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Political Thread XX


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In the past when there were all kinds of sheneinighans during the Cold War, probably. But now, no. Though as the world hegenemon, we get targeted anyway. Plus we've done things in the past two decades that haven't helped people in the MidEast view the US more favorably, and I'm not only talking about Israel (though that one is a much longer running issue)


If Russia steps up it's influence in the MidEeast, it might end up bringing the attention onto themselves rather than the US. Not that I wish it on them.


Also, doesn't Iran primarily rely on it's proxies (Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, others) for it's influence abroad rather than expending it's military?


Russia already gets a lot more domestic 'attention' than the US. One of the main reasons for them being in Syria is the number of Russian nationals in the various jihadi groups. Indeed, the most prominent ISIS military leader was Omar al Shishani ('the Chechen') and there are a lot- solid thousands by most estimates- of others.


Hamas and the Houthis aren't really Iranian proxies. Hamas in particular isn't since they even fought against the Iranians in Syria before getting wiped out by loyalist Palestinian groups there. They still get some Iranian weapons smuggled to them but they're paid for by Qatar primarily, since they're sympathetic to Brotherhood philosophies. Houthis and Iran share a fair number of strategic goals and issues, but the fundamental reasons for the fighting in Yemen predate Iran being an Islamic Republic by a long time, and in some cases a long long time (Zaydi Imamate v North v South v united Yemen being the main historical issues). They aren't proxies in any real sense though, they're not getting appreciable supplies from Iran nor training nor planning, and their reasons for fighting are their own. While usually described simplistically as Shia Houthis aren't even the same sect as Iran, and in some respects their Zaydism is closer to Sunni than Ismaili/ Twelver Shia.


Hezbollah and its Syrian and Iraqi offshoots though, definite proxies. Some other Palestinian groups probably qualify too, but not Hamas. They definitely work mostly by training other groups, the Revolutionary Guard trained heaps of Iraqi PMU groups and Syrian militias/ irregulars. The Russian trained groups in Syria seem to have been a lot better quality though.

Edited by Zoraptor
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I guess her captor is still in Germany. Who knows, maybe he is playing ping-pong with Merkel. :lol:


Also, doesn't Iran primarily rely on it's proxies (Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, others) for it's influence abroad rather than expending it's military?

Hezbollah and Hamas I am not sure. Our government sure is interested in helping them but I don't know if they can work together the same way they did back in 2006. Before the war in Syria, I am pretty sure we did send some advisors to Hezbollah. Edited by Katphood

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Warren - Sanders "This is how liberty dies"



Edited by Guard Dog

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Trump - Pence 2020 "Let's see if rock bottom has a basement"



"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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2020 "Let's see if rock bottom has a basement"




Don't ever discard the other side of the nickel. The pencil sharpens both ways (if you take off the eraser).

Edited by SonicMage117

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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"Socialism" and capitalism should complement each other. Investing in your citizens is not a bad idea. I mean historically I can understand why Americans are afraid of the Big Government, but come on...


I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea. I've read that some schools over the pond even make advertisement deals with big companies to make more cash? Basically selling out your own kids. Are you fine with this?

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"Socialism" and capitalism should complement each other. Investing in your citizens is not a bad idea. I mean historically I can understand why Americans are afraid of the Big Government, but come on...


I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea. I've read that some schools over the pond even make advertisement deals with big companies to make more cash? Basically selling out your own kids. Are you fine with this?

Because private ownership gives you options instead of being tied to a bad system. The problem with capitalism is that certain industries shouldn't be profit based, the problem with Socialism is that it is too much like bad capitalism.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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"I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea."


1. Private schools are vastly superior to public school.   That's the harsh true and largely because the best teachers/professors likely  are treated and paid better than public ones.


2.  Same as above. Private healthcare means they can attract the best doctors with higher pay hence why many of my fellow Kanadians  (as well a s other countries) well rush to the US for the best medical treatment. Public health care is good for  us masses and so we  cheaper medicare but not 'top of the line'.


So having private and public options for these two makes sense. So why not both?



3. Now private prisons. I don't think they should exist. This is one thing that shouldn't be in private hands - not even as an option. then again, public prisons are horribly mismanaged too. Either they are barbaric, maybe epicly cheap (I don't think even prisoners should be fed nasty grub they should get real meals) but I also don't think prisoners should be pamper ala some European countries deal with it.


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"I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea."


1. Private schools are vastly superior to public school.   That's the harsh true and largely because the best teachers/professors likely  are treated and paid better than public ones.


2.  Same as above. Private healthcare means they can attract the best doctors with higher pay hence why many of my fellow Kanadians  (as well a s other countries) well rush to the US for the best medical treatment. Public health care is good for  us masses and so we  cheaper medicare but not 'top of the line'.


So having private and public options for these two makes sense. So why not both?



3. Now private prisons. I don't think they should exist. This is one thing that shouldn't be in private hands - not even as an option. then again, public prisons are horribly mismanaged too. Either they are barbaric, maybe epicly cheap (I don't think even prisoners should be fed nasty grub they should get real meals) but I also don't think prisoners should be pamper ala some European countries deal with it.

I would challenge the notion that private schools are better than public simply because they teach to the test and real intelligence is hard to measure. It is just that the people who can afford elite school are already endowed with the connections and capital to ensure the success of their children. I would have to see a study that proves that upward mobility is linked to privatized education, and even them I would cast doubt simply because parents that pay for their children education have placed an investment on their future and therefore will spend more time ensuring a return.  Which is why I would rank parenting as a higher contributor to success than education, but still below connections and heritage. EG: Bush was president.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Just an FYI. There is no such thing in the US as a "private prison" (that I know of). All correctional facilities are owned by the states or Federal government. Some states subcontract the security, management, logistical support, etc to private companies. TN does not but I know Florida has done so in several. In one case they have subbed the entire show to a private company. But the facility is still controlled by the State and the company is answerable to the state Dept of Corrections. AFAIK the facilities that are managed by private contractors are all minimum security with work release programs. Max & Medium security are still managed by FDoC. 


What you guys seem to be envisioning really isn't a thing. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Just an FYI. There is no such thing in the US as a "private prison" (that I know of). All correctional facilities are owned by the states or Federal government. Some states subcontract the security, management, logistical support, etc to private companies. TN does not but I know Florida has done so in several. In one case they have subbed the entire show to a private company. But the facility is still controlled by the State and the company is answerable to the state Dept of Corrections. AFAIK the facilities that are managed by private contractors are all minimum security with work release programs. Max & Medium security are still managed by FDoC. 


What you guys seem to be envisioning really isn't a thing. 

Yeah and the Fed isn't a private entity. Look you might split hairs all you want but if it quacks like a duck; the fact is that everything you mentioned is proof that some prisons are private in all but name. Specially when the state allows them to run like for profit enterprises and has a vested interested in generating more convictions.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Just an FYI. There is no such thing in the US as a "private prison" (that I know of). All correctional facilities are owned by the states or Federal government. Some states subcontract the security, management, logistical support, etc to private companies. TN does not but I know Florida has done so in several. In one case they have subbed the entire show to a private company. But the facility is still controlled by the State and the company is answerable to the state Dept of Corrections. AFAIK the facilities that are managed by private contractors are all minimum security with work release programs. Max & Medium security are still managed by FDoC. 


What you guys seem to be envisioning really isn't a thing. 

Yeah and the Fed isn't a private entity. Look you might split hairs all you want but if it quacks like a duck; the fact is that everything you mentioned is proof that some prisons are private in all but name. Specially when the state allows them to run like for profit enterprises and has a vested interested in generating more convictions.


That makes no sense. How can more convictions be up to the private entity? They play no part in criminal justice system, just corrections. And since the rules and regulations that are followed are the same as if the State DoC were running it the only real difference is where the prison staffs' paychecks are coming from. Governments contract work all the time.

Edited by Guard Dog

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Just an FYI. There is no such thing in the US as a "private prison" (that I know of). All correctional facilities are owned by the states or Federal government. Some states subcontract the security, management, logistical support, etc to private companies. TN does not but I know Florida has done so in several. In one case they have subbed the entire show to a private company. But the facility is still controlled by the State and the company is answerable to the state Dept of Corrections. AFAIK the facilities that are managed by private contractors are all minimum security with work release programs. Max & Medium security are still managed by FDoC. 


What you guys seem to be envisioning really isn't a thing. 

Yeah and the Fed isn't a private entity. Look you might split hairs all you want but if it quacks like a duck; the fact is that everything you mentioned is proof that some prisons are private in all but name. Specially when the state allows them to run like for profit enterprises and has a vested interested in generating more convictions.


That makes no sense. How can more convictions be up to the private entity? They play no part in criminal justice system, just corrections. And since the rules and regulations that are followed are the same as if the State DoC were running it the only real difference is where the prison staffs' paychecks are coming from. Governments contract work all the time.


So you think that arrest quotas and state legislation that allows harassment by the police is completely unrelated to governors receiving payment from said private entities?

Could be truth but then:

"Last year, the company made an offer to 48 governors to buy and operate their state-funded prisons. But what made CCA’s pitch to those governors so audacious and shocking was that it included a so-called occupancy requirement, a clause demanding the state keep those newly privatized prisons at least 90 percent full at all times, regardless of whether crime was rising or falling.."


Link to article


I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Mother Jones Orogun? I'd find it more credible if you said you overheard that at that laundromat or something. 


And when a government hires a contractor they pay the contractor not the other way around. And as far as arrest quotas, that is a whole other issue that has nothing to do with who prison guards work for. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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2.  Same as above. Private healthcare means they can attract the best doctors with higher pay hence why many of my fellow Kanadians  (as well a s other countries) well rush to the US for the best medical treatment. Public health care is good for  us masses and so we  cheaper medicare but not 'top of the line'.


So having private and public options for these two makes sense. So why not both?


Well, could end up with the public being far inferior to the private, which is an issue if you care about that.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Then up taxes by 100% and pay all doctors and teacher million dollars minimum.





Reads like FAKE NEWS. Probably includes private day care as 'private schools'. L0LZ


Nope. I don't know a single private school in the expensive bay area that pays their teachers anywhere near what public schools in the same area do. We have better retirement packages as well. As the article states, the appeal of a private school for teachers is that it is easier to teach (and typically has a religious component.) The best private schools in the area are the best because of the reasons stated in the article, not because they pay their teachers well.


I am sure universities are a different ballgame, but this is the reality of K-12 education. But hey, don't take my word for it, just my career for the last 18 years. :p

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I would teach privately at a lower salary if I had earned my knowledge through industry and don't want to pay out of pocket or take out loans to get the proper accreditation. Especially if the whole point of teaching privately is to basically semi-retire and have an easier job coming from a high-payed industry one. I think such a move works best if you're in a STEM field and move into being a private STEM teacher.


Hell, you'd probably be more qualified than many of the teachers that many schools end up cantilevering into STEM programs.


Hurlshot is right though, most private schools have a heavy religious base and tend to subvert many of the canonical subjects.

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lol, it looks like Trump's own hubris, contempt for polls (because 2016), and his base's similar contempt for polls and just complacency could come and bite the GOP in the butt in November. It's basically the same kind of mistake that the Democrats did in 2016 with the polls.


While I wouldn't blame them for being skeptical of the polls after 2016, only thing is that this time, it's not just the polls that are showing the wave, it's every special election that happened since January 2017 and all of the primary results that are showing it too. The strategists and analysts are the ones screaming "Pay attention dammit!" while Trump is all "Nah, it'll be a GIANT RED TSUNAMIIIII!!!" and making Trump's base complacent.

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"I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea."


1. Private schools are vastly superior to public school.   That's the harsh true and largely because the best teachers/professors likely  are treated and paid better than public ones.



Private schools here (Finland) have worst results than our public schools, which is why our billionares mostly sent their kids to our public schools.

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