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Hm, Dishonored might be decent fun. Also - http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/07/12/modernwa...attlefield-com/


This catty drama is almost chuckle worthy.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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INTERVIEW: Christoph Hartmann, 2K Games


He explains: ?The ?90s generation of gamers all love Xcom and we own the IP, so we thought OK, what do we do with it? Every studio we had wanted to do it and each one had its own spin on it. But the problem was that turn-based strategy games were no longer the hottest thing on planet Earth. But this is not just a commercial thing ? strategy games are just not contemporary.


?I use the example of music artists. Look at someone old school like Ray Charles, if he would make music today it would still be Ray Charles but he would probably do it more in the style of Kanye West. Bringing Ray Charles back is all fine and good, but it just needs to move on, although the core essence will still be the same.


?That?s what we are trying to do. To renew Xcom but in line with what this generation of gamers want. The team behind it is asking themselves every day: ?Is it true to the values of the franchise?? It?s not a case of cashing in on the name. We just need to renew it because times are changing.?


Bah? Bah.



Well, it did sound like sheep, duly following the worn path of everybody else. Yay for conformity and lack of ideas.


I actually find it somewhat offensive when people call stagnation for renewal.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I was going to say that the Kanye West/ Ray Charles analogy was one of the most vapid things I've ever read but on reflection it's not 100% rubbish. RC will probably still be well known and respected in ten years while Kanye will likely be a footnote in the great morass of disposable stars so there may actually be something valid in the comparison since that's exactly what it looks like will happen to X-COM vs XCOM.

Insiders assert that Windows 8 will include Xbox 360 emulator (German)


Not sure if serious. Technically not impossible, but emulations often are lacklustre, to put it kindly.

More likely they'll just make the NextBox a fixed/ closed hardware PC running a cut down win8 variant. Give them a chance to leverage the bits of the xbox which actually make money (licensing, Live, streaming) while largely avoiding the parts that have lost money hugely (hardware research, production, development) and may significantly reduce the horrendous reliability issues the 360's custom hardware has had.

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And I thought I will not read any bull**** today.


/Edit: Except the last point, which was a nice twist. /Edit?: The last point of the score-part. /Edit?: I don't find the article funny, but after approx half of the text I think I realized that this isn't serious. :>

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I was going to say that the Kanye West/ Ray Charles analogy was one of the most vapid things I've ever read but on reflection it's not 100% rubbish.

It's still vapid, though.


I've never thought games to be a particularly expensive form of entertainment, mostly in the contrary, actually, but I also understand that I'm pretty much alone with this sentiment.


Oh, that's tongue in cheek. Well, I guess I might not be as alone as I thought. Had a good chuckle at the "more obscure, the better" and "fun" parts, wonder why? :)

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Insiders assert that Windows 8 will include Xbox 360 emulator (German)


Not sure if serious. Technically not impossible, but emulations often are lacklustre, to put it kindly.


If MS manages to pull this off though I'll not skip Windows 8.


And you know that's technically not possible because??? *sigh*

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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from neogaf:




- The Outsider: "This supernatural being is the source of all magic in Dishonored's world, including the many powers at the player's disposal." It's described as being "part devil, part angel, and entirely ambiguous." They mention that you will meet the Outsider at some point.


- The Heart: "The so-called heart is a mystical object that beats faster as you face your objectives, giving the player some basic guidance to keep them on track in Dishonored's large levels. More disturbingly, it whispers directly into your mind, pulling secrets from the consciousness of others and sensing interesting things within the world that lie beyond mortal senses." They note that you can learn something about every named character in the game with it and that using it may come with consequences.


- The powers that you do have won't include stuff like fireballs. One of the powers gives you the ability to summon a swarm of AI controlled rats that react realistically in the world. They'll clean the bones of downed enemies which will make it easier for you to hide them. They point out that the swarm could cause trouble for the player if an NPC freaks out since that could cause more guards to come to the area. The rats can also attack the player if there isn't a more appealing target. You can also possess one of them in order to escape through tunnels


- You'll be able to possess animals or humans. Humans will have to be unaware of your presence in order to possess them


- Other powers will include Bend Time, Windblast ect.


- Powers can be upgraded with runes. They note that you won't find enough runes on a single playthrough to upgrade everything.


- Gadgets will include spring razor traps, sticky grenades, and different types of ammunition like sleep darts.


- You'll be able to collect whalebone charms that will give you certain buffs like mana refill or a health boost. You'll only be able to find "12 or so" of the 40 whalebone's in a single playthrough. They'll be selected randomly from a master list.


- They refer to the AI as "analog AI". They'll have a number of characteristics that are modified on the fly instead of having a simple alert or neutral as you find in most games. One example is that two guards talking to each other will have narrower "vision cones" and their hearing will be duller in comparison to a guard patrolling on his own. Light, mental state, ambient noise ect. will all impact how the AI reacts.


- They're trying to avoid having the player feel like the AI is cheating. One way they're doing that is by rarely spawning new enemies, and when they do it'll only be because an alarm went off. When they do spawn they'll try to make it realistic such as having reinforments come through the backdoor of a mansion instead of just magically having them pop up near the player.


- They talk about different ways to disable a watchtower. One is a traditional way of avoiding the spotlight and enemies while moving slowly. "In Dishonored, however, you could alternatively climb a building and use a combination of celerity (supernatural speed), your natural double-jump, and blink (a short-range teleport) to cover a surprising distance in the air and land on the top of the tower itself."


- Their lead level designer wanted them to remove celerity-double jump-blink combo once he saw it being used because of a fear that people would use it to get out of the map


- They note that the levels are designed to encourage a lot of vertical experimentation


- On the type of experience that they want to deliver "Games can either be described as rollercoasters - which is all crafted and very high-drama - or that time when you were 16 and you and your friend broke into an abandoned house and you had the most intense moments waiting for the door to open, and then there were moments where, 'Ah, I expected something grand to happen but nothing happened; it was just an empty room.'" He (Harvey Smith) said that they want the latter.


- Listening to random conversations going on in the world may give you hints on how to complete objectives differently


- At one point in their demo they were shown a thug going after a woman in an alley. If the player just went right in they'd be ambushed by the thugs friends. You have multiple ways to rescue her, one of which is to find and take out the ambushers before rescuing the woman


- You can go around causing a lot of bloodshed or you can go with a much more clean/stealthy route. Causing lots of bloodshed will cause chaos in the world. "You'll be notified when your actions have raised or lowered the level of chaos, but it's an under-the-hood story mechanics rather than an explicit light/dark or paragon/renegade score with gameplay effects."


- "Whatever the specifics may be, the fate of this grim world is determined over a linear series of levels that largely revolve around eliminating one target or another within the Lord Regent's corrupt regime. This isn't an Elder Scrolls game that turns you loose to explore the world at your leisure, though everyone's experience will be different as they choose their path and affect the simulation in radically different ways based on their gameplay choices."


- There are only a few dialogue choices in the game and they only come up when you need to make a real choice. Most of the cutscenes are handeled while you stay in first person.

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Insiders assert that Windows 8 will include Xbox 360 emulator (German)


Not sure if serious. Technically not impossible, but emulations often are lacklustre, to put it kindly.


If MS manages to pull this off though I'll not skip Windows 8.


And you know that's technically not possible because??? *sigh*


You failed your reading comprehension roll. :bat:

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Insiders assert that Windows 8 will include Xbox 360 emulator (German)


Not sure if serious. Technically not impossible, but emulations often are lacklustre, to put it kindly.


If MS manages to pull this off though I'll not skip Windows 8.


And you know that's technically not possible because??? *sigh*


You failed your reading comprehension roll. :bat:




I fail hard... I don't think the results would likely be bad, the biggest issue is video card drivers, and how they're different, PC is sloppy, and vector units, PC as alot less the an X360.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Until I saw the platform it was meant for, I thought it was from 2002.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Don't worry Nightshape, you'll find plenty opportunity enough in the future to give me a strike.


Maybe I'm even going to lay a trap for myself to make it easier for you. But not today.


You know that scene from Wrath of Khan... This one infact:

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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