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  1. You guys(and gals) have done a really rad job on the game called grounded! It looks stunning and plays really well. No doubt about it. This sweet little game is rad. So when I heard about the possibility of a tv series coming soon, I practically peed my pants in excitement! (not really tho) but…. it has been a year since the announcement, and I wonder why no new information has been released about it. The game is great, don’t get me wrong, but it has little to no replay ability, so adding more to the experience like a tv show would bring more people to the game, wouldn’t it? Anyway, the idea of a tv series is wicked awesome, and I hope to hear more about it, even if it remains a fantasy. love y’all’s work, keep on making very fine games
  2. I would like to propose three different DLC ideas that would make the game repayable and a ton of fun for end game. [1]- I propose that the player be allowed to upgrade rooms in their ship in order to recruit non companion NPC's *The player could recruit NPC's such as the Chef or Ex-Merc *These non-companion NPC's would be available to recruit after end game. *These non-companion NPC's would send the player on randomly generated quests (eg hit quests or material gathering). *These non-companion NPC's would also be able to be dropped off or sent out to gather certain resources. [2]- I propose that the player be allowed to own his own outpost (not unlike the Groundbreaker) where you would be able to go around finding vendors and people that are interested in running storefronts on your outpost. *Storefronts fill in (depending on the quest) with interactable NPC's when you find an NPC that is valid (Wing-ball idea here but the story could go something like a retired Sublite contractor is helping you gather a crew for the station you could go to her/him for the NPC locations) *The NPC vendors can send you on gathering quests such as supply refill / weapons cache recovery. *Work with the NPC's in order to gather data on derelict ships and raid them for supply's and parts. NOTE: All of these quests can be randomly generated and make the value of the dlc that much greater. For example NPC gives you Xtask -> takes you to Ytask or Ztask Then return to NPC at X Y or Z location this can also be done through a community cork board of such. (Also if you find a retired constable they could send you on bounties etc. ) [3]- I propose that the player be allowed to create his own faction. *The player would be able to use an area such as the waste disposal unit as a faction base on the Groundbreaker as there is a lot of space there that could be utilized. *The player would be able to run retrieval tasks for the faction as well as others under their faction banner and the actions grow or decrease reputation with other factions depending on the actions taken. *The player can salvage broken terminals and vending machines and have them repaired for further functionality in the faction. *Work with the NPC's in order to gather data on derelict ships and raid them for supply's and parts. *As the faction grows the rooms connected to the waste disposal unit on the Groundbreaker can be filled with recruited NPC's that have taken refuge under your banner. (Maybe have some sort of alliance with the under decker's as well? and expand on that story) Nonetheless, I appreciate any time anyone has spent on reading this. I believe that any one of these ideas could bring a lot of value to the game. As I see it since modding will be unlikely if they give it that modded feel it could shine even further! Let me know what you guys think. I took a lot of time thinking about the easier ways of doing things so that the devs wouldn't have to slave over code for hours.
  3. Dear Obsidian In response to your fantastic game, please consider my priority list for The Outer World 2. Please please include; Customisation of the SHIP! or possibly the ability to build a ship from scratch!? A Player Home: How about we can terraform a moon and build a settlement/moon base? Implement some of the 'build' software from Grounded? More of ADA! And generally more of everything! More planets, moons, stations - a new star system maybe? Awesome work! Love this game! Everyone boycott Bethesda and all hail Obsidian!! P.S. - Please join forces with CD Project Red and make an epic open-world high fantasy game to rival the burnt out franchise that is The Elder Scrolls? Further suggestions encouraged in the comments..
  4. Obsidian, I just want acknowledge, How awesome you guys are. I literally have been waiting and searching for a single player game, that has an interesting story and writing since the Witcher. I have to say Obsidian you knocked it OUT of the park with The OUTerworlds. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say this, Thank you so much. Thank you for putting so much hard work and effort into this and every game you do. I will forever be, playing Obsidian games for the rest of my life. You guys are what we want out of the gaming industry right now, you made a game, put so much in it, no other added transactions, and YOU FINISHED THE DAMN GAME. I can only hope that you guys will start a trend and bring this type of passion back to the industry. You guys are the best gaming company right now in my opinion and its not even close. I hope you guys continue to make great games and always put the heart and passion in all of them. Thank you Obsidian so much. From, a simple gamer P.S - Gonna go play the Outerworlds now I wanted to you ask everyone's opinion on Obsidian and how they compare to rest of the industry? good and/or bad. lets keep it civil too.
  5. I see what you did there Obsidian team! I didn't see anyone else mentioning the Tossball cards as Obsidian members. After inspecting the cards, I noticed that they looked very 'life like' so to say, so I pulled up a recent Obsidian team photo, and see if I could match any Tossball card players with the Obsidian team. Sure enough, there they were! Really dig that you guys put you yourself in here! Keep it up! Regards MJ
  6. So i'm having this issue as shown in the image. Allow me to get to the point. I have tried every single troubleshooting issue i have done back when i was having a similar issue with Gears 5 in September. I even ran System File Check via elevated Command Prompt (sfc /scannow), and after fixing some "integrity violations" as it puts it, it didn't solve this issue either. I am currently reinstalling the game, but i highly doubt that it will work regardless, because it seems like when a game/app doesn't work on the Xbox App/Windows Store, it REALLY doesn't work no matter what i try on my end. And i am not the only one having these issues. A handful of people on Reddit are having this issue as well, though some of them managed to fix it with one of the solutions i have tried already to no avail. Unlike Gears 5 however, this time there seems to be no solution to this issue as far as i can tell. Not on my end anyway. I've been at this for 2 days, closing in on 3. I can't even contact live support on the Microsoft website because it's been having issues for the past few days. Here are my specs: Case: Cooler Master Elite 430Monitor: Samsung S22C150 21.5' Inch 1080p, 60HzGPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 970 4gb (No OC)CPU: AMD FX-8350 8-Core Black Edition (No OC)Heatsink: Cooler Master Hyper 212 PlusHard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB HDD 7200RPMRAM: Corsair Vengeance 8gbDisk Drive: Samsung SH-224DB / BEBE DVD/CD WriterCooling Fan: Cooler Master JetFlo 95.0 CFM 120mm Red PSU: XFX TS 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power SupplyMotherboard: MSI 970A-G46Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit Here is a simplified list of fixes i have tried on my end: - Re-registering the Windows Store via Windows PowerShell (as admin) - Re-setting the Windows Store app - Ran the troubleshooter for Windows Store apps - Signed in to my Microsoft account through Windows 10 (didn't work, so went back to just using a regular local admin account) - Fully updated Windows - Ran "Chkdsk" - Resetting and repairing the game app, and the Xbox app - Ran sfc /scannow and DISM via Windows Command Prompt (as admin) - Signed out and back into my Microsoft account through both the Microsoft Store and the Xbox App - Checked for updates via Microsoft Store (My Library > Downloads & Updates) - Ran CHKDSK - Checked to make sure i have the "Xbox Identity Provider" and "Gaming Services" apps - Turning off Firewall Windows is fully updated, and i have the latest Nvidia graphics driver installed (440.97). What's going on? I'm at my wits end dealing with this again a second time...
  7. I just wanted to personally get on here, which I don’t ever do for any game, and tell you guys what an amazing world, what an amazing game you guys have all created, it’s truly breathtaking and inspiring! the freedom of choice, the stories, the dialog, the combat, all of it, just truly is everything that has been needed in the gaming industries for years. helluva job team, helluva job!! thank you all for the work you put in, the countless months, hours and years you all put into this game, it shows that you care deeply for the world and people in the game, and outside of the game. Anyways, like I said I’ve never done this before, but I wanted to stop what I was doing and personally thank the teams that made this game possible, so.......thank you all so very much!
  8. So in my last post I complained about how badly the characters, namely Pallagina and Xoti, were written. To balance things out i wanted to complement this game on its worldbuilding. The factions and cultures are extremely well drawn. I have trouble deciding whose vision to side with. It all seems very realistic and there is very little if any bias weaved into the narrative. Brandon Sanderson once said something to the effect of 'there are two kinds of writers, worldbuilders and character writers. I think Obsidian must just do a better job at he worldbuilding. There are noble natives with backward traditions; a monarchy with good vision but strong feelings of entitlement and ethnocentrism; there is even a republic run by business interests with a reckless bend toward science. All well conceived, and made to make the audience think, yet still relevant to current philosophical discourses. I havent finished the game yet but I am very impressed with this aspect of the game so far.
  9. Greetings, Obsidian fans. Wouldn't it be the greatest thing if they made a sequel to Arcanum? http://store.steampowered.com/app/500810/ Of course this time it would have to be a much more balanced game than the original, however awesome it was
  10. Okay so apparently Eders writer resigned or was resigned. From what i gathered its because on reddit subreddit Gamerghazi identified him as man who wrote those posts http://i.imgur.com/n8Moni6.jpg (there is suspicion that someone on RPG codex snitched on him) Now i normally i wouldnt be one questioning employee resigning over controversy but in current societal atmosphere and Obsidians mishandling of the Limerick Incident it think its reasonable to ask if Similar case happened again. Especially considering this is not stupid Limerick that isnt going to impact the game But Writer Departing due to this incident Whetever Voluntarily or by the way of being Volunteered, Is going to impact the game. And with People such as Chris Avelonne Leaving Obsidian. It makes me think if Obsidian is changing into something more Mainstream, And With Sawyer being The one of the only Senior members at Obsidian it makes me bit wary, Considering in GameDev business you need someone to tell you. No that is bad idea. Look at Molyneaux. I dont want Molyneaux type situation to happen with Sawyer.
  11. Hi Folks, I just signed on to the Obsidian forum. I am a backer at the Pillars 2 :Deadfire Fig campaign. It has come to my attention that Obsidian has shown some interest in making a game in the Arcanum universe. Activision owns the IP. I have made a petition at change.org. For the time being the petition results will be forwarded to Activision's Investor Relations Department. The information can be found here. http://investor.activision.com/contactus.cfm I have been in contact with them by email notifying them of the petition. I feel like there will be a lot interest in this here. Please feel free to sign and share with any friends, groups, and forums you think will be interested. If you do post at another site please share that information here so we don't spam a site or forum too much. Thank you https://www.change.org/p/ir-activision-com-petition-to-lease-the-arcanum-ip-to-obsidian-entertainment?source_location=minibar Regards
  12. The title say everything, sorry for my english. See ya.
  13. July 11th, 7:30pm-8:30pm The day after Fargo and Feargus do their talk. Anyone going?
  14. Anyone going to E3? Or, more importantly, is anyone going to the PC Presser? What are you most excited for? What do you predict?
  15. This thread about Skyforge - yet another Korean Russian online game. Pro: Setting. Just cool. You can become a god (all Western "epic" games are not so epic for megalomaniac Russians who constantly dreamed about immortality and godhood in their philosophical/political movements as cosmisms/futurism (or about destroying of Universe in nihilism)). Visual. Look styled and cool. Interesting Classes. Partnership between playersLeveling, exp, skills etc is very good Arenas No craft Contra No plot - sandbox. voices are terrible Grinding - gameplay is boring (if you don't like Korean MMORPG's).
  16. I'm pretty sure that the reason that Thaos comes in and messes it up regardless of what you do is Obsidian trying to explain what it was like working on their previous games.
  17. So.. I'm sitting here by my computer chilling, drinking some rom + coke and playing PoE (20 hours in). It's 4.00 am in the morning in Denmark.. This game is outstanding! I just want to thank Obsidian for creating such an exiting RPG. And to IGN and other critics whom's thoughts on this games graphic design sounds something like "outdated, old, 'not-3d'... - just stop.. - The Art work (scroll-cut-scenes-stuff) is simple and well done - Interface UI is superb - The 2D level design merged with 3D elements is beautiful. Actually the graphic and atmosphere is a lot better than in many top-down-3D RPGs. With so many games these days, everything seems the same..... PoE is the first games in years that I feel I actually WANT to keep playing. It's an indescribable feeling to suddenly feel so interested in a single-player-game again, like I did when I was a kid. I thought that was impossible, guess I was wrong Thx Obsidian, amazing work!
  18. Back in 2012 i think it was I was starved for a real classic RPG. And I mean real starved. Then a newsarticle in a national newspaper here in Norway suddenly made me aware of two things: That there was something called Kickstarter and two: Obsidian was gonna do a new, interesting game on it, named Project Eternity. The first thing that hit me was the strange project name, but knowing obsidian for their fantastic games i read it through and got very much intrigued. This was the kind of games Ive had been waiting for, for...years! This was before the release of the BG1 and BG2 enhanced enditions etc. so I didnt even have those games to spend some time with, and so, i read through the kickstarter again. Paying for a game before its even produced is for me totally alien. Something out there. Normal customer behaviour is usually you walk to the store, look for a nice game and if you find something you like, you buy it!! But i knew now that most game companies wanted to make games that did not include the kind of game i wanted. I guess its part of the time we are in and being old school game player equals being a old person dating from the stone age. I dunno how the kids today look on my computerfascinations, but CRPG is for me the real game. So I thought about giving my share to have this game realised. I wanted it! And more I read about it, the more I liked it! So I made an account with Kickstarter. The time was actually running out for me there since it took some time from i learned about it all! But that didnt stop me. Then come what should I support this game with. For every tier there where something exciting. I love many things in games, and many of those things where on high tiers. Private housing at 2 million, crafting/enchanting at 2,4m, stronghold at 3m and the chance for a 2nd big city realised itself on 3.5 million etc. First I went with 250 dollar tier, and living in Norway I gladly added another 30 dollar for shipping. And then I sat back, happily enjoying that I had supported in plans finally bringing to life a game i had been looking for, for years!! Now, back to the tiers. Along the way i had the pleasure to see that I was certainly not alone in wanting this game! Many others where too, and as the money flowed in, I saw many of these tiers reached their goals, and things I wanted dearly got within reached. I got restless. Being so late into the kickstarter I had not had the chance taking the money I shot into it into my daily spending. If I wanted to spend more money on this seemingly fabolously game I had to cut something. Thankfully it never come to that anyway, but I was able to add another 250 dollar later to the game before its time ran out completely, landing me around 500-600 dollar tier with a nice signed collectors box from my favorite game producers! The game is now straight around the corner, and I cant wait. It have been 2-3 years now in waiting, but that waiting have been a pleasure since we had the chance in following Obsidian along the way. I dont know how that have been for Obsidian. Having a bunch of fans peeking over their shoulders all the time, can be more annoying than business shareholders. People like me take more interest in having a good game than it bringing in more money. I do ofcource want it to bring in a fortune for you guys so you can make other fantastic games, but rite here, rite now, I have to say I simply cant wait for the game to go live! And having had the pleasure at following the 90 or so update mails, we surely got a good look on things with this game. And I am happy! I dont know ofcource how Obsidian will evaluate this kickstarter production for PoE but I am happy! And I hope Obsidian is too, so much that if they want to produce another CRPG they might try going all Kickstarter again. Just give us a shout first! You got my emailadress! Now, I am waiting for the 26th of march, which means in good time before my Easter vacation. I CANT WAIT! THANK YOU SO FAR TO EVERYONE WHO HAVE MADE THIS GAME POSSIBLE! I REALLY CANT WAIT!
  19. I believe we don't have any details about it, but let's speculate a bit. I think this time they will try SciFi or Space Opera setting, I also believe that they will use the Pillars engine, as it will reduce time and money needed for the project. Do you think it is possible for them to license some property or they will try once again to create their own?
  20. Dear Obsidian, So here we are. 2012 seems a long time ago, doesn't it? I found out about it while playing Diablo 3 with Gftd1. He mentioned PoE in chat. I logged off and checked it out. I backed it pretty soon afterwards. So, now we're on launch day here's my two pence FWIW. They say no feedback is bad feedback. Which is, of course, utter bollocks. I've watched the first two parts of your video about developing PoE. Even a horrible old bastard like me was moved by your passion. OK, I was only moved a little bit, but for me that's progress. Anyhow, it was great being even a tiny part of the juggernaut that you unleashed by launching your Kickstarter. I don't regret a penny. You've put two fingers up to the naysayers, gate-keepers and legacy publishers and won. Man, that must feel good. It's a buzz seeing the game at the top of the Steam listings. I've been posting here since the first week of Obsidian and at BIS forums before that. Watching the journey has been genuinely brilliant fun. I speak for many when I say this success is richly deserved. The idea that your studio might fold was horrible. Thank your deities of choice it hasn't. So that's enough smoke blown up your arses. You did good. Here's what I think you didn't do so well, take it or leave it. 1. Legacy Stockholm Syndrome - I see this with legacy authors. You shake off the shackles of publishers and stumble, blinking, into the light. Hell, you're free to do what you like. But... the pull of The Old Ways is strong. So you end up with indie freedom but legacy attitudes when it comes to new ways of involving backers and taking risks. For example the launch of the game and decisions around Paradox's preview strategy (some of the streamers, guys, shouldn't have been trusted with Kandy Krush, let alone Pillars). Although I'm personally [fairly] relaxed about the release myself, I dig why some backers are asking why they were treated the same as Joe Soap who just wandered onto Steam. The answer lies in communication. You guys must be so freaking busy, I see where the cracks in the pavement must open up. But it has to be a lesson learnt. There should be no surprises around crap like this. 2. Community Management - You finally did it, and the guy is clearly up to the job. But it was too late. That position should have been filled on Day One. We can only speculate as to the hype, synergies and opportunities that might have come out of it. For long periods of development it seemed like you thought the video updates could make up for a lack of forum presence. I think this was a mistake. Forum-goers are a contrary pain in the arse, this much is true, but somewhere in that muck there might be gold. Your forum-goers are also your missionaries, prepared to travel into dark, unexplored regions of the gaming omniverse to spread light where there was previously only FPS shooters. The more engagement, the further they roam. A CM would have filled that gap and allowed devs to dev. Edit - Bioware is awesome at this. Say what you like about their games (and I do), you can't even begin to knock how their CMs mobilize the Bio-horde. 3. Set out your stall - What is a backer? (ha ha 'What is the nature of a Backer?') A customer? An investor? Some schmuck who put down a chunk of cash for a risky pre-order? I've felt like all three during the KS. This was inevitable given it's your first go at crowd-funding, but in the future maybe you need to lay down some ideas and boundaries beyond legal rubric. Some folks thought of themselves as benevolent pre-orderers and some felt they were clearly share-holders in Obz (ha ha ha). Many felt somewhere in-between. I think you need an honest statement of expectation, a compact with your backers. A guarantee. It should be completely realistic but it should also include some carrots as well as sticks. These aren't massive gripes - the success of the enterprise speaks for itself. I'm still unhappy about some of the decisions around the game mechanics, but I'm big enough and ugly enough to suck that up and play the hell out of this game. But, as a backer and fan, if you want to finesse and build on what you've already achieved, I humbly submit my opinion for your consideration. Best regards, MC
  21. I think that most backers and especially fresh buyers are unaware of how much has Obsidian accomplished with the funds and the time they had. Let me make a list. Chiseler of the World Just look at this map, crafted with love, care, and chocolate cookies: Here are two pages as free excerpt from the Guidebook Part One (courtesy of Dark Horse Comics), and there is a shorter, but still satisfying Almanac available. Elaborate histories, raging deities, conquests, myths, jokes, -- the lore of Eora, and within it, the Eastern Reaches is as rich as fantasy book sagas, and accompanied by hand-drawn illustrations. The attention to detail is sometimes astonishing. Just like in The Lord of the Rings, new languages (conlangs) were invented based on real languages, complete with naming conventions and pronunciation rules, and all the major powers in the "civilized" world have proper heraldic signs. Weapons and armor have significant differences and much more historical accuracy than most RPGs. (The above coat-of-arms were created by forum user KazikluBey, based on heraldic descriptions given by Josh Sawyer). Crafter of Choices Selecting a race and a class is typical fare in an RPG. Selecting a background is present in some. Obsidian went even further. Recognizing that races are too big as a cultural unit, they developed various cultures within the world, some single-race, some multiple-race, and added a separate background choice like "slave" or "aristocrat", dependent on culture. Culture even determines the starting equipment, so instead of all fighters starting with the same leather armor and short sword, the starting gear depends on where you came from. There is an auto-autobiography in the game which records all the important choices you've made for your character, starting with your origins. I always wanted to have a feature like this in an RPG, and I was quite surprised when they announced it recently because this wasn't a Kickstarter promise, just an extra they thought of and wasn't much work to develop. Thank you, Obsidian. Hoarder of Reactions But that's just the beginning, literally! By acting in the world you build up dispositions over time like "diplomatic" or "aggressive". You get to define your character via words and actions, instead of static labels. This is separate from the reputation system, which functions as expected. There are a major and minor factions within the game, similar how Fallout: New Vegas handled it, each one tracking a reputation. In the game, there is reactivity to class, gender, culture, background, skills, attributes, disposition, reputation. In the backer beta, a certain interesting quest resolution was only available to ciphers. That's the wager Obsidian is making, they're willing to write dialogue and quest parts that will only be seen by a small amount of people on their first (and possibly, last) playthrough, because they believe people will appreciate such nuances, even if they see a fraction of them initially. Think of the amount of work that went into the situational reactivity, it's a brave, brave approach. Breaker of Molds You might or might not like the PoE ruleset, but it is still a huge body of work. It's doesn't quite have the complexity of Baldur's Gate 2, but it gives you much more than today's big RPG titles. There are a lot of different monsters, conditions, abilities, special attacks, unique equipment, whatnot. I like most aspects of the new systems like the Endurance/Health duality, lessening the need for reloads, the bottomless inventory, the enchantment upgrading, and so on. I particularly like that killing in and itself doesn't give XP, it's especially welcome for Trial of Iron plays, it allows you to choose quest solutions you find the least risky. I'll mention that I'm in the camp that thinks engagement isn't a good mechanic for a real-time game, but I'll just leave it at that. On another note, special speech options have a different approach than previous RPGs, where a speech skill option was always a winner. The gated options are not necessarily the best, they are simply more expressive, more defined than the regular choices, and they can make the situation better or worse, depending on circumstances. The example given by lead narrative designer Eric Fenstermaker is that if you are [diplomatic] with an ogre, he'll just see you as a wuss, and proceed accordingly with his huge club. Shaper of Classes This is my favorite one. Eleven classes total, and they wanted them all to be different, but neither of them mandatory. This alone is a huge design task, but they delivered and nailed it in most cases. You can create your own (silent) companions in the game, you can make choices with traditionally non-choice classes like the fighters, and the grand total is that an astounding variety of party setups are possible. Six priests of Skaen called the Traveling Troublemakers? Go for it, it's playable! A mind-bending cipher with a renaissance shotgun called the blunderbuss? Of course you can! I always hated DnD paladins and monks because I dislike classes that are "overdefined", there's little room for my imagination and playstyle choices in them. Bards I favored as a concept, not so much in execution. The reimagined paladin as a zealot for various, not necessarily honorable ideals is awesome, this might be the first game where my main is a paladin for one of the playthroughs. Chanter is more like the original Welsh bard (not like the renaissance troubadour of DnD called bard) and other folklore-tellers like the Hungarian regős, and the new monk is cool, too. Sower of Art In my book art doesn't equal graphics. Computer graphics is a medium to deliver art. It takes a lot of work to transform graphics into art. I think most people would agree that the most defining characteristic of Pillars of Eternity at first glance is the visuals, which pay tribute to the Infinity Engine games. This is one area where even the most grumpy grognards say that Obsidian delivered exactly what they promised: painterly 2D backgrounds, isometric camera. I won't go into the details, but lighting and water animations and various other effects are actually using 3D technology. It looks like the glorious 2D art of yore, with some nifty enhancements. Old and tried design aesthetic, new tricks under the sleeve: that's how you modernize old-school favorites. And there are a lot of backgrounds! The number of "screens" is somewhere halfway between Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 according to the devs. Nurturer of Music No words. Listen. Amazer of Old-School Gamers In the past I've worked as a software developer, and I have friends who work in the computer games industry. I have a pretty good idea how much work it takes to produce something, and I stand speechless at the amount of work they've done on Pillars of Eternity with the amount of resources they had. It was discussed by Brandon Adler, Josh Sawyer and Adam Brennecke that Obsidian has a lot of expertise in crafting RPGs, and their work pipelines were set up to work as fast as possible before full production started, avoiding blunders of the past. It shows, man, it shows. Do you remember this? The pre-campaign? Although there were some mismanaged moments in these past two and a half years, I can honestly that this was the Kickstarter project that I pledged to where I enjoyed the ride the most. So many updates, so many details, so many meaningful discussions (and even more meaningless ones, as usual), so many changes for the good. Here's to more expansions and installments set inside the world of Pillars of Eternity! A few hours from now on: No sleep for ME!
  22. - Too much content, do people really care about so many classes and so many plotline replays, which frankly, only the tiniest portion of people would ever consume? - You focused on the quantity of the content, not quality. - By focusing on the quantity instead of quality, you tricked people into this illusion of false dichotomy, that they will enjoy more content even if it is poorly realized, and in the process rendering yourselves as hardcore old-school developers who care about deep gameplay mechanics and story. - Why not 6 classes instead of 11 ?? Do you really think that gameplay archetypes can be achieved if you shove as many character labels and "unique" spells as possible, instead of just dispersing various pertinent talents and abilities, properly implemented, across 6 classes? - Ask yourselves; what is more enjoyable for the vast majority of people: creating highly polished reactive classes which visually emphasize how you lead and develop them in the gameworld, or shoving as much stuff as possible so you can say that the game has a lot of stuff ? You actually are trying to put so much stuff in it that if you remove half of it, people would still think it's an epic RPG(of course, if it actually had production values) - You completely failed at game development, this is not an interactive novel! It's a video game, put some production values in it like you did with Dungeon Siege 3. It's frankly embarrassing how you let your standards fall to the ground by entertaining this ludicrous notion you got from people when they tell you that they don't care about animations and graphics. Don't trust them when they tell you this! They're confused because they're conflating categories and misinterpreting the nature of the product. But when they actually start playing the game and everything feels like total crap because of those two foundational components(which most people can't pinpoint anyway) severely lacking, they will cluelessly let everyone know how much they have encouraged you to make it exactly like that! Over 4 million dollars was more than adequate to make an enjoyable, epic, isometric, pseudo 3D RPG with high production values. Just stop listening to the incoherent nostalgia people; focus, polish, and streamline!
  23. Obsidian recently came out and said that they still have an interest in making KOTOR 3 or a Star Wars RPG for that matter. To get that published it would require EA's consent due to them owning the rights to publish Star Wars Video Games. I was just curious if Obsidian could use EA Origins crowd funding service thing which has them publish your game as long as it's crowd funded but obviously since it's under the Star Wars name Obsidian would directly have to communicate with EA on business matters. If anyone from Obsidian reads this it's worth a try to ask EA! (easier said than done.) Anyway i'm a long time fan of Obsidian and their games, and i'm buying pillars of Eternity when it releases but I would help fund a KOTOR 3 project with a lot of money ft it were Kickstarted.
  24. So Avcon is apparently a gaming/anime convention in Adelaide July 18-20. I was asked by a friend to attend with them, at first I wasn't too interested as I didn't think there would be anything/one worth seeing(who comes to Adelaide?). However when checking the guest list, I saw the Mr Chris Avellone is a guest and is holding a Q&A. So surprise I'm now going. So my question in this? Anyone have any good questions they would like me to ask? (Assuming I get the chance)
  25. Hey everyone, I just stumbled across this article and wanted to bring it to the attention of Obsidian and their supporters. Its a detailed, four part essay on why Bethesda should license Obsidian to make an Isometric Fallout game. Would love to hear some comments from the developers! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Enjoy!
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