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I have exported enemy Attribute/AR/Defense values to a spreadsheet for personal use.

But in case someone needs it, feel free to view or make a copy. You can find it: here.



- the values were exported from vanilla 4.1 characters.gamedatabundle and items.gamedatabundle.

- these are the normal values. I.e. no PotD, no upscaling.

- hp was calculated by: MaxHealth + HealthPerLevel * (BaseClassLevel - 1) * [1 + 0.05 * (CON - 10)]

- some enemies (26 out of 245, for vanilla) seem to have equipped armors whose AR scales with level. See the fAR_IsScaling and fAR_Scaling columns. So with upscaling they are potentially scaling twice.


And some extra, well-known info, but just in case:

- enemies on PotD get: +15 accuracy, +15 to all defenses, +2AR, +2PEN, +25% hp

- enemies on Veteran (starting from v4.0) get: +8 accuracy, +8 to all defenses, +1AR, +1PEN, +12% hp

- upscaling (from Deadfire) increases enemy level by up to 4. But only if their level is lower than player's.

- upscaling (from Deadly Deadfire):

> increases the level of all unnamed enemies to be 1 level ahead of player. Their level can be increased by up to 8 levels this way.

> increases the level of all named enemies to be 2 levels ahead of player. Their level can be increased by up to 9 levels this way.


An enemy gets: +3 accuracy, +3 defenses, bonus to hp (according to HealthPerLevel), and +0.25 AR per level from such upscaling.

Edited by MaxQuest
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Have added creatures from lax1, lax2, lax3 and laxg packages. (later will add the remaining ones)

Have added "Abilities" column.

And updated the spreadsheet.


Note: final defenses are calculated using:

levelCoefBonus = 3 * (baseClassLevel - 1);
fDeflection = baseDeflection + levelCoefBonus + (baseResolve - 10);
fFortitude = baseFortitude + levelCoefBonus + 2 * (baseMight + baseConstitution - 20);
fReflex = baseReflex + levelCoefBonus + 2 * (baseDexterity + basePerception - 20);
fWill = baseWill + levelCoefBonus + 2 * (baseIntellect + baseReflex - 20);
And everything looks fine,.. except for Dorudugan's deflection:

I get 117/165/130/152, while he's real defenses are 132/165/130/152


Have I missed something?


I have figured the cause for deflection missmatch. It is because of equipped shields.

23 out of 320 creatures have shields (that add somewhere around +6 - +16 deflection), and 3 of them also have 1h and shield style talent.


I have updated the spreadsheet.


P.S. Btw... even the bestiary doesn't take shield's deflection into account ^^

Here's an example (117 def, when it is actually 132)


P.P.S. Some interesting finds (based on 320 creatures that were added so far):



- the average pierce AR is 8.26. And additionally 16 creature types are immune to it. Mostly skeletons.

- the average slash AR is 7.58. And only 3 creature types are immune to it. Specifically earth blights.

- the average crush AR is 7.32. And only 2 creature types are immune to it. Specifically bog oozes.


frost damage:

- enfeebles Magma Oozes

- heals Greater Ice Blights and rathun Frostcallers


frost/water damage:

- stuns Lesser Flame Blights, dazes regular Flame Blights and staggers the Greater ones


shock damage:

- stuns Lesser Sand Blights, dazes regular Sand Blights and staggers the Greater ones

- heals Greater Storm Blights


fire damage:

- terrifies Lesser Ice Blights, frightens regular Ice Blights and shakens the Greater ones

- heals Greater Flame Blights, Fire Drakes, Elder Drakes and ofc Dorudugan


Some immunities:

- 46 creature types are immune to poison

- 39 immune to disease

- 3 immune to flanked (all 3 - eotens)


Lucia Rivan has passives from 5 paladin orders: Bleakwalkers, Goldpacts, Darcozzi, Kind Wayfarers and Shieldbearers.



Edit: Added all creatures: 360 total. And here are the updated stats:

- the average pierce AR is 8.26. And 17 creature types are immune to it. Mostly skeletons.

- the average slash AR is 7.73. And only 3 creature types are immune to it. Specifically earth blights.

- the average crush AR is 7.49. And only 5 creature types are immune to it. Specifically bog oozes and tentacles.

(also most sigils/obelisks are immune to pierce/slash)


Average creature defenses are: 55 deflection, 65 fortitude, 60 reflex, 59 will.

It is quite rare to meet a creature with lower fortitude than their deflection, especially among high lvl/hp creatures. That's because of their high attributes. MIG+CON contribution to fortitude is 4 times higher than that of RES on deflection.


- there are 37 creature types immune to Burn. But the rest have the average 7.20 AR.

- there are 17 creature types immune to Freeze. But the rest have the average 7.70 AR.

- there are 09 creature types immune to Shock. But the rest have the average 7.35 AR.

- there are 08 creature types immune to Corrode. But the rest have the average 7.59 AR.




water damage:

- stuns Lesser Flame Blights, dazes regular Flame Blights and staggers the Greater ones


frost damage:

- enfeebles Magma Oozes

- heals Greater Ice Blights and rathun Frostcallers

- stuns Lesser Flame Blights, dazes regular Flame Blights and staggers the Greater ones


shock damage:

- stuns Lesser Sand Blights, dazes regular Sand Blights and staggers the Greater ones

- heals Greater Storm Blights


fire damage:

- terrifies Lesser Ice Blights, frightens regular Ice Blights and shakens the Greater ones

- heals Greater Flame Blights, Fire Drakes, Elder Drakes and ofc Dorudugan


Some immunities:

- 64 creature types are immune to poison

- 39 immune to disease

- 5 immune to flanked (3 eotens and oracles)


Lucia Rivan has passives from 5 paladin orders: Bleakwalkers, Goldpacts, Darcozzi, Kind Wayfarers and Shieldbearers.

Edited by MaxQuest
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^ LAX03_CHA_CRE_Rathun_Frostcaller is found in lax3 package, so maybe he's somewhere around FS.


Btw, have:

- rerun for 4.1.2

- added race column

- added remaining creatures. Including Belranga, Hauani O Whe. Plus Auranic and her obelisks (she's a kith, and obelisks are destructibles, but still it might be interesting to know their stats). Atm the spreadsheet includes 360 entries.

- separated abilities into: immunities, resistances, weaknesses and remaining abilities per se.

- adjusted AR of 11 death/deathguard skeletons. Turns out they had enchanted armors (i.e. fine, exceptional, superb, legendary)

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Lucia Rivan has passives from 5 paladin orders: Bleakwalkers, Goldpacts, Darcozzi, Kind Wayfarers and Shieldbearers.


"Your character was created with cheats. Achievements disabled." ©

Edited by Phenomenum
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