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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/19 in all areas

  1. I went to the flea market in Dyersburg yesterday. I saw something I just HAD to have. It's a cast iron, flat top, pot belly stove. It burns wood or coal for heat. It's terribly rusted and has no ash pan or exhaust fitting. The door won't even open. But I'm pretty sure I can fabricate what it needs and restore the rest. I started last night. I got it up on the bench (SOB is heavy as hell) and started working on the rust with WD-40 and a soft steel pad. On the back I uncovered the name Magee and the date 1891 and No 247 cast into the iron backplate. After an hour or so of work I put penetrating oil in the door hinges and left it for the night. I was curious because I'd never heard that name before. Apparently Magee Furnace Co, operated a single foundry and show room in Boston. They went out of business or were bought up somewhere around 1900 because the last thing I found on them was a bill head from 1899. I also found this on the site for the Huntington Library and Art Museum. It's an advertisement from 1875: The one I have is small. It dies not look anything like those two.
    3 points
  2. Jameis wound up throwing a 4th pick! Heading into week 17, Jameis Winston has 4908 passing yards, 31 TDs, and 28 INTs. He just needs 92 passing yards and 2 picks and the 5000/30/30 dream will be a reality! Also, the Pats and Bills are having a pretty exciting game right now.
    3 points
  3. WARNING: Do NOT have a drink in your mouth while watching this!
    3 points
  4. "My hostility to religion is because they are judgmental pieces of s**t who believe in fairy tales and use that belief to oppress everyone that's not in their camp. I don't cant one bit what anyone "thinks", its what they do. Religion should be outlawed." Others have covered your foolishness but it should be pointed out again. You mad people want to tell others what to think and oppress them... your response is to do the exact same thing. LMAO
    2 points
  5. Greetings employees of Halcyon, We want to take this opportunity to thank the incredible team behind The Outer Worlds. It is because of their hard work and dedication to this project that we received the Best Narrative, Best Performance - Ashly Burch, Best RPG, and Game of the Year nominations at The Game Awards. To all of those who voted for us in The Game Awards, you are all fantastic and we are so grateful for your support. The reception to The Outer Worlds has been unbelievable to see, and even just being nominated means a lot. However, the journey isn't over yet as we are excited to announce that we will be expanding the story through DLC next year! Details will be made available at a later date. Now we would like to allow our game directors, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, to share a message with you all: We just wanted to personally thank our team for doing a wonderful job and our fans for their tremendous support. And Tim would like to say what an honor it was to work with me. – Leonard Whatever, Leonard. Now that we’ve finished, I expect that certain photographs will be destroyed, as per our agreement. – Tim
    1 point
  6. While DLC has been expected by fans, official confirmation that it was in the works was just dropped quite casually.
    1 point
  7. "RT America" how embarrassing to work for something like that
    1 point
  8. Ridiculous. As Mark Kermode points out in his review, the film was already being re-designed based on the response to the trailer and it's clear that no amount of fine-tuning would make the central conceit any better. The culprit is in the premise itself, not just the execution. Continuing to fiddle around with it at this stage is a textbook definition of "polishing a turd".
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Well, there is no evidence to show that substantial amount of players won’t buy games on Epic. Games released there still sell really well, and with secured cash upfront and a better cut, it makes for a better business move overall.
    1 point
  11. [off-topic]I'll say this for Ballmer, he's done a good job turning the LA Clippers from perennial laughing stock to fringe contender. Granted, after Donald Sterling, pretty much anyone would have been a significant upgrade.[/off-topic] Back on topic: Seems like CD Projekt RED and Sapkowski have made up and are not going to **** in a bag an mail it to each other for Christmas.
    1 point
  12. XBOX Series X? Really? Nintendo: "With the Wii U, we created the most unintuitive, convoluted, and confusing naming scheme ever." Microsoft: "Hold my beer." Edit: I realize I'm late to the party here and everybody has probably already meme'd on this. My bad.
    1 point
  13. The left isn’t hostile to ALL religion, just mainly Christianity. Which always confused me why the hatred was so stoked against Christianity but would champion the Muslim religion. Then again I mainly get this image because of our propaganda channels and also because the left didn’t have a problem with Obama being Muslim and didn’t have a problem with him pushing and enacting pro-Muslim ideals but we are worried about Pence... Then again I’m confused why people think Muslims are considered a “race” and not a religious people like u would call Christians. Also I have to keep smh when I hear religion is the cause of all wars when really religion is just the “weapons of mass destruction” to get the population behind the wars. then again I usually stay outta the discussions because of my ignorance.
    1 point
  14. The Witcher netflix series is a little messy and some of the choices are rather questionable. As someone who read all the books I must say first and foremost I can imagine someone not familiar with the books might be heavily confused on the timeline of the story. Netflix series shows events that are decades apart basically back to back with no indication what happens when, short of a a line or a character that is younger/older which is easily spotted by someone familiar with the story but a new person would certainly miss. I understand that showrunners wanted to have Geral/Ciri/Yennefer in basically every episode, but it could be done so much better. On a technical note Witcher series adapts 5 (out of 7) stories from Last Wish book and 2 (out of 6) stories from Sword of Destiny. Characters and some events are taken from stories that are not adapted. Basically whole story involving Yennefer (basically everything involving Yennefer without Geralt ) and Nilfgaardians is made up by showrunners. Selection is decent, my only concern would be lack of the story "Shard of Ice" which would make sense between episode 5 and 6 as it covers the time when Geral and Yennefer lived together, and is btw the one Istredd is from. Without it it makes little sense there is even a relationship between the two. Adaptations of the stories are laughable and I think it shows. Just look at the prime example of the story where What was in the books a deeper story about human/elves conflict full of meaningful dialogs and a good dose of humor is cut into "in and out Rick and Morty 3 minutes adventure". No offence to Rick and Morty. The best aspect of Witcher stories are humor and dialogues and details that give the events meaning and proper context. And it's sadly mostly gone. I bet no one that did not read the book could figure out why as there is omission of a few very important facts. All in all I think it wasn't the best idea to cram both books in to a single season of only 8 episodes. Casting is in most cases all right. Cavill is really good, outshined only by Joey Batey playing Jaskier which I consider the best casting choice of the series. My only pet peeve with casting is that I was pretty sure after LoTR/Hobbit we finished with casting little people in the roles of Dwarves in fantasy movies. Or maybe if you do at least cast the guys that look the part? I will rate it 6/10 and hope season 2 will be more comprehensible when they will cover the novels instead of stories.
    1 point
  15. Finally finished Fire Emblem: Three Houses, some five months after it released. Or more specifically, I finished one of the four routes in it. No, I'm not going to play the other ones, at least not anytime soon. It's a good game. Arguably the best one yet, if you take a snapshot of it at any point in time. But there's just too damn much of it. For those unfamiliar, the game uses a calendar system where the game happens over the course of approximately a year-and-a-half. Story missions happen on a fixed schedule of once a month (leading to the narrative absurdity where enemy forces always wait until the last week of each month to schedule their "sneak" attacks). That's all fine. However, the problem is that there is repeating content that happens on a weekly basis. That means there are about 70 weeks of weekly chores to do over the course of a typical game. I seriously burned out on the game and took a break of approximately two months, while 80% through the game, just because I couldn't be bothered turning it on anymore. The late game tedium was soul-crushing and the only reason I finished it is because I'm doing a parallel runthrough with my sister and we agreed to get it over and done with before the Christmas holidays. Final damage was 165 hours or so. Peanuts for a typical strategy game perhaps, but that's a lot of hours for a game with not terribly much depth.
    1 point
  16. Tried to watch the 1st episode of The Witcher. I'll agree Cavill fits the role/does a decent job but even from the very start action sequence I felt like I was watching SyFy or CW but with even less budget. Nothing wrong with that if the show is good overall (hey I still watch ST:OS right) but for me the pacing was a bit off and much of the dialogue and other actors felt rather stilted/shallow. There's nothing extremely "wrong" but things just feel a little off somewhere. I'll try to watch more later ... I've heard the last few episodes "get better". This is from someone who hasn't played the games (outside of an hour or two of TW3) nor read the novels, tho.
    1 point
  17. Even though BG1/2 are some of my favourite games. I would much prefer a POE3 than a BG3(which we're actually getting some some reason!).
    1 point
  18. Yeah, I mean what exactly do people think Half Life 2 was, other than a Steam exclusive designed to force people including those who bought retail to use Valve's new online game launcher? What was the last Valve game that didn't require Steam? Sheesh, they've trojaned steam into their pre steam products as well, imagine the reaction if suddenly Dragon Age Origins required Origin or CiVI suddenly required Rockstar Launcher to get updates. People reward Valve for being first with the exclusivity and forcing them to use Steam first when- in reality- if you really hate exclusivity instead of just exclusivity that isn't Steam exclusivity you should hate Valve above all others for introducing, pioneering and popularising the concept in PC gaming... brand loyalty: it's a hell of a drug. OTOH and more on topic, nice to see DLC actually confirmed. I'm not a 100% convinced fan of TOW as it exists now and I played on gamepass so am not likely to be buying dlc there for obvious reasons but TOW's got a very good base to build on for sequels or DLC.
    1 point
  19. Muh Boys have a running game that has been firing on all cylinders. Dak has been hurt and limited in practice. Amari Cooper is perpetually hurt. Naturally, we run the ball a grand total of 5 times in the first half.
    0 points
  20. Prepare the tissues... Borepanda - Artist Who’s Responsible For Making People Cry With ‘Good Boy’ And Black Cat Comics Just Released A Sequel
    0 points
  21. 0 points
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