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Re-Issue of Final Fantasy VII for PC.


A Google cache of the site finalfantasyviipc.com shows evidence of a plan for an updated PC release, with achievements, cloud saves (appropriate!) and a "character booster" that lets players increase HP, MP, and money "with the simple click of a button, leaving you to enjoy your adventure."



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Can't be worse than the original PC port - I remember for some systems it was literally unplayable prior to a patch because all the important default key bindings were bound to the keypad. Which meant a lot of laptop users had to force-terminate the game because it couldn't accept any input.


Vaguely remember also that the non-Glide 3D option was impossible to get working properly so I was stuck with the software renderer. In hindsight I'm surprised I stuck it out to the end, really - but I haven't played any of its sequels since then.


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Funny, instead of improving on the important elements, they add achievements and cheats. Exactly what the world wants.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Funny, instead of improving on the important elements, they add achievements and cheats. Exactly what the world wants.

Well think about it if they changed a minute detail they risk the wrath of a thousand fans and FFVII fans are among the worst.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Funny, instead of improving on the important elements, they add achievements and cheats. Exactly what the world wants.

Well think about it if they changed a minute detail they risk the wrath of a thousand fans and FFVII fans are among the worst.


Funny fact. The Translation of FFVII is so bad that it retroactivly ****ed up continuity. Plotpoints that were caused by the bad translation are now canon.


I just hope that the steam version has mod support



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Funny, instead of improving on the important elements, they add achievements and cheats. Exactly what the world wants.

Well think about it if they changed a minute detail they risk the wrath of a thousand fans and FFVII fans are among the worst.


Funny fact. The Translation of FFVII is so bad that it retroactivly ****ed up continuity. Plotpoints that were caused by the bad translation are now canon.


I just hope that the steam version has mod support




If not it'll be hacked and modded anyway, just like bloodlines.

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Looks interesting, but it needs good mechanics and to also be fun to play. Stalker was decent thoUgh

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The squeaky voice guy going "Victory is ours!" ? :p


Had a blast playing Rome, never did get around to trying the historically accurate mod.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I will swear by Medieval 1, but Rome was a very loveable game even despite its many many problems. I never had quite as much fun with any of the later incarnates. Like a sucker I'm still going to read the info on a Rome II, they did work a lot to try and fix long-term issues in Shogun 2.

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excited for rome 2, still havent played shogun 2 (despite buying it months ago)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Rome was the least complicated one that also had several different unit types/styles. Medieval 2 took things to a crazy extent where every faction had half of the tech tree of all the others, but even the most minor of factions had their own unit types. Empire, Napoleon and Shogun all had the same problem of everyone with similar tech, thus one battle matched all battles no matter the person you were fighting (worse in Shogun2 than anything).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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anyone thinking about getting the ps3 HD collection of shadow of the colossus and Ico - it's currently on sale for $19.99 on amazon


i only point it out because its been $40.00 for months, which is a ridiculously high price to pay for two ps2 games, but $20 is much more reasonable


i already own both on ps2, but i'd like to play them in HD next time

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Consoles are still king of the hill overall. Handhelds are having their market eaten alive by mobile devices, but overall, despite a decline (which is natural this far along in a console life) sales are actually still rather stellar on the console front for the games that sell well.


Most of those games are the ones that many here wouldn't like, but sales are still going pretty good. If they make it so that the games have to be authenticated, or even worse, streamed, I think you can kiss console dominence goodbye however. That's what killed most of the PC game makers (and now almost all mainstream PC games are console clones thanks to the DRM schemes...though the NON-DRM and non mainstream PC games are doing better then ever from what I'm beginning to find out), and it will kill the console game makers as well in all likilhood. Then again, if the console makers do that I think STEAM, which no one has an expectation of having games that you buy and play independant of bieng online (the expectation people have of Sony, Nintendo, and MS), could literally take over and dominate in a market where the console makers were so foolish.


I think Sony has already denied rumors that they were doing streaming or the authentication however (which puts them in an ideal spot to kill MS finally...probably exactly why they decided NOT to include that option). Sony has said a lot of things though (remember when they were hacked and some of the things they stated which were later not true?) so whether that's truly their intent or not remains to be seen.


Sony has experience already with trying the streaming and authentication thing with their PSP Go, and that was an unmitigated disaster for them. That, more than fans stating their dislike of it, probably has more influence on their decisions than anything else.


Mainstream PC gaming is more MMO's these days anyways for games exclusive to the PC (though if Blizz puts D3 on console, that may change the landscape). It's either indie and small time for PC gamers, or console ports otherwise.


So, I think a STEAM console could suceed wildly if the other console makers go with streaming or authentication. I think STEAM has a better infrastructure for it, and more experience overall...on the otherhand if they decide NOT to go with streaming I don't expect a STEAM console to make it that far except with those who are already steam lovers...and they already have their PC's....so why go console?

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Thought abou

anyone thinking about getting the ps3 HD collection of shadow of the colossus and Ico - it's currently on sale for $19.99 on amazon


i only point it out because its been $40.00 for months, which is a ridiculously high price to pay for two ps2 games, but $20 is much more reasonable


i already own both on ps2, but i'd like to play them in HD next time


Thought about it, didn't buy it though.

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Rome was the least complicated one that also had several different unit types/styles. Medieval 2 took things to a crazy extent where every faction had half of the tech tree of all the others, but even the most minor of factions had their own unit types. Empire, Napoleon and Shogun all had the same problem of everyone with similar tech, thus one battle matched all battles no matter the person you were fighting (worse in Shogun2 than anything).


Pretty much, though I really liked that part of MTW1 & 2. It comes with the era as well, I suppose, but then, Empire really should have made some major changes to the way the battle model works to reflect the changes in warfare by that time period. They didn't, they just reskinned RTW and called it a day, which is why you just had 20 different types of musketmen shooting it out and the AI that still acts like they are longbowmen.


The Total Realism mod was great, it finally made the Phalanx really crap-yourself-scary.


RTR was quite an effective mod, in that it acutally changed your experience quite a lot at fundamental levels. The levy limits helped as well. I bought MTW2 on a Steam sale just to wait for Europa Barbarorum 2, also - those guys did some great stuff.

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