing to make themselves an indespensable part of the family before fate decided it wasn't to be, After the third time, my parents decided it was too much heartbreak for us kids. I hope you and the rest of the pack will cope1 point
legendary soulbounds.zip In case you are interested and are on PC, download and extract this to your override folder, it will bumb them up from Superb to Legendary. Though I agree that they are formidable even in vanilla.1 point
That bathroom must have a pretty tall ceiling to accommodate an ettin.1 point
Hooking up with a pair of young ladies tonight at one of their places for some take away food and an evening of video gaming and rum tasting... probably more of the latter Edit: Jackbox games amongst others, is quite fun when you can get a few people together (2-3 other will join us online). As for the rums... Kraken, Ratu (from Fiji), Bundaburg... a few others1 point
Why. Why do they insist on demoing FPSs with a ****ing controller??? Looks fun otherwise. I doubt it'll have a substantial amount of content like The Following, but if it does well, it could convince Techland to do the standalone it could have been. Maybe?1 point
I sing happy birthday to my dog. I don't know when her birthday is or how old she is. But I found her on 7/12/2014 so on that day she gets a special meal and a treat from Woofgang Puck1 point
You dont need hardly any of there active abilities to make the best rogue you just need to take there best passives. I find nearly all of there med-high level active abilities ok but you definately dont need them. The low level ones pretty much do the excact same thing anyway. The high level rogue ability withering strike is just a joke with a 3 guile cost All you need is: - crippling strike upgraded to artierel (costs 1 guile gives +2 pen +25% damage and hobbles) is essential - Smoke cloud - and its optional to even take confounding blind Its not hard to set up deathblows and sneak attacks because you have four other party members who can do that anyway No wonder everyone loves rogues1 point
0 points
Our eldest pack member, in the course of three-five days has had a lung collapse partially and fill with fluid. Likely aggressive cancer - so we are beginning the walk which I would wish on no one. Likely bring him to the vet on Monday to release him from his suffering.0 points
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