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If I remember correct, then Angry Joe criticised the stupid ai in Shogun 2 too, though. :)I agree with most of the flaws, but I like the setting and graphics (yeah!) just too much to really care a lot. And like I wrote, many issues have been dealt with in recent patches. The last patch even polished up the siege battles very much, which were really, really, really bad before.

Thanks. I'll have another go at it.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Grabbed Legend of Zelda off the Wii U store last night, it's fantastic.

Which one?  Wind Waker?



No, A Link to the Past.  I do want to buy Wind Waker but it's a bit pricey.  


It was fun playing A LInk to the Past and telling my daughter how I used to play it when I was only a bit older than her.  I still remember quite a bit from the intro after all these years.

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Grabbed Legend of Zelda off the Wii U store last night, it's fantastic.

Which one?  Wind Waker?



No, A Link to the Past.  I do want to buy Wind Waker but it's a bit pricey.  


It was fun playing A LInk to the Past and telling my daughter how I used to play it when I was only a bit older than her.  I still remember quite a bit from the intro after all these years.


Ah, memories.  A Link to the Past is so excellent.  Speaking of memories, I wound up scooping up Life Force from the eShop this morning, before I headed off to work (I woke up early so I had time to kill).  I played the **** out of shmups back in the day and Life Force was probably the best one for the NES, at least it was the one I played the most.  Good times.  Now I just have to fight the urge to use the Konami code.  :p

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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TWDS2 Season Finale is out now. Pretty early.


Well that was a ****ed up ending I got..



Man, I chose to shoot Kenny and leave Jane.. What a horrible ending, so depressing..



Overall a good sequel, but the first game was definitely the stronger of the two. Season 2 had it's moments though, some of the choices were really really ugly, which I felt lacked in the first game - you never really got the option to make some serious mistakes that stuck with you - you certainly did in 2.

Fortune favors the bald.

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My Walking Dead Season 2 play-through:



Basically stuck with Kenny throughout the whole game. Was completely aware he was quite unstable seeing as he had lost his wife, his child, his friends and later the woman he moved onto, and naturally because of this I was fully expecting a suicide at some point. Nonetheless, whenever he did lose his temper it was always for good a reason and once the baby was in the picture I knew I could trust him to do whatever it takes to protect it.


Jane seemed nice enough and I did enjoy her relationship with Clementine however her rampant 'individualism' and her stupid "groups cant work" mentality was ****ing annoying as hell. Thus when conflict emerged between these two characters and Jane antagonized Kenny by blaming him for his family's death and then pretending she'd killed the baby all the while pulling a knife on Kenny (to prove how crazy Kenny was!) I naturally sided with Kenny.


Game closed with Clementine, the baby and Kenny arriving at Wellington, once I found out they'd only let Clem and the baby in I figured it to best to do what Kenny said and leave him. The two of them sure as hell can't protect the baby out in the cold and its probably in Kenny's best interests to free him from the burden of Clem and the baby. He'd finally got Clementine and the baby to a safe place and now he doesn't have to feel responsible for anyone else.


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i just finished RAGE that i got in the last steam sale. it's the classical definition of a "could have been" game. 

i started state of decay... so far it's more than a bit confusing (hell, even dont starve with it's complete lack of any form of player assistance is more easy to understand) but i like it.

The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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My ending:



Killed Kenny, since the poor guy was a problem and went with Jane back to Howe's and let the new group in.

Also, how the hell does the baby survive 9 days without milk?


Now, on to S3, where every NPC get's killed early on or you'll be railroaded to Wellington anyway!

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I think the W. ending is probably gonna be canon, yeah. Unfortunately as all endings were pretty interesting on their own merits.



I liked it more tbh, but the Clem that had evolved out of my playstyle simply couldn't trust any of them anymore - it was a tough choice shooting him though, but he was too dangerous (of course now I know he did it to protect what he considered his family, but at that moment he just seemed insane), so that's the ending I'm going with.. which just makes the Wellington ending and the "we almost made it" even sadder :( .. I feel bad for Clem, she gonna have massive trust issues in my S3 playthrough..


Fortune favors the bald.

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Finished The Wolf Among Us. Some pretty dumb story-moments here and there, and more than a few moments where I wished I could hijack the conversation and say "BUT I WANT TO SAY THIS". The QTEs are also as boring as ever. Hard to say whether they actually sort of work to increase the intensity though in a crude way. Don't really enjoy them and I was really disheartened when one of the first things you do in Episode 1 is have a loooong QTE fight.


Overall though, I did emjoy it. It was fun to follow it through all in all. Fun characters, and the game has a real nice style to it. Much better looking than the first Walking Dead (only other Telltale game I've played). But it didn't hit nearly as hard either story/character-wise. Not that it particularly neeed to.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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BG:EE.... I'm playing with the new patch 1.3


There is a new AWESOME feature build in.... 




Yes, save so much time when looting, brilliant idea, excellent feature :D

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Guest Slinky

BG:EE.... I'm playing with the new patch 1.3


There is a new AWESOME feature build in.... 




Yes, save so much time when looting, brilliant idea, excellent feature :D


Looks like they also increased the font size, very welcome change. I wish they would add a quick way to change from sword and shield to bow and back again, then I might actually someday manage to finish BG.

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My Long War game came to a sudden end, due to an unexpected base defense. I'm fairly confident that it was an unwinnable mission in my state, but that's why this is in beta I guess. Apparently the problem here is that all the variables are baked into vanilla code and the modders have not been able to change any aspect of the number of enemies, what type they are, how your own people are selected, or anything else meaningful. The difficulty of the mission is such that it can swing wildly from being comparatively trivial to literally impossible, and reloading a save from prior to the mission may generate a completely different outcome. While I do have a backup save (I play Ironman but due to LW bugs back up a save at the start of every month), it wouldn't feel right to use it, so I'm just going to take a break until the next beta, maybe some wild experimentation for the time being.


For the record, I think the count was 6 Mechtoids, 4 Sectoid Commanders, 2 Berserkers and a Sectopod bum-rushing me in the space of two turns. With my own squad being automatically assigned as 3 Snipers, 2 Rocketeers who had long since run out of rockets, and a Scout, I had no chance, though I like to think I put up a decent fight taking down about 25 aliens before the bitter end. For what it's worth, it's not actually a hard game over, you lose a bunch of cash and other resources, your scientists and engineers are decimated, but the game technically continues - but it resulted in me being more than $900 in the red, so it is an effective game over for a campaign already on a knife edge.


Still, I guess the disappointing aspect here is that, knowing the inherent technical issues around the mission scripting, the devs have somehow seen fit to nonetheless implement potential repeat base defenses in a given campaign, because that's how it was in the original UFO:EU/X-COM. Conceptually it's fair enough, but logically I'd say shelving the concept until it can be figured out internally would be the sensible option. Granted, issues like this are expected in a beta, and they do strongly recommend against playing Ironman, so I'll cop it on the chin. If it goes to release in this state though, then that'd be obviously unacceptable arrogance.


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My Long War game came to a sudden end, due to an unexpected base defense. I'm fairly confident that it was an unwinnable mission in my state, but that's why this is in beta I guess. Apparently the problem here is that all the variables are baked into vanilla code and the modders have not been able to change any aspect of the number of enemies, what type they are, how your own people are selected, or anything else meaningful. The difficulty of the mission is such that it can swing wildly from being comparatively trivial to literally impossible, and reloading a save from prior to the mission may generate a completely different outcome. While I do have a backup save (I play Ironman but due to LW bugs back up a save at the start of every month), it wouldn't feel right to use it, so I'm just going to take a break until the next beta, maybe some wild experimentation for the time being.


For the record, I think the count was 6 Mechtoids, 4 Sectoid Commanders, 2 Berserkers and a Sectopod bum-rushing me in the space of two turns. With my own squad being automatically assigned as 3 Snipers, 2 Rocketeers who had long since run out of rockets, and a Scout, I had no chance, though I like to think I put up a decent fight taking down about 25 aliens before the bitter end. For what it's worth, it's not actually a hard game over, you lose a bunch of cash and other resources, your scientists and engineers are decimated, but the game technically continues - but it resulted in me being more than $900 in the red, so it is an effective game over for a campaign already on a knife edge.


Still, I guess the disappointing aspect here is that, knowing the inherent technical issues around the mission scripting, the devs have somehow seen fit to nonetheless implement potential repeat base defenses in a given campaign, because that's how it was in the original UFO:EU/X-COM. Conceptually it's fair enough, but logically I'd say shelving the concept until it can be figured out internally would be the sensible option. Granted, issues like this are expected in a beta, and they do strongly recommend against playing Ironman, so I'll cop it on the chin. If it goes to release in this state though, then that'd be obviously unacceptable arrogance.


Are you sure you didn't get beaten because you aren't  fully comfortable with how the combat works? This often happens in games like this and then people tend to blame the game for losing a particular battle ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I'm playing Steamworld Dig, a really fun Digdugtroidvania, on the Wii U, and World of Diving, a super chill diving simulator, on my PC.  I also noticed that the new version of Grim Dawn (b20) just came out.  I gave it a quick spin, but I'll mostly wait for the Arcanist class to be added (supposedly really soon) before I play the game extensively again.  I'll likely jump back into my Neverwinter Nights and Pirate Creed games soon, but I needed a bit of a break as both of those games are just so long that I can't do them straight through.  Hopefully I can finish both of those before Wasteland 2 comes out.  Once Wasteland 2 is released, everything else is taking a back seat (ideally my plate will be clear at that point).

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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If after 300 hours I'm not comfortable with it, then I probably should quit being a gamer.



In all seriousness, Base Defense in the unmodded game was challenging and somewhat random too, but the way it was structured in the game meant you could somewhat prepare for it, as it wouldn't trigger until you completed certain events. The other thing is the extended roster of the mod, compared to vanilla where you had a definitive A-Team. Where you only have a squad of about 8 people (which was probably 6 + 2 spares anyway), distributed amongst only 5 classes, the game arbitrarily picking the first 6 of them in the list is no big deal - indeed there's a high probability it picked your most effective combination. When you have a roster of 40+, distributed amongst 8 (or indeed possibly 16) classes, picking the top 6 of that list is going to be inherently unbalanced.

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Been playing Desktop Dungeon. I am facing the harder maps and quests now and it is becoming a real challenge. Last night I went on a rampage through barbarian/berserker territory as a sorcerer while not allowed to cast any spells. Fun times.

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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Are you sure you didn't get beaten because you aren't  fully comfortable with how the combat works? This often happens in games like this and then people tend to blame the game for losing a particular battle ?



You have no clue what you are talking about Bruce.

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