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Politics - Episode 9: The Lurking Fear


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I'm happy with strict seat belt laws. It's literally saving lives. Not wearing seatbelt is the douchiest thing ever, because you're a human projectile waiting to happen if there's a crash.


In other news: transcripts of Trump's calls with Mexico and Australia - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/politics/australia-mexico-transcripts/?utm_term=.bf152cf606db

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"I'm happy with strict seat belt laws. It's literally saving lives. Not wearing seatbelt is the douchiest thing ever, because you're a human projectile waiting to happen if there's a crash."


So. You believe in slavery and you believe you have the right to tell people what to do with their bodies and what risks they should be allowed to take. That is Nazism at its finest.

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"I'm happy with strict seat belt laws. It's literally saving lives. Not wearing seatbelt is the douchiest thing ever, because you're a human projectile waiting to happen if there's a crash."


So. You believe in slavery and you believe you have the right to tell people what to do with their bodies and what risks they should be allowed to take. That is Nazism at its finest.

Are you absolutely sure you are not downplaying Nazism just a tiny bit with that comparison. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I'm happy with strict seat belt laws. It's literally saving lives. Not wearing seatbelt is the douchiest thing ever, because you're a human projectile waiting to happen if there's a crash.


In other news: transcripts of Trump's calls with Mexico and Australia - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/politics/australia-mexico-transcripts/?utm_term=.bf152cf606db

Okay, I actually gained some respect for Trump with those. Not a lot, but some.

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On the tpoic of human missiles, I read a story where some dude stepped in front of a train to commit suicide, and the resultant explosion of his body sent meat gibs flying in every direction. A chunk hit some innocent bystander, injuring them, and they have sued the estate of the deceased for damages. Nazi's or no? 

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"I'm happy with strict seat belt laws. It's literally saving lives. Not wearing seatbelt is the douchiest thing ever, because you're a human projectile waiting to happen if there's a crash."


So. You believe in slavery and you believe you have the right to tell people what to do with their bodies and what risks they should be allowed to take. That is Nazism at its finest.


Are you absolutely sure you are not downplaying Nazism just a tiny bit with that comparison.


"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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"Are you absolutely sure you are not downplaying Nazism just a tiny bit with that comparison. "




Let's look at this:


1.  Wear a seatbelt or forced to pay a fine.


2. Pay the fine or go to prison.


3. Resist going to prison for rejecting the fine, gives the police legal reason to murder you and people will cheer.


Hence, Nazism.


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Well, I wouldn't go so far as compare it to Nazism but it does annoy me greatly when the government begins to act like you mother. I wore my seat belt before it was mandatory to do so because I have an advanced understanding of physics. Particularly that bit about bodies in motion tending to stay in motion. But it puts my back up when the goddamned government gets into the car with me and says "put it on or else".


I could actually go on for hours about little petty BS things like that.


Volo might be exaggerating a little but he is right on the money about one thing. There is no law so trivial that the government, any of them, will not gladly kill you, imprison you, or take everything you own to enforce. 

Edited by Guard Dog
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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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How do you guys feel about vaccinations?


They give autism to little children who then are cured by Mr. Jim Humble's famous sodium chlorite enemas, the one cure for everything that's being hushed up by the pharma lobby because you just can't patent sodium chlorite.


Or do you mean if they should be mandatory, what with herd immunity and all that jazz. In which case the answer would be a resounding yes unless you're part of the paranoid company here or there are actual medical reasons to not get vaccinated (my brother for instance was too weak from prior illness to receive his measles shot and promptly contracted the disease - wasn't very pretty). Because any individual's right to his or her own stupidity ends when they endanger more than themselves by ignorant behaviour. ;)


Everything else is actual Nazism, by the by. Survival of the fittest, superior race and medicine being a traditionally Jooish thing. No, seriously. The entire anti-vaxx movement was maybe not started by the Nazis but greatly supported by them (The even made handouts with an obvisously Jewish doctor vaccinating terrified German children and the caption "Gift und Jud tut selten gut" - loosely translated poison and Jews are bad for you):




edits: Added the picture and clarified something.

Edited by majestic
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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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How do you guys feel about vaccinations?


Don't leave home without them.


If someone want's to "opt out" then let them. But if they want their kids to attend public schools, etc. then roll up their sleeve. Look, there is no bigger champion of liberty here than me but even I will tell you it isn't and can't be absolute as long as you're planning on living around the other humans. One of the little sacrifices you have to be expected to make is to not spread infectious diseases that can wipe out entire populations.


If the thing you are doing is likely to harm only you, not wearing a seatbelt for example, then leave them to their folly. But if you want to go "off the grid" and live on a mountain somewhere and make your own whiskey and dress in goatskins then ok, we can dispense with the measles vaccine.  

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I wore my seat belt before it was mandatory to do so because I have an advanced understanding of physics. Particularly that bit about bodies in motion tending to stay in motion.


Haha. Knowing that a 165 lbs body being hurled at 50 mph has about the same kinetic energy as a .50 BMG round leaving the muzzle also helps understand why you'd want the government to force the other guy to wear his seatbelt in case of a frontal collision.


Also, what do you do about people who drive but don't know physics.


****, I can't believe I'm arguing in favor of laws. But seriously, of all the stupid **** the government makes you do, you guys pick seatbelts?

Edited by 213374U
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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I wore my seat belt before it was mandatory to do so because I have an advanced understanding of physics. Particularly that bit about bodies in motion tending to stay in motion.


Haha. Knowing that a 165 lbs body being hurled at 50 mph has about the same kinetic energy as a .50 BMG round leaving the muzzle also helps understand why you'd want the government to force the other guy to wear his seatbelt in case of a frontal collision.


Also, what do you do about people who drive but don't know physics.


****, I can't believe I'm arguing in favor of laws. But seriously, of all the stupid **** the government makes you do, you guys pick seatbelts?



It's NOT just seatbelts. It's lots and lots of things. That's just the one we are talking about right now. Why can't I make my own whiskey? I have corn, fresh water, and an above average intelligence. If I wanted to make moonshine for my own enjoyment whose business is that anyway? The goddamned governments that's whose. The goddamned government here will throw someone in prison for 20 years for drying out a plant, rolling it in paper, burning it and inhaling the fumes. Why? It's a goddamned plant! Who exactly is that hurting? New York is banning sodas over 16 ounces and California is banning trans-fats. What the hell happened here? Did we lose a war? A little girl get threatened by the police for selling goddamned lemonade to her neighbors because she didn't get on her knees and beg the goddamned government for permission to do that? A pastor in Georgia gets arrested for giving sandwiches to homeless people. S--t has run amok here. Enough is goddamned enough!

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Problem is some **** ruins it for everyone. Like drones

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Unfortunately to really get rid of most Petty laws, I would say u would have to get rid or or severely limit what can be sued for.


Also I'm for seat belt laws simply for lil kids and babies. As an adult u wanna gamble, I personally think it's your right. Unfortunately we have to many idiots when it comes to parents and their lil kids. I don't believe a child should suffer same fate as parents decisions when it comes to car safety.


To bad the seat belt law is mainly obviously more intact as a cash grab instead of safety.

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To bad the seat belt law is mainly obviously more intact as a cash grab instead of safety.


Huh, what? You know what's a cash grab? Having to pay the government for the use of public parking lots. Because those aren't optional when I'm going somewhere in my car. Not fastening my seat belt or going over the speed limit is purely optional. You can do it, of course, but don't go and whine when you get caught is what I'm saying.


You want to be all manly and buff, fine. Then be all manly and deal with the consequences. :yes:

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Thankfully alcohol laws across the country have actually relaxed tremendously over the last couple decades, making it much easier for both hobbyists and microdistributors to be successful. Plus pot is slowly becoming legal. It all comes down to either public pressure or powerful lobbyists. That soda tax stuff is all public pressure, while the whiskey laws are kept in place by the companies that have the market cornered.

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How do you guys feel about vaccinations?


Don't leave home without them.


If someone want's to "opt out" then let them. But if they want their kids to attend public schools, etc. then roll up their sleeve. Look, there is no bigger champion of liberty here than me but even I will tell you it isn't and can't be absolute as long as you're planning on living around the other humans. One of the little sacrifices you have to be expected to make is to not spread infectious diseases that can wipe out entire populations.


If the thing you are doing is likely to harm only you, not wearing a seatbelt for example, then leave them to their folly. But if you want to go "off the grid" and live on a mountain somewhere and make your own whiskey and dress in goatskins then ok, we can dispense with the measles vaccine.  


how do you differentiate social costs o' the vaccinations from those o' failure to wear seatbelts?  your fellow americans, through democratic elected representatives, has recognized just how expensive it is to allow numbnutz drivers to use motor vehicles sans safetybelts.  is costs to have emergency medical people to rush out and try and scrape you off pavement or separate you from a tree.  is emergency room costs, which are exorbitant.  is costs for long term care and/or support for your highly likely permanent disabilities. there is costs.  even if you thinks such costs don't merit Government interference, american adherence to principles o' democracy makes it perfect legal and reasonable for your neighbors to object to and sanction dumb and/or costly behavior by fellow citizens.


force you to wear seatbelts is indeed The Government demanding you to suppress liberty.  is a representative democracy, so the Government is your neighbors, not some kinda monolithic freedom suppressing machine. you wanna live in America?  fine, then you gotta live by certain rules your fellow americans 'gree 'pon.  sure, the Constitution sets aside particular freedoms which is believed too important to leave to the whim o' democracy, but the rest is fair game.  


similar, gd cannot drive a car which produces too much pollution.  why?  'cause the costs to your fellow americans has been deemed too expensive and as long as your fellow americans got a rational basis for enacting a prohibition on excessive polluting cars, you will not be allowed to drive an excessive polluting car.  is basic social contract suff, no?  vaccinations, seat belts, smoking in restaurants, dog waste removal, whatever. if The People agree your behavior has too great a cost, you may be prohibited from enjoying such a behavior... with the exception o' Constitutional protections.




democracy isn't 'bout liberty and peace and enlightened western culture.  democracy, the Government, the People, is a community's necessary collective will to limit your liberties. democracy is opposite o' liberty.  seatbelts?  safety belts? am not seeing such mentioned in the Constitution, direct or indirect.  religious freedom claim? due process claim? equal protection?  sure, the fed powers is limited, but state and local can, and do, have the power to limit all kinda socially costly behaviors. thank goodness. you not like a particular prohibition?  go out and get the law creating the prohibition changed. is how democracy works.


honestly. libertarians can be as silly as the far left and alt right folks.  is kinda reassuring actually.  nobody gots a monopoly on good sense. 




am not gonna go into vaccinations save for two observations: 1) there is constitutional issues regarding compulsory medical treatments, so is actual more complex than seatbelts in cars, and 2)  people who claim a reasonable basis for forgoing the vaccination o' their children is dumber than a bag full o' rocks. 


HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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To bad the seat belt law is mainly obviously more intact as a cash grab instead of safety.

Huh, what? You know what's a cash grab? Having to pay the government for the use of public parking lots. Because those aren't optional when I'm going somewhere in my car. Not fastening my seat belt or going over the speed limit is purely optional. You can do it, of course, but don't go and whine when you get caught is what I'm saying.


You want to be all manly and buff, fine. Then be all manly and deal with the consequences. :yes:

What I meant by more of a cash grab than for safety is the reason WHY they do it. It's more for a cash flow than it is for your safety because there's no time that u are allowed to NOT have a seat belt on. You will get a ticket if u move your vehicle from the top of your driveway to the bottom and NOT get on the road. Driving thru a city street that's 15 mph, you still have to wear your seat belt. Or you will get fined.

I wear my seat belt for safety but I don't believe that every time u get behind the wheel calls for you to wear one. Most cases yes, I think it's better to wear one and even should wear one like high ways and streets that are busy and high speeds but I can think of a few where I wouldn't need to wear one but have to simply to give over money.


Or better, explain why a cop has a quota each month? Is it to keep cops ever vigilant or is it more of a way a to fund the department?

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How do you guys feel about vaccinations?


Herd immunity. It's not a choice, you are negligent if you resist them. An instance where the state should exert extraordinary force to intervene, particularly for minors.

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