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Huh.  I was expecting EA's FY13 to be much worse than it was.


Net Income was $98 million, up from $76 million (which isn't very much of an improvement, but I was curious if they'd post a loss).

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Wolfenstein New Order? Is that Space Nazis? >_<



Are EA actually publishing games any more in the 'go out and find an external studio to make game x for $$$ y' sense? I thought pretty much everything (exc EA Partners stuff, which may be defunct anyway) was developed by internal studios now.


How many independent studios capable of AAA games are there left, anyway? Obsidian, Double Fine, maybe Bungie, which is still partially Microsoft owned, right?



TOR destroying the canon of the KotOR's is just a silly internet myth.  You are either thinking too highly of the lore from the first two, or you are thinking too little about TOR.  All three games range between uneven and good at various times.   


It was already destroyed when Lucas started randomly canonizing parts of the game, which then tied Bio's hands.





To be honest I was bummed when I saw the video of the Exile booo-ing about is a ghost. Maybe somehow the character is better when you play the game, but then I could just think: Is this the best you could do with a character like that?


And here's hoping Obs can make a deal with EA.

The Revan book explains exactly why that is, and the importance of it. It tells the Exile's story about as much as it does Revan. Drew (naturally) wrote that part of TOR.

Let me rephrase: My problem is with the Exile floating next to Revan, talking in the style of a stereotypical, lame ghost out of a children's story.
"Beware ~oohoooohhhhh!"



Or like all important, dead Jedi in the Star Wars universe? Ever seen the movies? :p

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I agree with Monty, it looks like any other shooter. It could just as easily be another Killzone game with all the Jin Roh soldiers and standard robots.

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Yeah, Killzone was the first thing coming into my mind after seeing the soldiers. They look super cool and badass, but man... I think it is getting a little old now.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Where are the BDSM SS babes?



No SS and Nazis anymore. It plays in a fictional 1960 timeframe where the Germans have won the war. That's about as close as they want to get to the Wolfenstein/Nazi setting.


Me, I trust those guys. Many of ex-Starbreeze members directly repsonsible for Riddick and The Darkness are working on this. Those guys are talented. Anybody who thinks this will be "just another brown CoD clone" needs to check their facts first.

Edited by Morgoth
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Never looked like a military shooter to me. :>

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Alpha Protocol looked like another military shooter btw. Turned out to be quite a little nice and unique game.

The game didn't look great and didn't exactly have a unique art direction, but unless one deliberately cherry-picked only the Saudi Arabia screenshots, it didn't really look like a military shooter.

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I think they're still going with the OTT approach.


I know I probably won't like the game, but something in the cheesiness of that trailer rubs me the right way and makes me smile.

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"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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Disney and EA sign multi-year Star Wars deal

Obsidian loses out - again.


And so do we. :(



I was really hoping it was just a bad rumor.





I think they're still going with the OTT approach.




That said, I still miss the better mix that was in Saints Row 2. The main storyline was much more interesting and made me want to play the game, not to mention pure bastardly at times. Rad tattoos, seriously!

I do miss the gang style aswell, but. *Shrug*

Edited by Azdeus

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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I hope they'll still have the Russian accent voice as a choice for a female character.  Something about playing a female Murican President with a thick Russian accent makes me feel all tingly on the inside.


Edit:  Also, this fictitious female Murican President may or may not wind up running around town butt nekkid punching people dudes in the ****.

Edited by Keyrock
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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I loved Saint's Row 2 and 3. But I did miss going from the bottom to the top as in 2, as compared to being at the top and just doing.. crazy things as in 3.


I will still get 4. I hope they have more adult film star cameos too :dancing:

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Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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It looks like you can't get much higher than that - president and super(wo)man in one package. But yeah, 3 was my first entry into the SR universe and I must admit I fell for the charme. The coop is also a nice feature, something I wish GTA would've done more of.

Fortune favors the bald.

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And while I agree Dishonored is a beautiful thing to look at, I disagree that Wolfenstein looks like "any other FPS out there".


CoD/Battlefield/Killzone/MoH etc, now that's where you should take a closer look at. And then try to distinguish them. Good luck.




Edited by Monte Carlo


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The super speed run and leap onto the building was pretty cool. Worth getting on a Steam sale, so far.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Obsidian also has a rather ambitious idea floating around, and – last we heard – it was about to lay it before the greatest Sith Lord of them all: Mickey Mouse. So then, what happened there? And where does Obsidian’s new Star Wars RPG end up now that EA’s pulling the strings? I got in touch with Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart to find out.


First up, Disney. Turns out, the developer never actually ventured into the hallowed halls of the House of Mouse. The reason? Things were simply too unstable at the time.
“As for Disney, we didn’t end up talking with them directly, since we were waiting to see what might happen with the license as a whole,” Urquhart explained to RPS.
Now, however, all the pieces have fallen into place, and Urquhart’s ready to see if there’s room for Obsidian in EA’s master plan.
“We are certainly going to try,” he said. “We would love to work on another Star Wars game, and if it was possible for us to hook up with BioWare and EA to do so, that would be pretty amazing.”




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What do you guys think about Elder Scrolls Online?


It doesn't look like much on the gameplay video I saw graphics wise (and art style wise). The animations are no better whan WoW.


Any noteable gameplay features?

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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The super speed run and leap onto the building was pretty cool. Worth getting on a Steam sale, so far.

Out ****ing standing!  This looks like a heavily modded SR3, to be completely honest, but I'm okay with that.  Every game should include a dubstep gun.  All of them, even low magic fantasy world games and farming simulators.  Volition, you had my curiosity.  Now you have my attention.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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What do you guys think about Elder Scrolls Online?


It doesn't look like much on the gameplay video I saw graphics wise (and art style wise). The animations are no better whan WoW.


Any noteable gameplay features?


Graphics typically aren't cutting edge in MMO's, with Elder Scrolls Online I'll wait to really see it in action before making a judgement.  But yeah, I've been underwhelmed by what I've seen so far.

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I wasn't expecting cutting edge stuff, just something I haven't seen before design wise, or at least a slight visual improvement.

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