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Deus Ex 3

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Eh, most of the trolling comments take the stance of a DX hardcore vet, or something. The lesser ones compare it to ME or COD or something, heh. The forum there is full of people that look down on COD players, in my experience hehe. The Hitman forum thankfully is a soothing bastion of negativity to compensate for the DXHR one.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Crouch + walk key lets you get close enough to deactivate them and loot them.

REally? :( I just walked in between the intervals when the light was off.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Crouch + walk key lets you get close enough to deactivate them and loot them.

REally? :( I just walked in between the intervals when the light was off.

Yeah, it's funny how the tutorials completely failed to cover the one thing that isn't obvious :D

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Crouch + walk key lets you get close enough to deactivate them and loot them.

REally? :( I just walked in between the intervals when the light was off.

Yeah, it's funny how the tutorials completely failed to cover the one thing that isn't obvious :D

I actually tried that, but guess I messed up.
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Huh, didn't even knew that you can walk by when the light isn't on. For me, they always exploded when I came too close... always. Not that it mattered much, though. They only have been a problem near that radio antenna in Detroit, but exploding the mines didn't triggered any alarm, so I didn't really cared.


Can't understand why "DX(1) hardcore vets" should talk negative about DXHR, though. For me it's pretty much the first game all over again... with slight changes here and there due to the age. And I keep replaying DX1 at least once a year since forever or so.


Beside, you just have to ask yourself one question: How often do we get new games from old franchises, which pretty much feel like the old game(s)?

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Can't understand why "DX(1) hardcore vets" should talk negative about DXHR, though. For me it's pretty much the first game all over again... with slight changes here and there due to the age. And I keep replaying DX1 at least once a year since forever or so.


They're not. Those were the trolls at that forum :(

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Yep, reading nothing but 'has the DX feel', etc. etc.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I saw loads for Final Fantasy # whatever they are at now. Other than that nothing. They did meld rather naturally with the Shanghai experience, no particular complaints.

Those aren't for real final fantasy games... they're on XIII still.


Those adverts are for Final Fantasy XXVII

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Can't understand why "DX(1) hardcore vets" should talk negative about DXHR, though. For me it's pretty much the first game all over again... with slight changes here and there due to the age. And I keep replaying DX1 at least once a year since forever or so.

Most of the complainers are either trolls, or people who have never played the game (ok, they are trolls, too) or people who haven't played the game in 10 years and have started believing all of the hype about the game. Let's face it, things like reactivity to killing only exists in 1-2 early missions etc., yet people start complaining when DXHR doesn't have it in every mission.

About how the endings aren't reactive enough, yet they are exactly the same as DX1

, but there's more of them... S'yeah, I'd say that people like you (and me), who play the original regularly are probably the ones who are really going to like this and appreciate all the neat little things they've done. :)


I thought Human Revolution was the rare revival old fans like? (Not to mention the general consensus seems to be that it's well designed all around.)

The game hasn't been out for a week, yet such things have been already decided?! The Illuminati IS at work here. :(

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Having one of those moments of breaks to get drinks and such.. Just finished talking


into giving me codes..so guess it's nearly to the end.


I have to say, Federova has to be the worst of the boss fights. I reloaded that a buncha times before I managed to get a handle on it.

It was after that that I decided to spend the praxis on getting the typhoon. Then the moment Namir showed his face, I hit him with three typhoon's in succession because I just couldn't be arsed with another boss fight.


It's kind of nice to hear the "old" deus ex theme show up in snatches on the background radios... or the grammarphone.. :(

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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a legit complaint i have. the levels are too small in visible distance. i literally have no use for a sniper rifle. deus ex had much further visible distances

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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There's an extra scene after the credits. Very clever of you, Eidos. :shifty:


Just finished it.. I was curious as to see if that extra scene would change in any way to reflect the different endings you choose. So I sat through the credits... and saw the same scene each time. :)

Ah well, it was worth at least checking.


It's quite a stonking game. Some of the levels did hit me with that nudging of memory of some of the original DE ones. Although I could kind of wish they'd had another "real" hub rather then several lone levels scattered around the world in the latter half of the game. I guess the original was laid out pretty similar tho...


One american hub, one asian hub, and a handful of other locations...


I finally started killing the special ops guys down in the Picus building - that rush when you're waiting for the big lift just pushed me out of the pacifist state. Now I'll have to consider to try a pacifist attempt.

Hm, Adam's monologues at the end... since he talks about how he kept to his morality during the events, does that change for folks who were on killing sprees?

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I thought Human Revolution was the rare revival old fans like? (Not to mention the general consensus seems to be that it's well designed all around.)

Please do not confuse old fans with the newly formed gaming hipsters that automatically hate anything modern and only those old games halfways, completely missing their message.

The game its definitively a DX game, whether its good or not I will leave for all to judge.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Well, I'd rather talk about the game than some people...indeed, I have come across with some negative reviews but I'm yet to see a well written one among them. Bad reviews tend to be more about the writers than the subjects and I see no reason to bother with them.


I've also heard that in order to scuttle savescumming attempts, the optimal path through a conversation can change with reloads as well. That seems dubious to me, but if it's true it's ****ing cool.
It has some minor randomization but the beauty is that it doesn't change the character of people you are talking to. As with stealth, the players need to pay attention to the "tendencies."


I liked it better before I had the social aug when I just chose whatever reply made the most sense.
Yea, that's why I haven't taken the aug. However, after finishing conversation sessions, I save/reload, take the aug to see my profiling was right. Either stealth or conversation, game-play in general seem to be designed with trial/error approach in mind (BTW, nice that the latest patch shortened the loading time!) I always thought the approach fits RPGs since it lets the players explorer the world through the game-play of their liking...in fact, I have already repeated some maps. Again, the beauty of this is that the players still need to replay since some decisions are made much before their consequences. Exploring an imaginary world with multilayered game-plays is a point of RPG.
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I finally started killing the special ops guys down in the Picus building - that rush when you're waiting for the big lift just pushed me out of the pacifist state. Now I'll have to consider to try a pacifist attempt.

Hm, Adam's monologues at the end... since he talks about how he kept to his morality during the events, does that change for folks who were on killing sprees?


Hrm, I turned the turret on. Does that count as non-pacifist? I mean, they chose to run into the turret's line of sight.

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I somehow wish that the Hengsha hub would have been a bit bigger, with one or two more side quests. The location is big enough to support that. Or yeah, another quest hub in america. Maybe New York, where you accidentally blast off the head of the Statue of Liberty or so. :>

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Hrm, I turned the turret on.


So did I. I got experience for those kills though, so I guess you can't do that and still claim to be a pacifist.


Anyway, I started killin' dudes pretty early on, some people just gotta die.

Rest in peace my Alice Garden Pod friends


Edited by Hell Kitty
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Heh, that was my first "now you gonna pay"-moment too. First time in the game that I used non-non-lethal weapons without any negative feelings.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Having one of those moments of breaks to get drinks and such.. Just finished talking


into giving me codes..so guess it's nearly to the end.


I have to say, Federova has to be the worst of the boss fights. I reloaded that a buncha times before I managed to get a handle on it.

It was after that that I decided to spend the praxis on getting the typhoon. Then the moment Namir showed his face, I hit him with three typhoon's in succession because I just couldn't be arsed with another boss fight.


It's kind of nice to hear the "old" deus ex theme show up in snatches on the background radios... or the grammarphone.. :thumbsup:

I accidentally Fedorova with the electricity traps in the room before the fight even started properly. :/


I finally started killing the special ops guys down in the Picus building - that rush when you're waiting for the big lift just pushed me out of the pacifist state. Now I'll have to consider to try a pacifist attempt.

Hm, Adam's monologues at the end... since he talks about how he kept to his morality during the events, does that change for folks who were on killing sprees?


Hrm, I turned the turret on. Does that count as non-pacifist? I mean, they chose to run into the turret's line of sight.

Considering that even the prologue apparently counts for pacifist, I think most people blew that 'chievo without realising it very early on. :p

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Finished my first run last night. According to Steam it took me about 40 hours. Think I poked my nose into just about every apartment, storage unit, air duct and dumpster in the game. And I want MOAR! :thumbsup: This one was a non-lethal playthrough up until the return to China, not counting the killing in the prologue.

Had to save Malik. Though now I'm wondering what happens if you don't save her, since she shows up later to rescue the scientists.

Makes me want to play a non-optimum outcome run just to see what happens.

I'm going to need better directions than "the secret lair."



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Heh, I totally want to replay DX1 now. I just wish the Linebacker Diamond Back Revolver would be in there too. :>


/Edit: Does someone know if it's possible to buy a replica of the DX:HR revolver somewhere? Not a real gun, but something that looks like it could be a real gun. That would be fancy. I for sure would spend some money on it. :>

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Had to save Malik. Though now I'm wondering what happens if you don't save her, since she shows up later to rescue the scientists.

Makes me want to play a non-optimum outcome run just to see what happens.


If you let Malik die (there are a couple of ways to do that, actually) her corpse shows up in the Harvester base, complete with massive head wound from which they presumably scooped out her neural augs. As for the Malaysia (or was it Singapore?) extraction, there's a chopper just sitting there, but you have to take out a bunch of grunts to make it safe for the scientists to run - Malik just drops a bomb on them.


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Also worth posting:

Tips for pacifist/no alarms:


Even if an unconscious enemy is awakened by his friends it will not count as an alarm going off unless one of his friends hits an alarm panel. Combining this with the Tranq rifle enables you to take out entire rooms easily.


Use the natural delay in the Tranq rifle to your advantage. Shooting two guys in the body and then a third guy in the head will cause them to all fall unconscious at roughly the same time before they can help each other.


The Stun Gun will also temporarily disable most robots, turrets and cameras.


Throwing gas grenades will cause enemies to go hostile, losing you the ability to get the no alarms all game bonus. Throwing gas mines on the other hand will merely cause them to go on alert before they all fall down unconscious if you are well hidden.


Gas mines are the greatest mines. A single gas mine can take out a huge number of enemies at once. Especially useful if you know you are about to be ambushed.


Many bosses can be taken out just by using the stun gun on them enough times. Since the stun gun also stuns them they will have no chance to hurt you.


You don't have to knock everyone out. There will be times when taking people out is almost impossible without being seen. Learn to just stealth past and move on.


Create curtains out of boxes if you want to hack a computer in front of someone.


Edit: Don't let robots explode near unconscious bodies, or drag bodies into weird positions which can glitch out. Both of these can cause a kill causing you to fail the Pacifist achievement.

That last one has scuttled a lot of peoples' pacifist runs (almost as many as the prologue), in a particular high-stress scene especially. Basically any time an enemy goes from alive (including unconscious) to dead in your level, the game squashes your run. Post-knockout executions and high drops obviously count. So do turret dominations and police interventions. Less predictable, however, are ragdoll glitches (sometimes NPCs will randomly die when being dragged) and tranq rifle headshots, which will sometimes cause enough damage to kill an enemy. I've heard the last one doesn't actually count, however.

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