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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/20 in all areas

  1. Once there was a a loud mouthed hyena. He spent his days mocking all the other animals on the savanna, even the the Lion king. One day the lioness asked the King "Why do you let that stupid hyena taunt you like that? You are the king. Do something about him" "Just leave him be" the King replied "He isn't hurting anyone. Just let it go" However the lioness felt the need to teach that hyena a lesson so she began to chase him. The chase went on for miles and eventually the hyena led her to a fallen, hollow tree trunk and ran through it. The lioness tried to follow but got firmly stuck half way in. The hyena then got behind her, mounted her and had his way with her. Once he finished and left she got herself unstuck and walked home ashamed. She found the king waiting for her. He sighed and said "He took you to the tree didn't he?"
    4 points
  2. I'm a bit scared that ultimately it won't be much different than M&B1 just with better graphics. Really liked the original, but after just a couple hours in a new game I silently quit playing... every time...
    3 points
  3. keep in mind the US ain't selling universal happiness. never has. the sales pitch here is opportunity. the chance to change your stars is why most folks will accept less today in the hope o' a better tomorrow. look at the forbes list o' richest people in the world and you is gonna see more than one self-made billionaire from the USA. take a peek at jeff bezos' story if you are unfamiliar. not universal happiness. universal opportunity. the thing is, opportunity as the reward is not what it once were. most folks ain't aiming for billionaire status, but they want a legit shot at better. ... this is where it gets tough for us. we grew up poor. grew up poor not just by US standards but by freaking gaza standards. compare gaza to pine ridge by any traditional measure o' quality o' life standards and gaza wins... save for literacy 'cause they don't much care 'bout educating their women folk in gaza. possible you think Gromnir is exaggerating? mentioned in another thread how we were watching better call saul season 4. character we most identify with ain't the lawyers but is gus. no coati, but we had coyotes and our home were a dilapidated patchwork structure with corrugated aluminum panels, and plywood salvaged from... various places. grandparents maintained as best they could with what they had. we were often hungry and during winters we were always cold. when we got old enough to realize how poor we were, we got very very angry. so at age 50, we give half our wealth away to a couple charities and retire. current have ~$3million in real estate and another near $3million in ira and other assets. have us try and tell you is impossible to improve your situation in 2020 US would be a tough sell. our relatives have no idea how much money we made in the past couple decades as we live relative humble (other than the 87 buick) and we don't intend on sharing such info. we went home to visit once in a rental car which were deemed too fancy and during the night the vehicle were demolished with frozen apples. why apples? apples is red, but only on the outside. get it? the thing is, am knowing just how lucky we have been. stuff weren't handed to us on a silver platter and mom and dad didn't send us to best schools and pay for college. woulda' taken very little to derail our ambitions. most important, our grandparents gave us hope. have tried to explain endemic hopelessness, but am thinking it is impossible to explain unless you lived in a place such as pine ridge or any o' the hundreds and thousands o' similar impoverished communities in the US. tell kids they may improve their situation when they live in conditions such as you see in linked images 'bove is a tough sell. tell kids they may improve their situation when they see their parents, uncles, aunts and cousins try and fail over and over and over again. if all the adults in your life has tried and failed, then what is the point o' trying in the first place? might as well make the best o' what little you got rather than wasting effort on hopeless. is entire communities in the US which has abandoned hope. those communities know (right or wrong) opportunity is a lie. is two fed political issues we believe to be most pressing: national debt and income inequality. national debt issues should be self evident, but ain't. income inequality has reached a point where am believing national government need intervene. mentioned previous in this thread how bernie likes to point out that the three richest people in the US own more than the bottom 50% combined. the thing is, if you have $1 worth o' assets and no debt, you own more than the bottom 50% combined. US manufacturing jobs are disappearing and won't be coming back no matter what trump promises. automation and ai will replace any number o' jobs in the coming decades, particularly those low skill jobs which require less education, which is gonna hit the bottom 50% harder, yes? just repeating self. regardless, selling overall happiness to Americans is not near as effective as you might believe. in the USA you gotta pitch opportunity as 'posed to general welfare. at same time, is a growing portion o' Americans who has complete given up on the opportunity sales pitch. is another cause o' divisiveness. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  4. Some mods to make Pathfinder: Kingmaker kinda good: Turn Based Combat. Makes the game turn style and therefor micromangement is easier. It also helps you actually see which feats are working and what are still bugged out. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/109 Cleaner. Reduces save file sizes to something not entirely bloated. Warning: has to be activated manually for each save. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/39 Closer To Tabletop. Lots of minor combat rule changes to make the game play more like PF 1st edition. Works great with Turn Based Combat. Warning: not always compatible with modder made classes. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/132 Bag of Tricks. This mod is mostly full of (individual optional) cheats, but more importantly it can be used to disable dialog restrictions based on alignment. Kingmaker is quite infamous for having 'lawful good' dialog options that are neither lawful or good according to the morality of the world. This helps you sidestep some really bad RP railroading. Warning: using it for alignment will destroy the mechanic as a gameplay feature because your alignment will be set to true neutral and won't shift regardless of what you do--still worth it, if you ask me. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/26 Respecialization. Can be used for player character or companions to change class or sub classes. It can be used as a cheat, but it can also be used to reselect level 1 abilities for companions. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/7 Fast Travel. Makes the movement on the overworld map much faster to watch (day and night cycles will also speed up accordingly), thereby mitigating one of the most boring parts of the game. It can also be used to simulate Pillar's double speed movement feature. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/1 Kingdom Resolution. This is a straight up cheat, but since Owlbear cheats with the kingdom management anyway, I figure it's fair. This does a lot of different things, but mostly what I like is it shows you a preview of what kingdom management decisions will get you since the game does a terrible job of giving you any real warning before hand or feedback until you get a result you didn't intend to. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/36 Highlight Learnable Scrolls. Simple quality of life mod that does exactly what the title suggests. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/111 Rest Less. Video games still haven't translated pen and paper resting competently into a digital space. (In pen and paper this is the time to roleplay with the other players at the table--at least Dragon Age: Origins paid homage to it with the camp.) This does away with exhaustion because eff that. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/17 Craft Magic Items. Directly from the nexus mods page: "This mod adds the Pathfinder tabletop feats Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Arms and Armor and Forge Ring, allowing crafting of regular and custom magic items of those types. Crafting costs gold (as well as any expensive material components required by the prerequisite spell(s)), and takes time." https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/54 Autoheal. This gives you three different hotkeys to have the party use healing spells to top off their health without having to go through each characters spells. It turns what can be dozens of mouse clicks into a couple of button presses. This will still use your spell slots. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/134 With all of these Kingmaker is almost enjoyable.
    3 points
  5. He will be the last man standing on this forum.
    2 points
  6. https://www.pcgamer.com/mount-and-blade-2-launches-in-early-access-on-march-31 Mount and Blade 2 still exists, get beta access on March 31
    2 points
  7. OMG I think I regret now that I once said this game is easier to understand than DnD. For BG2 (my first RPG) I had to read the manual to understand whats going on and I had to do tons of reading again to understand the basics of Pathfinder: Kingmaker even though I played NWN2 in between. In PoE/DF its easier to understand the basics, so reading the tooltips and using some commen sense should be enough to finish the game on normal with a full party. But if you dig deeper it will get so complicated that everyone except complete nerds will get a headache when trying to understand things. PS: I have never played PnP so I can only talk about computer games.
    2 points
  8. yes. my umezawa build (which is my #1 favorite build) relies on this mobility (and the hyuuuuge +50 deflection bonus from escape) no. escape doesn't count as movement. afaict riposte effects are distinct. my umezawa build used riposte and the BoW large shield that triggers attacks on enemy misses, independently of whether or not riposte triggered.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Persistent Distraction applies Distracted which is a regular affliction: Steel Garotte draining works. Paladin passives + Trickster buffs + Riposte makes a lot of sense. Note that Riposte will also drain life for you once the enemy who gets hit by Riposte is afflicted by something. Riposte is an invisible Full Attack that has 0 attack time and 0 recovery. It always works - doesn't matter if you are currently casting or recovering or whatever. Draining effects do NOT profit from any healing buff (not MIG, not Practiced Healer - nothing) because it already scales with the damage you are dealing (more dmg = more healing). Steel Garotte draining stacks with other sources of draining (e.g. draining weapon and Blood Ward from Furyshaper and Chant...) Stats: sounds right. A superb weapon for such a class combo is Whispers of the Endless Paths - because its Offensive Parry (just like Riposte) drains health from enemies and procs on 100% of misses. It stacks with Riposte. But you'll lack the engagement slots of spear and shield (and have lower deflection although it comes with a melee deflection buff). You could get more slots with Reckless Brigandine and helmet of the Blackened Plate etc. - but that will look rather funny. For spears there's a nice backup-spear that deals slash/pierce damage instead of only pierce. Besides that I guess Stalker's Patience is the way to go. The best large shield imo is Cadhu Scalth (with high althletics/metaphysics). Its damage reduction stacks with the ones from underpenetration (and Death's Maw with its Death Runes). Akola's Apex Ward has its own retaliation effect but it's rather weak. Bronlar's Phalanx has the highest potential for deflection (scales with lost health).
    1 point
  11. Not just a switch port, Eder is coming to Smash.
    1 point
  12. I'll pass on the beta, but I am eager for the full release (2022?)
    1 point
  13. LHS' stuff is better but this was pretty catchy.
    1 point
  14. Debuff Will with either a spell (for example Miasma of Dull-Mindedness lowers Will by 40 points), apply an Intellect-affliction (Confused/Charmed/Dominated: -10 Will points - for example Cipher's mind controls) and/or a Resolve-affliction (Shaken/Frightened/Terrified: -10 Will points - for example Barbarian's yells) and/or with weapons (all clubs with activated modal: -25 points; Willbreaker Morning Star: -3 per hit). Best is to first hit them with a club and then cast Miasma, followed by a fear effect (like Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage and such). There shouldn't be much Will left after that. "I hit him with a club: he left no will after that..."
    1 point
  15. Blood and honor? Puh-leeeze. What are you going to do? Pick up a rifle and start a socialist revolution? I assure you that won't end well. Besides, are you personally ready to give your life for a political ideal? I wouldn't. Here is a little Gen X wisdom. Sooner or later you are going to realize the society you dream of is never going to happen in the US. Not in our lifetimes anyway. The US is not geared for big changes in short periods of time. And in what you desire you are in a very small minority. So the caring society where all your wants are seen to by the benevolent state (as if such a thing could ever exist) while we all live in harmony with mother nature isn't coming. For the rest of your life you will live in a society very much like the one you live in right now and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. So. How does that tent and fishing pole and Coleman stove in Alaska sound now? Not so bad huh?
    1 point
  16. According to Deadfire Dialogue Options Report it's Aristrocrat Island Aumaua Priest of Magran from Deadfire with high Might and Perception.
    1 point
  17. it's just another flavor o' "fake news" nonsense. is no need to provide you with a response 'cause they are all liars and they twist the facts however it suits them. if the real issue is they and them, then substance o' an argument becomes incidental and apparently fodder for comical hyperbole. HA! Good Fun! ps why would somebody keep bringing up obama to somehow counter our observation 'bout actual employment rates, particular when we already stated obama were using same fuzzy math to inflate numbers? jobs which were lost during the recession, particular jobs involving no specialized skills and/or less education never came back. look at dates and numbers o' graph... though apparent even pictures isn't simple enough to understand for the they and them folks.
    1 point
  18. lashes stack. additively. you can see this with like flames of devotion on a bleakwalker, you'll see three different numbers for each hit in your combat log. Edit: so two 15% fire lashes will combine into one 30% lash. A 15% fire lash and 15% corrode lash will still combine into net 30% damage, just as two distinct damage types. This matters for PEN issues and also how it gets rendered in your combat log. Two fire lashes will just show up as one bigger number attached to your weapon damage, whereas you'll see a distinct fire and distinct corrode number on top of your weapon damage. I don't think there's a limit. they are based on % total weapon damage (including bonuses like sneak attack or might); this is why lashes are really good in deadfire because they are multiplicative damage bonuses. they each have their own PEN/immunity check using their own elemental type and your weapon-based PEN. this is why woedica spiritual weapon is best spiritual weapon because their lash is raw, so even if the enemy you're up against is immune to your fist damage, you will still be doing full lash damage to them. Edit: also unlike all other sources of raw damage, it doesn't get a damage penalty compared to the alternatives, which is normally the case to balance its complete bypass of AR. Edit: this is all in my gamefaqs guide along with other mechanical stuff, if you're curious.
    1 point
  19. Well youtube is to busy copyright striking music on kitten videos uploaded by 13 years old girls to care about that kind of scams *shrugs*
    1 point
  20. https://www.wired.com/story/youtube-gaming-scams-cheats-livestreams/
    1 point
  21. Adding mine in here: GENERAL LAG AND FRAMERATE Issue: Lag/FPS drop when entering a town/city map Issue: Lag/FPS drop when opening inventory Issue: Lag/FPS drop when moving around areas within a town/city map =========== OPTIONS MENU WHEEL Issue: The options menu wheel is unresponsive leading to it being impossible to access things like Quest Logs, inventories and character sheets etc. Frequency: Regular Steps to reproduce: Hold down L2 and move the left analog stick over any option. Press X Nothing occurs at all or up to 2 mins later =========== VENDOR INTERACTION - PURCHASE Issue: Some environment points that should be interactable do not show the X button prompt when near them Frequency: Regular Steps to reproduce While in any explorable area (except for sea traversal map gameplay) move over to a blue highlighted interactable point. If the area is considered to be unreachable by the character the prompt will not show, rendering it impossible to interact with. Note: for this one the workaround is to press Triangle, manually move the cursor over the interactable and press X. However this doesn't always work and there are just as many locked interactables as there are interactable ones. =========== VENDOR INTERACTION - PURCHASE Issue: It is not possible to interact with a vendor inventory, preventing the player from purchasing items they have on offer. Frequency: Intermittent Steps to reproduce While in a town/city area, find a vendor and press X, selecting the option to purchase something from them. When the purchase inventory menu appears, attempt to use the D-Pad to move over to the Vendor NPC inventory =========== TOWN/CITY TRAVERSAL Issue: Interactable 'area exit' icons which allow movement between sections of towns/cities go dead and cannot be interacted with, resulting in the player being trapped in a particular area. Frequency: Intermittent in most areas but happens almost 100% regularly in The Gullet area within Neketaka Steps to reproduce While in a town/city area, move to any exit until the 'leave area' icon appears and press X Party and/or single character automatically runs back to the last point of entry into the map and interacts with that icon instead. =========== TOWN/CITY TRAVERSAL Issue: Interactable 'area exit' icons which allow movement between sections react incorrectly when interacting with them, causing the party or one single member of the party to automatically run to the point where the group last entered the area. Either from another part of the map or a building/house within the map. Frequency: Regular Steps to reproduce While in a town/city area, move to any exit until the 'leave area' icon appears and press X Game does not react trapping player in area, forcing them to restart game. =========== SHIP TRAVERSAL Issue: Game hard crashes to a blue screen when attempting to switch between a town/city map and the ship traversal map Frequency: Intermittent Steps to reproduce: While on the 'fast travel' map of any given town/city (e.g Neketaka) move the cursor over the leave city by sea icon in the bottom left of the screen and press X Wait for the loading screen to pass Game hard crashes to error report screen a few seconds after the sea traversal map loads in. ======== ENCHANTING Issue: Game hard crashes to a blue screen when attempting to enchant any item with the enchant option. Frequency: Intermittent at first - but now happens 100% of the time, blocking me from accessing this part of the gameplay system. Steps to reproduce: Hold L2 and select Inventory menu Use D-Pad to highlight any enchantable weapon and press Triangle Press Square to open enchanting menu - all icons display a white box with a red X on them momentarily Game hard crashes to error report screen ========= ENCHANTING Issue: Game lags and freezes when attempting to enchant any item. Frequency: Intermittent Steps to reproduce: Hold L2 and select Inventory menu Use D-Pad to highlight any enchantable weapon and press Triangle Press Square to open enchanting menu Game freezes or lags for 1-2 minutes
    1 point
  22. That's the plan. I hope to eventually post Ultimate Edition builds (including updated versions of previous Companion Builds I posted in the past) for every Companion and Sidekick. May take some time though, since some theorycraft builds still need testing, and I'm running low on time these days. I'll need one more play through at least to fully test some builds I have in mind.
    1 point
  23. Coming in here after a year away, and Boerer is still going strong. Good to see you're keeping this sub forum going man!
    1 point
  24. I don't doubt people will continue to do so. Doesn't make it right (or wrong). Again haven't seen CA, I can't really speak to the quality of the film. I would have seen it, but... I used to be a fairly regular movie goer. Lack of show-times I want to see and lack of willingness of theater owners to police the audience and throw out people who think they're in their living rooms has contributed to me seeing less and less films. CA had no show times that I was willing to risk an unpleasant experience of some goofball(s) talking at the screen, talking to each other, talking on their phone, talking to their kids, letting their kids run around the theater like it was field day at school, etc. In a way these issues are tied together. Nominally I think it is true that there are more women than men in the US, but I think its in the upper age brackets. I think the younger age brackets are more even or slightly more male.
    1 point
  25. To be clear, Psychovampiric Shield and other such transfer-oriented buff/debuff spells DO continue through their full duration even if the enemy dies... but only if the enemy's corpse still exists. If the enemy in question dies of Disintegrate (which destroys the body on death), PVS and other such spells end immediately. That also goes for when the enemy is gibbed by a crit on death (because you foolishly hadn't turned that off yet), or the body gets consumed by Flesh Communion or similar.
    1 point
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