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Warlock (Barbarian + Wizard) because I like the idea of a character whose attack strategy can summarized by the statement “nerd rage.”

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Posted (edited)

I'm going to use my human (Meadow Folk), single class fighter. For his subclass I'm going with Unbroken. 


Had a fighter tank build, who wielded a sword/axe and shield, in the first Pillars of Eternity and just loved it.

Edited by wolfrider100
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" Life... is strength. That is not to be contested, it seems

logical enough. You live, you affect your world. "

Jon Irenicus ´


I will probably be going as my Moon Goodlike Cipher which I will sublcass as an Ascendant that I first complete PoE with. Alternatively I might go as my close to being evil as I can get within the confines of the game Human Priest of Magran (again single class... some of the higher level abilities will I hope be worth the cost).

  On 5/4/2018 at 8:44 PM, Juodas Varnas said:


  On 5/4/2018 at 8:41 PM, anathanielh said:


  On 5/4/2018 at 3:29 PM, Juodas Varnas said:

Well, i'll be importing from Pillars 1 so it's my Eothasian Priest.


Probably gonna keep him Pure-Priest (though i might multi-class with Fighter)

I feel like I remember your name from a Retcon Raider video. (Darkest Dungeon maybe?) Am I wrong?

The very same.


I quite enjoy Retcon's videos.


Nice to meet ya! Here's hoping your character lives another day.

  On 5/4/2018 at 7:18 PM, Voss said:


  On 5/4/2018 at 6:25 PM, Vastus said:

I played a Priest of Skaen in the first game and I was thinking of making him a Priest/Rogue this time if Lesser Sneak Attack and Sneak Attack stack, I wanted a bit more focus on the backstabbing rather than the casting so this seems like a good way to do it.

'Lesser sneak attack' isn't a thing this time around, AFAIK



Oh yeah, they changed the advantages and disadvantages of Priests didn't they. Forgot all about that.


I think I'll go with Assassin/Evoker. I want Xoti, Tekehu and Maia in my party, so I'll need a wizard. And I want to be a rogue and have Serafen too, for pirate reasons.


I'm gonna travel the 7 seas (or as many as they have on Eora), raid, plunder and fight against evil. Can't wait to reproduce that reverse pickpocketing scene from the developer highlights video. :fdevil:



A pure paladin(kind wayfarers ) or devoted/kind to be able to use the talking sword and a shattered pillar/shifter for fun. Going to alternate between the two.


I'm thinking of maybe meleeing a ranger, I generally play melee mages and melee pet classes.... you know, the two that always suck or don't exist viably. Not happy how cipher is blending with melee here (just a powerbattery) so leaning closer towards ranger/x... maybe fighter or barb. I briefly looked at monk and druid too, which are options on the table. I'm really just not sure any more. Funny cause the rest of my team is good to go but my MC... still not sure.


Seeing Cohh breeze through PotD though, I might just say **** it and wing a random melee ranger, tears and all, and see how it turns out. 

Posted (edited)
  On 5/4/2018 at 11:32 PM, PantherX14 said:

My plan is to go with a Moon Godlike Cipher+Chanter (Beguiler+Troubadour). CC and support focus!


I played this and a Trickster/Troubadour a few times in beta, and I had a blast.  I will likely play the Trickster/Troubadour as my first MC character after a few single class play throughs.  I preferred the Trickster/Troubadour because it is more mobile, has better interrupt capability, and I want this character to use Explosives and I felt they didn't work as well with Beguiler because I could've been generating focus or casting spells.  I just felt less efficient.  However, I really liked the Beguiler.  It is a lot of fun. 

Edited by Ganrich
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I guess its gonna be my chanter nature-godlike from PoE again. Of course a skald because Ill be missing my 6th companion :( And as i just realized there a melee ranger subclass now I'm gonna run around with two giants and a bear or a stag. I think this is gonna be really interesting as melee chanter tank worked great alredy in the first game

Posted (edited)

Mines going to be a rogue single class dual wielding rogue,


I just find them incredibly fun once they are speccd right up


Once they are fitted out with high end gear and weapons then buffed by support casters it is hilarious watching them run around the battlefield taking everyone out


they need a bit of support to keep them alive but oh boy they punch hard 

Edited by master guardian
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Planning to go for an imperialist Druid, shifting to a lion. I want to roleplay an imperial adventurer. Hoping there will be some nice shady factions for me to join on my second char, a pale elf rogue, which wouldn't suit my initial play through.

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Fighter/Chanter; AKA War Caller because it really fits my rp as I will take my Watcher from the first game with me.

And tbh I just loved Kana's awesome summoning powers.


I was intending to attempt Fire Godlike Helwalker/Streetfighter (as a continuation of my PoE1 Monk).


Having seen the top Monk abilities now I'm not so sure it's worth multiclassing. 

Posted (edited)
  On 5/5/2018 at 10:13 AM, Boeroer said:

Helwalker/Wizard or Berserker/Beckoner. Not really decided yet.


Let me guess 10 wounds for the might and Int boost and spam spells?


And a Glass cannon Berserker who will DPS while using pets to tank and block? Cleave city?


Anyway my first will PROBABLY be a Beckoner/Fury. Basically pets to tank while I spam Foe only AoE on everything (Relentless Storm and the Insect Spells). Should be an absolute room clearer.

Edited by Max_zero

Most likely an Inquisitor (Soul Blade/Bleak Walkers). Always prefer melee, and this multiclass looks cool with some magic in the mix as well. I'm a new player though, and I'm a bit confused on how different weapons work. Would an Inquisitor benefit more from a big two-hander, or is dual wielding (something) better? Looking forward to the game. Cheers!

Posted (edited)

Not exactly. A Helwalker because of 10 MIG and INT is correct, but I will use Kalakoth's Minor Blights + Merciless Gaze (+ petrifying/paralyzing spells) + Swift Flurry and later Citzal's Spirit Lance + Swift Flurry + Turning Wheel + Heartbeat Drumming + Instruments of Pain  to insta-kill groups of enemies.


Berserker + Skeletons + Blood Thirst --> killing your own summons while confused will hopefully trigger Blood Thirst and give me 0 recovery all the time.


If Blood Thirst works with spells like in PoE I might also consider Berserker/Evoker Berserker/Soulblade or Berserker/Fury.


Of course I will test this all via console before deciding what to do.


There are some cool new abilites I want to check out synergies for...

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

  On 5/5/2018 at 11:51 AM, Boeroer said:

Not exactly. A Helwalker because of 10 MIG and INT is correct, but I will use Kalakoth's Minor Blights + Merciless Gaze (+ petrifying/paralyzing spells) + Swift Flurry and later Citzal's Spirit Lance + Swift Flurry + Turning Wheel + Hammering Drum + Instruments of Pain  to insta-kill groups of enemies.


Berserker + Skeletons + Blood Thirst --> killing your own summons while confused will hopefully trigger Blood Thirst and give me 0 recovery all the time.


If Blood Thirst works with spells like in PoE I might also consider Berserker/Evoker Berserker/Soulblade or Berserker/Fury.


Of course I will test this all via console before deciding what to do.


There are some cool new abilites I want to check out synergies for...

A bit off topic perhaps but, since you seem to have tested this extensively in the beta; How do you properly add abilities and such to your character? When I tried adding the monk modal or the spirit lance etc, it shows up as "Already acquired" in the talent tree, but I do not have access to it in my ability bar. Is there an additional step required to make them usable? Do you need to add power levels or something?

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