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Dragon Age Origins


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Guest Slinky
Anyway, I read one of the developer's interviews in which he bragged that Michael Thornton would be able to have sex with every female in the game... as if that was a terrific selling point. Well, that annoyed me and I posted on the AP forum why it annoyed me. Good God. You'd have thought I killed the puppies of nearly every male on the forum. They attacked me mercilessly. I crossed AP off my "maybe" list, and never went back to the forum again... until tonight, when I followed you link and saw that little had changed over there.


Too many male gamers look down on female gamers, I think. It comes across in forums like this. Fortunately, there are a lot of good guys out there as well. They just get drowned out by the jerks.

Well, they are mostly teenager men, so that is somewhat understandable. No need to take that kind of stuff from them very seriously, even if it annoys so that your blood starts to boil :)

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I would post in the other thread but I'm not reading all 13 pages, however, I hardly see a fully legitimate complaint there. The fact that they made the character male is becuase its based on the Bond/Bourne formula and having a female lead would ruin the integrity of the vision. Just becuase something isn't marketed/made for you doesn't automatically mean Obsidian is misogynist, racist, or anti-gay. I suppose you'd call Dickens a dirt bag becuase david copperfield has a ****? I understand your tired of playing Males in video games but the fact of the matter is its a male dominated industry and although women make up a good portion of the gaming population, they mostly play The Sims and handhelds which is probably why women are often dismissed.


Not to mention the resources to fully render/animate/story change/etc might not be in the cards for Obsidian. It's not like they are doing it to directly piss you off. They are making the game they want to make and it happens to have a male at the helm. If you don't like it start up your own game business and market to women. Good luck.


Edit: isn't paenus like the medical term for male genitalia and why does it automatically turn into ****? I have a serious problem with that. I feel like I've been slighted because I'm a man. Blah blah blah.

Edit: now iv become one of them by ridiculing your argument.

Edited by theslug

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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It's odd that males can argue amongst themselves about what they do and do not like in games, but never seem to resort to gender-based insults of each other. If a woman enters the equasion, you can pretty much bet that some ya-hoo is going to pull out an insulting gender joke. Go figure.

Using gender-based insults among the same gender seems pretty redundant. I guess people just went for the low-hanging fruit there, like calling people with glasses four-eyes and so on.

Indeed, which may be why there aren't too many females who post on game boards compared to the number of females who are actually gamers. Our opinions are frequently dismissed as "what do girls know"? :) Early in AP's development, I was watching the AP board even though the idea of playing a male spy ala Jason Bourne/James Bond didn't totally appeal to me (I've played as male characters frequently; had to if I wanted to play at all! I do prefer playing as a female because I feel the PC is an extension of me. When I play as a male, I feel like I'm just sitting on his should watching him do his thing. )


Anyway, I read one of the developer's interviews in which he bragged that Michael Thornton would be able to have sex with every female in the game... as if that was a terrific selling point. Well, that annoyed me and I posted on the AP forum why it annoyed me. Good God. You'd have thought I killed the puppies of nearly every male on the forum. They attacked me mercilessly. I crossed AP off my "maybe" list, and never went back to the forum again... until tonight, when I followed you link and saw that little had changed over there.


Too many male gamers look down on female gamers, I think. It comes across in forums like this. Fortunately, there are a lot of good guys out there as well. They just get drowned out by the jerks.

There are some people who are doing a pretty good job representing the female side, Leigh Alexander, for example.


I think it comes down to there being stupid people on the internet, gender is just an easy way to insult someone.


EDIT: On a second glance, everyone does seem to get all tangled up in gender politics and far-reaching assumptions when something like that is brought up by a female. I don't know why.


EDIT2: I think a Alpha Protocol with a female lead would have much more potential to be an unique and interesting game, especially with good writing.

Edited by Purkake
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Anyway, I read one of the developer's interviews in which he bragged that Michael Thornton would be able to have sex with every female in the game... as if that was a terrific selling point. Well, that annoyed me and I posted on the AP forum why it annoyed me. Good God. You'd have thought I killed the puppies of nearly every male on the forum. They attacked me mercilessly. I crossed AP off my "maybe" list, and never went back to the forum again... until tonight, when I followed you link and saw that little had changed over there.
To be fair, a) sex IS a big selling point, or good Werbung at worst (a la Mass Effect), b) there was an interview podcast with Matthew some months ago, the interviewer was a woman, and her first questions were about sex.
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Just browsed through the Dragon Age wiki, at Wikia and honestly now; Morrigan. It's like they browsed through "Making a Fantasy Character for the lowest common denominator 101" and went "woah, this is WILD!".


I admit I've kept myself in the dark when it comes to DA for quite a while now, mostly because my weekly fantasy fix is easily sated by pnp rpgs, but that character design is just a laugh. Granted, if that first dialogue is supposed to be some kind of thinly-veiled entre, then I'll have to give it to Bioware for finally recognizing their strength in cliches and going tongue-in-cheek. CDProjekt did that and their game was worlds better thanks to it.


On the other hand, I'll take Morrigan over Dawnstar any day. At least she seems like an adult ffs.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Character creation is similar to Mass Effect's. Not many options... nudie patches & improved body models will have to wait until the creation kits are released.


I was hoping to make green Elves like in Oblivion, but I doubt that will be possible.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Why, Bioware, why? A character creation utility!


Now I have the feeling nude patches will be out before the game's even released. That worries me as it will break Masterfade's First Law on the real space:"The initial success of a PC game is inversely proportional to the time elapsed between release of the game and appearance of the first nude patch."


What the hell are you even talking about?

Edited by Purkake
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On October 13th, they'll be making the character creation utility available for people to tinker with. Characters created with the utility can be used in the full game.


Credit where credit is due, that's a really good idea. Kudos to Bioware.


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"Character creation is similar to Mass Effect's. Not many options..."


Not true. It likely has more options than the IE games barring IWD2 as they just had race, gender, class, stats, and weapon proficiencies. L0LZ Talk about deep.



"It's odd that males can argue amongst themselves about what they do and do not like in games, but never seem to resort to gender-based insults of each other. If a woman enters the equasion, you can pretty much bet that some ya-hoo is going to pull out an insulting gender joke. Go figure."


Says someone who is clearly being sexist by labling all males with the same brush. Hypocrisy. Go figure.

Edited by Volourn


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I've pre-ordered the PS3 version, so it should be an interesting enough experience!

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I always found the discourse of 'player freedom' and 'immersion / role playing' surrounding nude patches hilariously moronic.


Anyway, it's a very good idea and I'll be one of the first downloading it, very nice from Bioware. (Actually, the game best suited for this kind of pre-release thing would be AoD... hmm...)

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I always found the discourse of 'player freedom' and 'immersion / role playing' surrounding nude patches hilariously moronic.


Sometimes though they are just better models (although in many cases, they are not) than what the original game had to offer.

I the characters in morrowind looked horrid without modelswaps. Was such a long time since I actually played that game though, I cant remember where I got my replacements from.

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On October 13th, they'll be making the character creation utility available for people to tinker with. Characters created with the utility can be used in the full game.

First time I've poked my head into the DA:O thread in about a month and this is what I see. Great job, MaCa! Huzzah! Now that AP has been put on indefinite hold, I'm even more stoked for DA.


My only question is, they must be pretty sure of their progress QA-wise to say that you'll be able to use the character you create in the finished product. It must be getting pretty damned near completion at this point.

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I always found the discourse of 'player freedom' and 'immersion / role playing' surrounding nude patches hilariously moronic.


Sometimes though they are just better models (although in many cases, they are not) than what the original game had to offer.

I the characters in morrowind looked horrid without modelswaps. Was such a long time since I actually played that game though, I cant remember where I got my replacements from.


That (and the better clothes and armor that came with the better bodies) was the only reason I got those things in Morrowind.


Ah but my character looked good when I was done!

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I'm willing to bet it won't.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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