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Torment: Tides of Numenera?


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It's funded. Well done indeed.


alanschu: What do you expect him to say, "I'm not surprised"? 



He's really selling it on his twitter is all.


I have no expectation for what he would say.  Would be interesting for him to say "I had a feeling this would happen" but then I guess it'd come across as overly arrogant?


I guess the thing is, is this the only thing he should say?



I know devs talk up kickstarter for allowing them to communicate directly with the fans, but even then it still seems the fans want to eat up the PR type commentary and announces.


GAF had a whole thread about Obsidian's "weak" (work in progress) concept art and were quite critical, stating they wanted to see more (marketing like) concept arts that Wasteland 2 had.  There were many here that echoed the same (though more came to the defense here too).



Besides, all I asked was if Fargo is blown away by how quickly it's gone, how quickly was he expecting it to take?


This starts to go beyond just this thread, but how much honest discussion do fans really want?  Or are they more satisfied with relatively constant updates, but for them to still have a marketing/PR/promotional perspective added to them.

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Of course, this could only mean one thing:  Isometric PC RPGs are dead.  Absolutely no interest whatsoever.   :rolleyes:


This is a principle reason why I want this game to be awesome.


The bigger publishers don't do it because of the perception that the opportunity cost is too high.  If they are successful, it'll help spur a resurgence across the board.

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My earlier rants aside, the kickstart makes it sound very promising if they live up to the billing. I doubt it'll be as good as they claim it'll be though it should still be rather good.


That said, (not that they need my money at this point lol); but I'm not gonna invest in a comapny's second KS when the only game worth mentioning is a game (BT) thatb i didn't even bother with. I'll wait until WL2 comes otu and I get my copy through P:E and see how good that is. The recent change of actual dialogue makes that one mroe appealing than it was too.


Still, I wonder how the character system for Torment '2' is. Are you only allowed human characters that can eventuaklly turn into aliens? L0L


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Of course, this could only mean one thing:  Isometric PC RPG's are dead.  Absolutely no interest whatsoever.   :rolleyes:




Of course, this could only mean one thing:  Isometric PC RPGs are dead.  Absolutely no interest whatsoever.   :rolleyes:

None whatsoever. :yes:




Of course, this could only mean one thing:  Isometric PC RPGs are dead.  Absolutely no interest whatsoever.   :rolleyes:


This is a principle reason why I want this game to be awesome.


The bigger publishers don't do it because of the perception that the opportunity cost is too high.  If they are successful, it'll help spur a resurgence across the board.



This is a real sign of the relevance and appetite from gamers for these types of games. Its amazing really, if I was a big publisher I would be thinking "they raised 900k in 8 hours for a PC based isometric game. Surly this is something we can also invest in?


It only bodes well for the future of PC gaming. Of course we still need to play the first of these KS RPG. And that would be Wasteland 2. For me the success and enjoyment of that game will be the real litmus test for the sustainability of this type of funding. 


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Wonder how well it'll do on release. Still, impressive how quickly they got the cash.

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This is a real sign of the relevance and appetite from gamers for these types of games. Its amazing really, if I was a big publisher I would be thinking "they raised 900k in 8 hours for a PC based isometric game. Surly this is something we can also invest in?

It only bodes well for the future of PC gaming. Of course we still need to play the first of these KS RPG. And that would be Wasteland 2. For me the success and enjoyment of that game will be the real litmus test for the sustainability of this type of funding.


I'm very curious to see how successful they are post launch.


Torment is still "and counting" but overall numbers aren't all that gigantic (for the big publishers) if you just base it on kickstarter contributors.  Though the saving grace of Kickstarter is that the game can sell zero copies post release, but as long as the contributors were happy they will contribute again.  If the games are clearly stupidly successful, however, people will start to take notice.  I would love for one of these to clearly push a million copies.



I'm also looking forward to stronger initiatives to reduce DRM that these games will also (hopefully) provide.

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kicked in, because if nothing else, i want to make sure that we get more crpg's, and more funding for them. 



edit: also, i like the numenera setting, and want to play an rpg in it.  I would have backed this more whole-heartedly (ie, more than $30) if the game didnt have "torment" in the title.  those are some big britches to fill and I don't like an untested developer climbing into them

Edited by entrerix
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Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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It's funded. Well done indeed.


alanschu: What do you expect him to say, "I'm not surprised"? 



He's really selling it on his twitter is all.


I have no expectation for what he would say.  Would be interesting for him to say "I had a feeling this would happen" but then I guess it'd come across as overly arrogant?


I guess the thing is, is this the only thing he should say?



I know devs talk up kickstarter for allowing them to communicate directly with the fans, but even then it still seems the fans want to eat up the PR type commentary and announces.


GAF had a whole thread about Obsidian's "weak" (work in progress) concept art and were quite critical, stating they wanted to see more (marketing like) concept arts that Wasteland 2 had.  There were many here that echoed the same (though more came to the defense here too).



Besides, all I asked was if Fargo is blown away by how quickly it's gone, how quickly was he expecting it to take?


This starts to go beyond just this thread, but how much honest discussion do fans really want?  Or are they more satisfied with relatively constant updates, but for them to still have a marketing/PR/promotional perspective added to them.


At least for games, Torment I think is the key point where the Kickstarter honeymoon is over. This was happening already with W2 and P:E, but basically, Kickstarter is now a consumer proposition. People are lining up to get the early bird special deals; there was a protracted voting period on what kind of deals were desirable; many back without even reading the proposition (indeed, we have evidence of people doing this for at least Banner Saga); there is a slick marketing video that two dudes in a basement could not do easily; there is a long media campaign; the journalists and Fargo et al's friends and admirers in the industry come out in droves to help spread the word and enthusiasm (including MCA). We still do have the romantic idea of making the impossible possible, supporting the underdog, etc, but really, I think this is where we see Kickstarter mature into a different form of business relationship.


How much honest discussion do fans really want? How much 'honest discussion' do two people in a romantic relationship really want? How much 'honest feedback' do you really want from your teacher? How much 'honest discussion' is sensible as opposed to suicide in a relationship between fifteen dudes and several tens of thousands of people who are giving them money for services? We saw with Chris Taylor that honesty doesn't get you very far.


Anyway, I know you're not proposing that he be 'completely honest' or anything like that. I do think Fargo understands the role he is meant to play and he is to his credit good at doing it. If that renders them disingenious so be it, but I hardly think so.

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well the problem with chris taylor being honest is most people don't care.... you are only as good as your best games, and chris taylors best games are pretty lousy imo


but yeah, kickstarter is also a chance for devs to say to fans "put your money where your mouth is, if you want more games like torment, then preorder the game 2 years early"


and the fans of course do, because we are nerds and we want

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Makes me wonder why a company like Paradox won't just sign Obsidian to make a old school rpg on a 3-5 million budget when there's so much demand for these games.


Guess I'll have to donate something, bit short on money atm. :(

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if im not mistaken, kickstarter 3 million is worth more to a developer than a publisher's 3 million, because the developer owns the IP from a kickstarter

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Makes me wonder why a company like Paradox won't just sign Obsidian to make a old school rpg on a 3-5 million budget when there's so much demand for these games.


Guess I'll have to donate something, bit short on money atm. :(



The publishers did not know the demand yet exists. If a 5 million USD game does not sell, the publisher loses big time. On the other hand, the KickStarted game is a success as long as it funded and released to the expectations of the backers.


However, since we now have clear evidence of the support of these types of projects, I would not be surprised if some publishers started doing what you suggested.

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if im not mistaken, kickstarter 3 million is worth more to a developer than a publisher's 3 million, because the developer owns the IP from a kickstarter

Assuming that the developer creates the IP and that part (or all) of the Kickstarter funds aren't being used for licensing costs, then yes.  That's why Project: Eternity is such an important project for Obsidian Entertainment.  If it is a success, then they now have an IP they control which means leverage, whether they crowdfund the next entry in the series or go through a publisher.

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There has to be a bit of marketing. Lets not kid ourselves, developers create packages full with marketing to pitch a game to publishers. The early bird thing I think is not about "deals" it's about momentum mostly and people who might not be able to commit much money getting a chance. If you raise $1m in 7 hours then the media is going to take notes, early bird helps that, some reward tiers might come into range of people. Kickstarter is more like a "pay what you want" pre-order service that happens to help fund the game upfront, and I think that's a great model. I think the "honest discussion" is way more down to personality regardless of funding model, but whether people are allowed to talk without a PR machine in front of them or not is down to funding model. I don't think KickStarter has changed since Double Fine Adventure.

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Holy flying skull, was that fast!

I can't even grab one of those boxed copy for 95$ anymore. The only ones remaining are now worth 110$ for the exact same content and they're still going down like nazis on a french beach.

I know Inxile know their stuff and limited those copies so people wouldn't hesitate but damn, that's way too fast.

I guessed I'd have to pledge now and remove my payment if I couldn't afford it by the end of the month but the goods are not very worth it.

Better let the hype go.

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Holy flying skull, was that fast!

I can't even grab one of those boxed copy for 95$ anymore. The only ones remaining are now worth 110$ for the exact same content and they're still going down like nazis on a french beach.

I know Inxile know their stuff and limited those copies so people wouldn't hesitate but damn, that's way too fast.

I guessed I'd have to pledge now and remove my payment if I couldn't afford it by the end of the month but the goods are not very worth it.

Better let the hype go.



Reading the Codex, Brother None mentioned they are working on more tiers (might take some time, though). The pace this went over was a bit faster than anticipated.

Edited by Undecaf

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Hey guys, could you tell me what the kid says at 1:43 in the KS video? "I've done my homework, I've studied... TRISTAIR"

I don't understand the last word. Tristair? What is it?

I'd like to know this too.


Btw, the kid was pretty funny in his publisher role

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Holy flying skull, was that fast!

I can't even grab one of those boxed copy for 95$ anymore. The only ones remaining are now worth 110$ for the exact same content and they're still going down like nazis on a french beach.

I know Inxile know their stuff and limited those copies so people wouldn't hesitate but damn, that's way too fast.

I guessed I'd have to pledge now and remove my payment if I couldn't afford it by the end of the month but the goods are not very worth it.

Better let the hype go.



Reading the Codex, Brother None mentioned they are working on more tiers (might take some time, though). The pace this went over was a bit faster than anticipated.

Well, I certainly hope so. For 95$, it was worth it. For 110$, not so much.

But I'm weak and now I'll pledge such a big amount sooner or later. I can't wait until my collector edition collects the dust on my shelves.

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