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[4.1.2 MAJOR BUG] Broken core mechanic: Afflictions not supressable/not removable by inspirations



edit - this post has been edited to clarify the nature of this bug. For any devs, please do skim this thread, angry posts aside, due to the many examples being given. there are many interactions with afflictions that appear to be just fundamentally broken now, such as counters, suppression, resistance interaction, or weakness interaction. I do provide a dropbox link and output_save for a specific such case in this post.


edit 2 - a more complete summary of the rest of this thread i posted on page three, but i'll re-quote here:

it's a little more complciated then that. i forget if it was mentioned here or i mentioned in a direct message to someone else, but inspirations will still counter the affliction if the debuff is solely the affliction. (I've been able to counter some afflictions in my current run like this)


if, however, the debuff has more than just the affliction (like another affliction e.g. spreading plague is both hobbled and weakened) or has extra effects (like xaurip skirmisher poison is both a paralyze and a damage-over-time) what appears to happen is that dispelling an affliction just transfers the characteristics of that affliction to the remaining parts of the debuff. it's such a weird bug.


and then, not to mention that suppression effects don't work at all for hostile effects, and there's a lot of weirdness with weaknesses and resistances going on (e.g. fugue spores' confusion being resisted by giant cave grub, who should be weak to intellect afflictions). also i've seen very weird behavior with charm and dominate.



original post:

I thought this was just limited to Suppress Affliction, but it's not.


Just now, Tekehu got hit by a debuff (Putrid Blast) that both sickened and immobilized him. That's fine, his AI script is set up to use his shapeshift (which grants dexterity immunity) when he has a dexterity affliction. It dispelled the immobilized. But he still can't move. In fact, when I try to move, the game erroneously claims that the remaining Sickened affliction is the reason why he can't move:




Given that I'm also a software engineer, I try to be patient and understanding about bugs that crop up because I know they're a fact of life, but seriously, what the hell is going on that these kinds of regressions are occurring. This is especially alarming given that the game is pretty much approaching end-of-life for support if not with the next patch to bring turn-based mode out of beta, then soon after that.


Dropbox link to output_log and save: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kbocdfa6ag9vejf/AAAqIQSwvXVwQ6ktHld7Qzcia?dl=0

Edited by thelee
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i forget - didn't dominate/charm effects eventually get special treatment in PoE1 so that you could use prayer against treachery and suppress affliction to get rid of it?


Supress Afflictions 100% worked. I'm using this trick always in PoE 1.

Edited by Phenomenum
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@rockfish, SChin: Maybe I can spare you some bug hunting time with that savegame:


Suppress Affliction not working on dominated party members is not a bug.


Dominated/charmed party members are treated as enemies (red circle). Suppress Affliction only applies to allies (green circles). You have to hit Edér with a charm or dominate effect (or a slap from a Paladin with Aegis of Loyality) to flip him, then cast a Suppression or Intercession would work.


The bug we are talking about here prevents to remove "complected" afflictions with the proper inspiration on allies - and it makes it so that Suppress Affliction doesn't work if cast on allies.

It shows the effect as being suppressed, but it isn't actually suppressed. Instead, Suppress Affliction's duration is effectively added to the Charm/Dominate, as the debuff isn't ticking down while it's "suppressed." How is that not a bug? 


That sounds indeed like a weird bug and could be related to the initially reported one. That's good to know.


If you would have elaborated on this errornous behavior in your first post I wouldn't have tried to differenciate between the original bug report and yours. But judging by your rel. short post about suppression on dominated allies I thought it might be a good idea to point out that this may not be one and the same thing. Well maybe after all it wasn't such a good idea - sorry.  :blush: 



Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Hey everyone,


As an update to my investigation into this, I'm still having trouble reproducing these issues reported about afflictions.  I've been testing weaknesses, strengths, suppress affliction, and pounding enemies and friendlies alike with multiple afflictions at once and haven't gotten these to reproduce on the Live build.  I'm looking into having someone else in house take a shot at this to see what they come up with, but so far it's hard for me to tell if this is fixed in the next patch without being able to get it reproduced prior.


It was mentioned to use Fugue Spores on the Giant Cave Grub, but that is an enemy ability, so I used Tenuous Grasp instead, the Confuse properly upgraded to Charm, and I got the boss on my side :)


Another thing I want to be sure of while we continue to test this is that no one is using mods while testing this.  If you have been having this issue and you can turn off any potential mods you may have and try again and let me know, that would be amazing.


Thanks everyone!

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I've recorded fight with Giant Grub when he resists confuse from Min's Fortune instead of getting charmed. I will upload when I am back home.


I forgot that I uploaded it already

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It was mentioned to use Fugue Spores on the Giant Cave Grub, but that is an enemy ability, so I used Tenuous Grasp instead, the Confuse properly upgraded to Charm, and I got the boss on my side :)

He probably meant Fugue Spores poison which we can craft.


P.S. I've tried that poison on Giant Cave Grub right now. In my case Confusion effect gets upgraded (as intended) (see screenshot). But the Grub doesn't get charmed. Although that's most likely due to Charm being removed by friendly fire damage now. And perhaps the DoT ticks qualify as such?

P.P.S. Just in case: here's the save file. (v4.1.2.0047)

Edited by MaxQuest
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It was mentioned to use Fugue Spores on the Giant Cave Grub, but that is an enemy ability, so I used Tenuous Grasp instead, the Confuse properly upgraded to Charm, and I got the boss on my side :)

He probably meant Fugue Spores poison which we can craft.


P.S. I've tried that poison on Giant Cave Grub right now. In my case Confusion effect gets upgraded (as intended) (see screenshot). But the Grub doesn't get charmed. Although that's most likely due to Charm being removed by friendly fire damage now. And perhaps the DoT ticks qualify as such?

P.P.S. Just in case: here's the save file. (v4.1.2.0047)


I don't have any mods. the DoT instantly dispelling charm may be what's happening (but man, that seems like a broken interaction that a weakness to intellect actually makes the poison worse because then you don't even get the confusion), but I would swear 100% for all time, that my combat log said "resisted" not "strengthened". Either MaxQuest has a special mod to clarify that interaction in the combat log, or I fell into a weird edge-case (possibly on Wael's mode something weird happens).


I've been busy so have not been able to go back into my older games, but is SChin saying that even my original OP with the putrid blast is not reproducible?


what about the cases where resistance causes the resisted afflictions to have no listed durations (same thing with weakness iirc)?

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but man, that seems like a broken interaction that a weakness to intellect actually makes the poison worse because then you don't even get the confusion

True that. Although the resistances and that encounter were designed before Charm effect got nerfed.


but I would swear 100% for all time, that my combat log said "resisted" not "strengthened". Either MaxQuest has a special mod to clarify that interaction in the combat log, or I fell into a weird edge-case (possibly on Wael's mode something weird happens).

I have a few mods, but nothing special or remotely related to getting extra info, at the moment.

Is there any chance you have seen resisted against stun/paralyze/terrify that would potentially land at the same moment?

If not... it's indeed some Wael shenanigans.


I've been busy so have not been able to go back into my older games, but is SChin saying that even my original OP with the putrid blast is not reproducible?

I didn't see him saying that.


P.S. Hmm, the save file in OP is related to that Putrid Blast issue, right? I'll try to replicate it... when I'll have time.

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Hey so no mods for me, and any time I had a debuff on my party and I tried to use suppress affliction, nothing happened and the affliction stayed on the party.

Have gun will travel.

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I've been busy so have not been able to go back into my older games, but is SChin saying that even my original OP with the putrid blast is not reproducible?

I didn't see him saying that.


P.S. Hmm, the save file in OP is related to that Putrid Blast issue, right? I'll try to replicate it... when I'll have time.


Have been able to replicate it.


But had to really try for that to happen.

- loaded your save, ran into those rothgasts and... no one is using Putrid Blast.

- after 2 minutes of watching, reloaded the save and... still nothing. The cast other spells, but not the Blast. But have noticed Tekehu getting "Reduced Healing" overhead text on each tick of Consecrated Ground (screenshot). Even through he wasn't affected by any debuff at all starting from the very start of combat.

- reloaded the save again. Rested with just water. Disabled Tekehu and Lillith AI. Still nothing. Rothgasts don't cast Putrid Blast.

- reloaded the save again. Rested with just water. Disabled Tekehu and Lillith AI. Sent everyone to be close together. And now I've finnaly got some Rotghast to cast Putrid Blast. Perhaps it's in their AI to cast it only if they can cover 4+ enemies or something.


Putrid Blast sickens and immobilizes. If Tekehu uses his Shark From, the game shows that Immobilized effect is waved from him, but he still can't move. And the game shows that this is due to sickened effect. See screenshots.


P.S. The good thing is: I now know that I won't be using Wael's challenge ever. Geez it's annoying)

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They have trouble reproducing the bug on their end. But it seems they are waiting for this to get fix before releasing the patch.


I see a lot of complaints about this bug. But when I asked around for savegames, screenshots, videos or other hints how to reproduce it I didn't get a lot of feedback. :(

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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They have trouble reproducing the bug on their end. But it seems they are waiting for this to get fix before releasing the patch.


I see a lot of complaints about this bug. But when I asked around for savegames, screenshots, videos or other hints how to reproduce it I didn't get a lot of feedback. :(

I mean I could make a video of some sort but if they cannot find it, it might be unsolvable.

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Maybe they are using a more recent game build.


But when I do testing stuff with the console I also have troubles reproducing it.

It seems you have to meet special circumstances in order for it to occur. 

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Maybe they are using a more recent game build.


But when I do testing stuff with the console I also have troubles reproducing it.

It seems you have to meet special circumstances in order for it to occur. 

My File was too large so I emailed it too them directly.

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Have gun will travel.

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Maybe they are using a more recent game build.


But when I do testing stuff with the console I also have troubles reproducing it.

It seems you have to meet special circumstances in order for it to occur.

Weren't you the first one to point it out? as in Suppress Affliction not working? How did you get it to work?

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One thing to keep in mind Aarik D said in discord there was a bug that was alluding them that they were waiting for. I speculated that it may be this one since the devs were responding recently in this thread saying they couldn't reproduce it but it could be another bug. i would be curious which one if its a different one. seems like the community would def try to help.

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No, that was thelee. I had problems with afflictions not getting removed by fitting inspirations. But when I start a fresh playthrough I can't reproduce it either.

So it is fixed for you now?? Suppress Affliction removes debuffs?

Have gun will travel.

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