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Mega Boss Are nothing but wall of Hit Points

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Seriously what are MMO Bosses doing in Single player RPG. This is un-immersive at best. It ruins the average person's play through because even scale properly to game difficulty. They can even kill your party right through GOD?!. What were you thinking when this to the game. Cheesing out a boss fight by having completely retool your character build IS NOT FUN. Save this garbage Pillars of Eternity online where it really belongs. This content can't be accessed by a casual player looking for a complete play through. Scale the fights to game difficulty you choose to play at. I'm playing the otherwise "Great Game", credit where credit is due, for a good time. Not a gear grind, not smashing my head against the same fight for hours on end. This is in no way fun.

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I agree fights should fit the difficulty level. Thats what its there for in the first place.


The majority of the game is optional. Some quest asking you fetch cure for poor people is just as optional as fighting these bosses. No acheives, no story connection, no story consequeces etc.


Why even have these bosses in the first place? Does every demographic need some little custom addition to the game?

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Mega bosses will in no way ruin the average player's game because they are optional and totally inconsequential to the story. So, if you're complaining about that, you have a problem.


However, I tend to agree that they are also unnecessary in the game and don't look good, conceptually, either.

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They are a hard fight, but they are meant to be hard. The biggest reward is the ability to make a weapon or armor mythic. Arguably not very useful because you are pretty much at the end of the game when you are strong enough to fight them. I think the point of them is to get you out of your comfort zone when you fight them because what you have done for the whole game will probably not work here. You can beat them, I have, but your strategy needs to be different. And they are entirely optional to the game. Just there for the folks that want an extra challenge.

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Mega bosses will in no way ruin the average player's game because they are optional and totally inconsequential to the story. So, if you're complaining about that, you have a problem.


However, I tend to agree that they are also unnecessary in the game and don't look good, conceptually, either.

big bug or kraken or big ooze are ok in concept

but the other two have some problem

a wizard with some overpowered sigil or a impossible to produce giant construct are very weird

what material or equipment they used to make the construct's part?

why it didn't sink in to the sand immediately?

how did they get souls powerful enough to power it

the guardian of ukaizo used dragon soul and the modern animancer have problem understand how did engwithan titan get powered

Edited by uuuhhii
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Why is it in these kind of games, when you beat the toughest possible opponent you get an item which makes you more powerful?


I like that in the Dark Souls expansion when you kill that dragon you get a ring which doubles all damage to your character.

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Why is it in these kind of games, when you beat the toughest possible opponent you get an item which makes you more powerful?



Here's my answer: Because these games are mainly designed as escapist power fantasy for an incredibly conservative male audience who want precisely that and would get royally angry if it were any other way.

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Those boss fights are for people who want to respec, specialize and min-max their characters. The base game suffered from the lack of tough opponents. I would prefer if they were intergrated into the game in the first place, and they were part of the larger quests - fighting Adra Dragon was exciting becuase of the buildup. Fighting just a monster without context isn't as exciting. In addition Adra Dragon or any other challenge boss in PoE worked better as there was always another way to "solve" them.


Unfortunately, due to the complete overhaul of how Deadfire combat works devs had to rething how epic bosses play out - making fight last much much longer was one of the obvious needed changes considering abundancy of resources available to characters. 


As it is, those mega-bosses are there for those who want challenge and provide little else beyond satisfaction of beating them. If that's not your cup of tea, really don't worry, and just ignore them. They weren't in the game in the first place, there is nothing that special to be gained by beating them.

I had fun with the first two megabosses, didn't yet try out the other ones.

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Why is it in these kind of games, when you beat the toughest possible opponent you get an item which makes you more powerful?

Here's my answer: Because these games are mainly designed as escapist power fantasy for an incredibly conservative male audience who want precisely that and would get royally angry if it were any other way.

Because many game rely on positive feedback loop - you do well, you a get reward. Of course, it evntually creates an issue of good players being rewarded for being good and making it easier to be good in the future. What you mention is negative feedback loop, which punishes player (albiet equipping the ring is optional, making it an optional negative feedback loop?) for doing well keeping the challenge more even.


What? I am smart? Nah, I just watched Gamemaker's Toolkit on the subject:

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Why even have these bosses in the first place? Does every demographic need some little custom addition to the game?

QQQ game is to easy QQQ obs plz buff difficulty QQQ


The fact that they don't drop phat lewtz is an oversight imo.

No achievement or loot seems like an oversight.

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There is loot- Mythical Adra Stone which allows you to make one weapon or armour Mythic quality, and a trinket for each boss. It'd be cool if they dropped rare crafting ingredients too, and the odd pair of boots or gloves or something since the spider and ooze at least have probably eaten a fair few adventurers

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They are just there for the challenge and give you nothing special. So that people like OP look a bit silly when ranting about "content [that] can't be accessed by a casual player looking for a complete play through".

 On a completely unrelated note Boeroer, what was the truth of Sonic's comment that had nothing wrong with it?


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Mega bosses are optional, completely unlinked from the story, and are mostly created for power gamers who want to test their party compositions.


That said, I do agree though that health pools are over inflated; and that would rather seek challenge from smarter scripted behavior.

The thing is:

- there are specific optimal party compositions for main game.

- there are specific optimal party compositions vs megabosses. And these usually do not include hard-cc, and builds that can run out of resources. Moreover megabosses have high enough AR to rule out quite a lot of non-raw spells since their penetration scales slower compared to weapons.

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Why is it in these kind of games, when you beat the toughest possible opponent you get an item which makes you more powerful?



Here's my answer: Because these games are mainly designed as escapist power fantasy for an incredibly conservative male audience who want precisely that and would get royally angry if it were any other way.



i'm a history and political science degree holder and i think youre over politicizing this


this new liberal gamer trend about shaming power fantasies in rpgs is asinine, go play games the way you want to i want to crush nazis with tanks **** you lol

Edited by Cartoons Plural
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If you're just coming to the game now, you might not realize that the megabosses were a relatively late addition to provide a special challenge - almost apart from the main game - for the more hardcore optimization player base. They're entirely optional, meant for level 20 parties, and are intentionally kept relatively out of the way of the generic vanilla playthrough.


They're also not just HP sponges/meatshields; most have some key weakness that needs to be revealed/capitalized on by a player with thorough knowledge of the combat mechanics. That said, I do agree that they can be a little over the top in terms of difficulty (especially the ooze boss) and wouldn't be opposed to some tweaking to make the fights winnable without a multiple-hour time investment.


The world map should also indicate them with a special icon instead of one used for all other bounties/combat encounters. That or work them into some kind of quest so there's at least some narrative payoff.

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Why is it in these kind of games, when you beat the toughest possible opponent you get an item which makes you more powerful?



Here's my answer: Because these games are mainly designed as escapist power fantasy for an incredibly conservative male audience who want precisely that and would get royally angry if it were any other way.



i'm a history and political science degree holder and i think youre over politicizing this


this new liberal gamer trend about shaming power fantasies in rpgs is asinine, go play games the way you want to i want to crush nazis with tanks **** you lol


What's dumb about it is that liberals also love to indulge power fantasies, hence stuff like "oh hell yeah look at the way I can kill all these Nazis in Wolfenstein". Yeah dogg we all play video games to feel good, have at it

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