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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/19 in all areas

  1. Ok guys. Obsidian approved my run so I'll start publishing it from tomorrow
    6 points
  2. Yesterday I got a email telling me I am accepted into the GOG Galaxy 2.0 beta test. For those not in the know, Galaxy 2.0 is being re-branded to not only allow you to download (though you don't need it) and buy gog games, but also to operate as a universal launcher. I've tested it with UPlay, Steam, Epic (yes, I do have a few games on there), and Origin. First you have to sync up your accounts individually with Galaxy, then you can see those titles in either in individual launcher folders or all in one, and with UPlay, Steam, and Epic you can download and launch games without opening up the separate applications. Origin games open up Origin and from there you have to launch/download/whatever. There are also options for Xbox Live and (eventually) the PS store (whatever its called). Currently there's nothing for Battle.net or Bethesda.net. Even as someone who doesn't get frustrated with multiple launchers and have no trouble remembering where my games are, I love this new feature.
    3 points
  3. I am a man of many faces. No suit only challenge this time around (that will come later), but I did get my customary silent assassin status on master difficulty.
    2 points
  4. Now you're just being irrational...
    2 points
  5. you have complete bought into the trump defender script, eh? the steele dossier were not accepted w/o reservation but it were only a small portion o' fisa and clinton's russian interests is for the most part, smoke and mirrors. the whole uranium nonsense makes us laugh at the stoopidity o' the folks believing such silliness. the deleted text messages were the result o' a technical snafu, and All the lost messages were eventual recovered, so nothing there as well, and yeah, there were a couple folks working on the investigation who clear loathed the notion o' a trump Presidency, but not only were such folks fired immediate when it were discovered they were desiring a trump fail, but their work product were thoroughly inspected afterwards and it were revealed that in spite o' their email mouthiness, they actual performed professional and w/o bias. imagine trying to find a beltway attorney who didn't have an opinion 'bout trump one way or another, eh? Gromnir has personal advocated for kkk, cultists and notorious gang members, and if somebody read through our emails to discover what we thought o' those clients, it would look damning. the thing is, we were up front 'bout our loathing o' kkk and hare krishnas and norteños before we represented 'em. even so, our personal dislike didn't prevent us from acting professional. it is part o' the job. for chrissakes, do you think criminal defense lawyers are impartial 'bout their clients? lawyers and judges is quite capable o' compartmentalizing. nevertheless, am admitting the emails looked bad and they needed be fired... and they were. your obama complaint is a bit nonsensical. obama had zero whatsoever to do with directing where the fbi investigations went. manafort's multiple attempts to get paid by russians and ukrainians via his campaign connections and papadopoulos explicit telling australian diplomats that the russians were possible providing the trump campaign with "dirt" on clinton is why the trump campaign got investigated. only part obama were involved with is keeping the investigation quiet until after the election... which Helped trump. you complain how the dangers o' the russians is trivial 'cause is little more than a steaming internet sh!t burger, and everybody knows how stoopid such silliness is, yes? fair characterization? 'course you are parroting the wholly unsupported nonsense started and spread on the internet by the trump loyalists and fox and breitbart to distract and deflect. the thing is, am doubting you realize how you were manipulated. you believe you is too clever to fall for such nonsense. how many others is just like gd, eh? HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. I do actually feel the need to give gog.com their cut >_>'
    2 points
  7. What are you talking about, our job was to provide windfury totem so the warrior tank could generate better rage.
    1 point
  8. Their launchers don't pop up. I downloaded Grim Dawn on Steam through Galaxy and even when I hit play before it was finished all it did was pop up a small window show how long until it was playable. Steam doesn't run in the background unless the application is open. Same with Origin. UPlay makes sense given that the Steam launcher basically does the same thing. Of the launchers I tried, Epic might be the only one that actually runs in the background.
    1 point
  9. 65% graze to hit means you will graze only 11% of the time, but your misses and crits stay the same. However Confident Aim works only for the weapons you're specialized in.
    1 point
  10. Pillars numero uno is coming to the Switch August 8th. Digital only. Looks like this version is being done by Versus Evil. https://nintendoeverything.com/pillars-of-eternity-complete-edition-coming-to-switch-next-month/
    1 point
  11. Their new subclasses should be found under each "New <Class> Tweaks>" folder in the main bundle. The mods are also available on Steam workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1590284120
    1 point
  12. If that is indeed the plot then it's something of an odd contrivance PS I almost throat punched my cousin's boyfriend because when I showed him the trailer he said that he was surprised and might actually watch it now because it has some action and not boring talking. My cousin is already upset with me because I politely invited the guy to leave. You can talk about me all you want but nobody can bad mouth talky philosophical Trek under my roof.
    1 point
  13. I'm officially a part of the beta.
    1 point
  14. "in brightest day or darkest night lens flare shall offend our sight logic's fans should fear a lot Abrams power: haphazard plot" Though to be fair to JJ, he could scarcely do worse than the last Green Lantern movie.
    1 point
  15. A bit late on this, but it's really more of a visual novel/platformer game. It's not for most people. At all. --- Been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey lately, notably the DLC. So far, I'm not feeling the underworld stuff since it's mostly drab and grey with some sort of arbitrary portal sealing mechanic, but I'm trying to push myself into the final DLC area which is supposedly a lot better. I've also been playing a lot of FFXIV. Man, it's like all of SE's good writers decided they wanted to work on the MMO instead of the trainwreck of mismanaged single player titles. I haven't seen a MMO story spawn so many discussions about morality (and managed to write a villain that unapologetically commits mass genocide over eons while still having sympathetic motivations (or at least sympathetic enough that he's essentially crazy fanbase bait), but then again JRPGs tend to be kind of whack).
    1 point
  16. I don't care if a new game or series is created as something I'm not interested in but I do get disappointed when a series I enjoy is changed into something I have no interest in. That's not to say I dwell over it and write one man plays and do interperative dance or whatever I was into last year to share my feels with the world.
    1 point
  17. We live in a world that is entertainment saturated. Its good that there are things out there that are intended for a different audience. By the same token, its also good when things I do like don't move on from me while chasing a wider audience.
    1 point
  18. Meh, it doesn't even bother me anymore, I'm kinda apathetic to the whole situation. This sort of crap used to really get under my skin, but then I came to a realization. Sure, most of what [sneering Jim Sterling voice] AAAs [/sneering Jim Sterling voice] are putting out these days are these "live services" or "games as a service" or whatever they're calling it these days, and the vast majority of them are the same ol' giant open world map collect-a-thons, battle royales, or hero shooters. At the same time, there is a veritable deluge of really good games coming from indies and AA developers all the time. So, if I never bought another AAA game ever again I would be completely satisfied and wouldn't feel like I was missing out on anything. Plus, AAAs do still put out great games that aren't following what the latest trend is or what focus groups told them would appeal to the largest possible demographic... occasionally (e.g. God of War). What I'm saying is that I'm not dependent on AAAs for my gaming. When they do make a game that appeals to me, it's a nice bonus, but I don't need them, I have tons of great games to play from smaller studios.
    1 point
  19. i think we are getting really old for this crap. I will never get that appeal of those 'battle royale' games anyway, I would rather play Unreal Tournament than any of the new crap
    1 point
  20. I love Josh's postmortem. I think it is very interesting to hear developer's thoughts about their project, and their reflection on what went right and what went wrong. I pretty much agree with everything there, plus some interesting insights. 5 companions - it was a fine decision. Game didn't suffer for it. I can do with 5 or 6. I never felt the need for the 6th character. Relationship mechanic - I don't think this works in a handcrafter world like PoE. It might be a good system in a more abstract, procedural game. In a handcrafted adventure it all leads into predetermined outcomes, while the path of getting there didn't feel as organic as it was hoped for. There might be a way to impliment it the right way, but I need to be proved wrong first. Ship2ship combat - yeah, it is the feature which should have been cut. It did have a promise, and I can imagine it working well (presentation isn't the problem for me). But as Josh said it is a game within a game. You would need to design a good system to make it work. How, bringing it back as a crowdfunding goal after the feature was already cut in alpha was very... shortsighted, or just plain naive. I would take tentacles attacking the ship over ship2ship combat. Full VO - full VO is nice, but it doesn't make a game. It is not kind of a game, which relies on movie-like spectacle. I feel bad for devs who had to endure because of that decision. Did it need to be on launch? DLCs - are fantastic. I would prefer a on big expansion though. Owners need to trust their devs more. It might be Josh throwing them under the bus for making bad decisions, while not crediting them for good ones. Still, bringing back Ship combat was a bad, bad choice. I am sad Josh won't be helming PoE3, hopefully his insight and experience will be of help to the new lead. Full VO expectaion worry me. It feels like a problem Bioware run into in the past - were increasing production cost were constraining what the game can be more and more. Full VO is nice, but not when it comes at the cost of game itself, or the team. The last thing I want to see is reactivity, companions or writing revision getting cut.
    1 point
  21. Tekehu as a Watershaper Druid/Helwalker Monk (Ascetic) is one of my favourite builds. I also adjust his base stats to be more favourable (though no higher than is possible through character creation), but with clever gearing and inspirations he can hit the 35 MIG and INT caps with 10 wounds. This gives him huge passive healing through The Moon’s Light and Nature’s Balm (from memory I see durations of ~30 seconds on the Robust inspiration and ~50 seconds on The Moon’s Light heal), a huge area of effect for Relentless Storm (plus much longer duration stuns) and his Foe only Chill Fog, and so many other Druid spells. Makes him a very good jack-of-all-trades. To top it off, it’s even thematic - from my top level perceptions of the Watershapers being a monk-like practice (I liken them to the Waterbenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender).
    1 point
  22. If nothing else, we got some good memes out of Diablo Immortal.
    0 points
  23. With Diablo Immortal I guess it's also about what such a thing represents. These kinds of mobile games tend to be the bottom of the barrel when it comes to ethics as they tend to be about squeezing as much as possible out of their audience by any means they can get away with, seeing a company that was supposedly about making good games stoop that low is bound to anger some people. (even though they've basically been owned by Activision for ages so they ought to have known better) If nothing else this just proves that Blizzard has now truly been swallowed by Activision, with everything that entails.
    0 points
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