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Hey, it is still the best video game to movie adaptation around. Milla Jovovich is amazing.


Off the top of my head, I feel Silent Hill, WarCraft, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Need For Speed, Doom and Mortal Kombat are better video game adaptations.



Nope.  The original Resident Evil beats every one of them.  That is why they are on number 6.  It's embarrassing, really.  Milla Jovovich has managed to be better than Jake Gyllenhaal, Angelina Jolie, The Rock, Timothy Olyphant, and all the other people that have taken a hack at a video game movie.  She's a goddess.


I think a lot of people forget how good the original was.  Plus it was a good step ahead of the whole zombie craze that has been going on for the last decade.    


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Nope. You are wrong. They are on #6 because they are releatively to cheap to make.  Tomb Raider would have continued to except doubtful Jolie would want to continue and she is rather expensive therefore TB was expensive.


Besdies, Saw has like what? 8 films? And, that series sucks. LMAO


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Nope. You are wrong. They are on #6 because they are releatively to cheap to make.  Tomb Raider would have continued to except doubtful Jolie would want to continue and she is rather expensive therefore TB was expensive.


Besdies, Saw has like what? 8 films? And, that series sucks. LMAO

Yep, but there is an art to production that makes the difference between Sharknado 4 and no sequel to Dredd. Love both movies BTW.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Hey, it is still the best video game to movie adaptation around. Milla Jovovich is amazing.


Off the top of my head, I feel Silent Hill, WarCraft, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Need For Speed, Doom and Mortal Kombat are better video game adaptations.



Nope.  The original Resident Evil beats every one of them.  That is why they are on number 6.  It's embarrassing, really.  Milla Jovovich has managed to be better than Jake Gyllenhaal, Angelina Jolie, The Rock, Timothy Olyphant, and all the other people that have taken a hack at a video game movie.  She's a goddess.


I think a lot of people forget how good the original was.  Plus it was a good step ahead of the whole zombie craze that has been going on for the last decade.    



No knock on Jovovich, she is one badass lady, but I just think the movies aren't very good. The first one was watchable but I disliked watching all of the others.


Also have you seen Tomb Raider lately? I feel that movie improved with age. You know how sometimes you watch a bad 80's movie and it just feels nostalgic and fun because it's so wonderfully 80's? Tomb Raider became that for the horrible movies of the 90's. I hated it when it first came out but I watched it again recently and what was just bad and derivative when it came out almost seems campy and tongue in cheek.


I have to say, I did think for its faults, the Hitman adaption with Timothy Olyphant was a fairly good attempt.


I haven't seen either of the Hitman movies. I heard the sequel was abysmal, but I'll check this one out. I've never played the games so I doubt I'll get much out of it.

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Apparently my local theater has it so you can see a movie before noon for like $6.50. I saw Sausage Party.


There's something great here. I think the ending in particular holds something very meaningful, the key to world peace. It's truly great, fun for the whole family, be sure to bring the kids.*


*The opinions in this post belong solely to the poster. The Obsidian Forum Community can not be held responsible for anyone taking the ridiculous advice of bringing their children to see the raunchiest Rogen/Goldberg film yet.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Suicide Squad.


There are some good bits, but.. its messy, the three parts don't hang together too well. the ending is anti-climactic, the Joker isn't that great. Harley Quinn is really well handled, and should be the breakout role of the movie. Will Smith is.. Will Smith. The rest of the squad are barely developed. The music is incredibly blatant. Amanda Waller is perfectly done and you will loathe her like a bitch.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hey, it is still the best video game to movie adaptation around. Milla Jovovich is amazing.

Off the top of my head, I feel Silent Hill, WarCraft, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Need For Speed, Doom and Mortal Kombat are better video game adaptations.

Nope. The original Resident Evil beats every one of them. That is why they are on number 6. It's embarrassing, really. Milla Jovovich has managed to be better than Jake Gyllenhaal, Angelina Jolie, The Rock, Timothy Olyphant, and all the other people that have taken a hack at a video game movie. She's a goddess.


I think a lot of people forget how good the original was. Plus it was a good step ahead of the whole zombie craze that has been going on for the last decade.


No knock on Jovovich, she is one badass lady, but I just think the movies aren't very good. The first one was watchable but I disliked watching all of the others.


Also have you seen Tomb Raider lately? I feel that movie improved with age. You know how sometimes you watch a bad 80's movie and it just feels nostalgic and fun because it's so wonderfully 80's? Tomb Raider became that for the horrible movies of the 90's. I hated it when it first came out but I watched it again recently and what was just bad and derivative when it came out almost seems campy and tongue in cheek.

I have to say, I did think for its faults, the Hitman adaption with Timothy Olyphant was a fairly good attempt.

I haven't seen either of the Hitman movies. I heard the sequel was abysmal, but I'll check this one out. I've never played the games so I doubt I'll get much out of it.

Its how I felt about Batman and Robin. When it came out it was terrible, but watching it now, it was terrible on purpose. The puns, Robin leaving a nightwing symbol shaped hole in the wall when he busts through. Batman picking up a giant chuck of iced Robin and thawing him with a pen laser. Its just so much cheesy campy fun.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Its how I felt about Batman and Robin. When it came out it was terrible, but watching it now, it was terrible on purpose. The puns, Robin leaving a nightwing symbol shaped hole in the wall when he busts through. Batman picking up a giant chuck of iced Robin and thawing him with a pen laser. Its just so much cheesy campy fun.



The trouble is, if you ever hear Clooney talking about it, it's pretty obvious it was never actually directed in that manner. So the cheesy camp is more, by accident rather than an informed intent.

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Tropic Thunder is at the bottom of the recycling bin, forgotten and unloved.

You're a monster, that movie is treasure.
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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Funny how people suddenly started hating Jared Leto after Suicide Squad.


He's a great actor, as shown in Requiem for a Dream, Mr. Nobody and Dallas Buyers Club.


I didn't have clue who he was before Suicide Squad, even though I have seen three movies where he has been (Fight Club, "Girl, Interrupted", and American Psycho), and I would guess that I am not only one whom that is the case. So sudden hate towards could be because people actually noticed his acting.

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Funny how people suddenly started hating Jared Leto after Suicide Squad.


He's a great actor, as shown in Requiem for a Dream, Mr. Nobody and Dallas Buyers Club.


I didn't have clue who he was before Suicide Squad, even though I have seen three movies where he has been (Fight Club, "Girl, Interrupted", and American Psycho), and I would guess that I am not only one whom that is the case. So sudden hate towards could be because people actually noticed his acting.


leto received much positive reviews for his performance in dallas buyers club, and the adulation were deserved.  am thinking we mentioned elsewhere but the way in which facts were twisted in dbc annoyed us. even so, the performances o' main actors were so good that we nevertheless considered dbc to be a fantastic movie. haven't seen suicide squad, but leto's star in hollywood were clear ascendant Before his recent joker portrayal.


as a person who has not seen the movie, we cannot help but wonder where the criticism comes from.  is this a situation such as tommy lee jones portrayal o' two-face? no actor, regardless o' his mastery o' craft, were gonna save batman forever from joel schumacher. alternatively, perhaps leto went too far down the rabbit hole as a few articles suggest. 


am curious, but not curious enough to see suicide squad in theaters.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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The biggest problem with Leto's performance as the Joker is that parts of it are on the cutting room floor.  But I say that as someone who liked Suicide Squad despite its flaws.


But from all accounts large sections of his performance didn't make it to the film - things like the Joker/Harley Club scene was edited down and the aftermath of that and the planned aftermath of the Harley/Joker reunion on the helicopter were cut entirely which I think hampered the character a good bit.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I see the problem as two-fold.  One, Heath Ledger put together one of the best performances in any Superhero film ever, and then died at the height of his popularity.  That casts a big shadow.  Two, they tried to go a very different direction with the character, which makes a lot of sense given you can't replace the Ledger version.  But that meant it was a fairly unrecognizable turn for a pretty well known character.  Maybe it was supported by the comics, but most people don't follow all the different comics.  He didn't seem like any Joker I've ever seen, and then they cut out all the parts that may have developed him as an original version of the Joker.  It made no sense to me and his character came off like a candidate for Tattoo Nightmares on Spike TV.

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"I don't blame him for Joker, honestly.  He was put in a terrible position.  "


Bull. he was simply crap. he was BY FAR the worst thing about SS in an otherwise fantastic movie. The guy was ****, ****, ****.

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Finally got around to watching Batman V Superman.


I have to say, where the hell did Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor come from? Hyperactive manic psychotic genius who magically knows stuff? That was just weird. I'll stand by John Shea as the best version of an adult Luthor I've seen (Okay Michael Rosenbaum handled the young Luthor expertly as well in Smallville).


Ben Afleck was surprisingly decent as Batman even if the bat as written was a touch off-putting. I do miss them attempting to show his detective side. The teasing about the soon to be Justice League members was fairly nicely handled, even if Wonder Woman's big role was.. pretty much a throw in rather than anything serious.


But the big steal of the film was Jeremy Irons as Alfred, that was probably the best gloss to the whole film.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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