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Anybody else thinks the new aliens look like they were designed by Akira Toriyama? I mean, that guy's even got a power level scouter. I understand BoiWare has some new, young blood, but they should send out a memo to the art team not to ripoff too blatantly from DBZ.

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Anybody else thinks the new aliens look like they were designed by Akira Toriyama? I mean, that guy's even got a power level scouter. I understand BoiWare has some new, young blood, but they should send out a memo to the art team not to ripoff too blatantly from DBZ.


Actually, that's really pretty fitting.


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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Yeah. Don't want to interfere with the SciFi trope of borrowing from multiple sources.


That's not borrowing, that's scratching off the barcode and reselling it. :)


Sarcasm aside, I find it ominous that they would barrow from DBZ. Dragon Ball was always more of a fantasy than a sci-fi (Akria Toriyama retconned a lot of the world building to give a nod in the general direction of sci-fi-, but that's beside the point). Mass Effect 3 already leaned too heavily towards fantasy for my tastes and I don't see using DBZ as an inspiration as a move back towards a more sci-fi storytelling format.

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They are nearing $400k in the first day. I'd say they will get around $1.5 million.

I think you may be lowballing there. It's only been running for 4 and a half hours. I expect they will meet their goal by tomorrow. Maybe within 24 hours. Also, these things tend to be front and back heavy. So I expect big numbers toward the end of the campaign as well.


Right now it is getting $100k an hour, roughly. The question is how long will that last?


I expect it will be comparable to Wasteland 3, and may surpass it.



I was way off!  :p

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I'm thinking they'll hit shy of 2.5 million, depending on how enticing the stretchgoals are - I think the stronghold and 2 cities really drew in a lot of backers first time around.

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Fortune favors the bald.

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Fig Funds is the wild card.


In terms of pure backers, they're still currently only at $897,138 with 15,511 backers, which is well off the pace of Project Eternity.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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I'm thinking they'll hit shy of 2.5 million, depending on how enticing the stretchgoals are - I think the stronghold and 2 cities really drew in a lot of backers first time around.

Wasteland 2 had 61,290 backers to reach $2.93 million on Kickstarter, and Wasteland 3 on Fig hit 17,707 backers to reach a total of $3.12 million. Fig obviously has lower public awareness than Kickstarter, but the investor system is indeed making the differences. We aren't including PayPal here, obviously. PoE2 has already gathered 15k+ backers, it's still pulling around than $100k a day still, and I think spreading the localizations out is really making that difference. Also, some of those BG 2 ideas are working too. E.G. - Multiclassing, Subclassing, etc. Last night, around 2-3am EST, they jumped $15,000 out of nowhere, and I expect that was Russia or Poland backers finally dropped some cash on it in large sums, but I could be wrong there. If they anchored their stretch goals appropriately... things could get exciting. Also, we may see bumps come based on some of the info drops this week. Keep in mind that most of the details on class systems and the like aren't well known, and we are getting updates this week according to Feargus.


It really will henge on how big the mid-campaign slump is. They are almost $100k past the last stretch goal which they hit around 2pm EST yesterday, and it's 12.30pm EST right now. That's about $100k in he past 24 hours. I doubt that will last, but if it does... we may be looking at a new crowdfunding record here (Star Citizen not included). I think $3.5-4 is possible, and maybe likely. If there numbers hold, though, we are looking at $5 million. They probably won't, but they might. We should already be in a mid-campaign slump, but $100k a day isn't much of a slump. I think it is still slowing down, but we will see. If that 100k a day phenomenon continues then by the last 2 days we will be close to $4 million (give or take), and you usually do about as much on the last couple days as you did on the first couple days.


@Hurlshot - lol. It's cool. I love crowdfunding campaigns. It's about my 6th-7th in video games alone. So, I am more experienced with it than most.


Anyway, I really hope this makes more than the first game. With their systems/pipeline in place they could actually make a great I.E. successor that isn't as flawed as PoE is to most diehards. I loved PoE, but it wasn't perfect. I always said that it wouldn't be BG2 because they had to build tools and the like, but it could be BG1. It was pretty close to that mark, imho. We will see how Deadfire shapes up.

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Deus Ex put on hiatus due to underwhelming sales. Too much lazy popamole, one of the creatures was too slick and the hammer struck a hole to the bottom of the boat and this is what happens.



Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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They shouldn't have put former Ubisoft people on Deus Ex. Needs to be someone who understands emergent gameplay, instead of trying to force you into predefined channels.

Like Arkane.


Which is why I hope they do their own Deus Ex. They did a Thief with Dishonored, they're doing a System Shock with Prey, so hopefully, a Deus Ex is next in line.

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Deus Ex put on hiatus due to underwhelming sales. Too much lazy popamole, one of the creatures was too slick and the hammer struck a hole to the bottom of the boat and this is what happens.




That sucks. Both HR and MK were good games. I wish they had worried less about amazing graphics and just tried to turn out a solid title on a decent budget, but I guess that isn't the Ubisoft way. "Hey, we invested a moderate budget in HR and it sold really well, let's spend way more on the sequel and hope it sells way more."   :getlost:


Squeenix, not Ubisoft.  :p

Edited by Hurlshot
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Square Enix.



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Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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That blows about Deus Ex. I haven't gotten around to playing it yet, but it's in my library. :/


Also, Deadfire just got another $50k bump from an investor. It's at $1.75M. That means in a little over 24 hours it's made $150k. The next stretch goal is only $50k away ($1.8M). It's possible that they might hit that today (next 12 hours or so). So, yay!

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Also, Deadfire just got another $50k bump from an investor. It's at $1.75M. That means in a little over 24 hours it's made $150k. The next stretch goal is only $50k away ($1.8M). It's possible that they might hit that today (next 12 hours or so). So, yay!

Do you have any idea of what kind of split of sales are the investors actually getting? I mean, it's really cool and all that Obsidian is getting cash left and right here, but 'Investing' to me suggests that, long-term, these people will expect to see all their invested money back and then some. Am I getting this right or is 'Investment' on fig not really one? And how will it influence future Obsidian's cash flow?
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tbh, it doesn't surprise me. For some reason DX:MD really didn't grab my attention either and the DLC crap didn't helped either. And I've played DX:HR a lot back in the days, liked it a lot.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Also, Deadfire just got another $50k bump from an investor. It's at $1.75M. That means in a little over 24 hours it's made $150k. The next stretch goal is only $50k away ($1.8M). It's possible that they might hit that today (next 12 hours or so). So, yay!

Do you have any idea of what kind of split of sales are the investors actually getting? I mean, it's really cool and all that Obsidian is getting cash left and right here, but 'Investing' to me suggests that, long-term, these people will expect to see all their invested money back and then some. Am I getting this right or is 'Investment' on fig not really one? And how will it influence future Obsidian's cash flow?

My information is limited (my present funds are not so great), but I believe it depends on game sales once the game has launched, and the amount changes based on how well it sells. I think they initially pay back investors, and then (if sales are of a certain amount) they potentially pay up to 3 times the initial investment. You have to invest a minimum of $1,000, iirc. I am debating investing that much, but I am suspect of it myself. I will likely wait until the end to make the decision, and read up on it very thoroughly during that time. I won't have time to do it for another week or so.

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Also, Deadfire just got another $50k bump from an investor. It's at $1.75M. That means in a little over 24 hours it's made $150k. The next stretch goal is only $50k away ($1.8M). It's possible that they might hit that today (next 12 hours or so). So, yay!

Do you have any idea of what kind of split of sales are the investors actually getting? I mean, it's really cool and all that Obsidian is getting cash left and right here, but 'Investing' to me suggests that, long-term, these people will expect to see all their invested money back and then some. Am I getting this right or is 'Investment' on fig not really one? And how will it influence future Obsidian's cash flow?





Security: Fig Game Shares – Pillars of Eternity 2

Game: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Price Per Share: $1,000

Maximum Amount of Offering: $2,000,000


Use of Proceeds:

Fig's general working capital, including funding the development of the various games Fig publishes


Revenue Sharing Terms


a) Fig’s revenue share % will calculated as: the Fig Funds divided by $14 million, until 1.13x the Fig Funds is returned;

b) after that, the % will equal the Fig Funds divided by $28 million.

c) Fig will earn a revenue share only on PC sales (all storefronts; Windows, Linux, Mac).

d) Anticipated release is Q1 2018.

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"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Of course, how much of the budget got sunk into the DLC with Deus Ex?  And I'd say part of the reason they lost so much was that it all looked incredibly crappy DLC that no-one wanted. Probably because it was such purely stand-alone crud or set in the middle of the story, but couldn't be integrated to the main story. 

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I thought DX:MD was a good game, but it was such a minuscule advancement, if at all, over HR, that it was a bit disappointing. I was hoping for a larger step in the direction of the original classic, instead we basically just got more HR. The shady as **** Augment Your Pre-order crap they tried to pull and the crappy DLC didn't help either.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I enjoyed DX:MD for what it was. Plus, the Prague hub was darn good, and the increased verticality added to the whole thing. It's just unfortunate it was about 2/3rds of the story, which left it feeling unfinished and a "wait, is there DLC coming to wrap this up or what?"

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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