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Found 3 results

  1. Just a Suggestion me and my friend love this game, I use the bow and arrows while he's up close with melee and shield. The issue is the arrow system. What if you can craft a quiver that takes an armor slot for throwables or something? Have it start out at 50 or 100 instead of 20, can be upgradeable to hold more. This would be a cool feature and very useful, as I'm always low on inventory space due to holding so many arrows. I also would like to see if there was an auto arrow retrieval system, where you walk over it and it picks them up. Having to pick every single one up by its self is annoying and tedious and sometimes i cant even pick them up because if something or someone walks over it some times they go flying, or get stuck under the map. What if after after shooting them the ones that are stuck in the enemy can be collected into a group to where you can pick up most of them with one click. Overall this game is awesome and I cant wait for what's to come next. Great job and thank you for giving me something new and fun to play that's NOT a Battle Royale!!!!
  2. I just wanted to personally get on here, which I don’t ever do for any game, and tell you guys what an amazing world, what an amazing game you guys have all created, it’s truly breathtaking and inspiring! the freedom of choice, the stories, the dialog, the combat, all of it, just truly is everything that has been needed in the gaming industries for years. helluva job team, helluva job!! thank you all for the work you put in, the countless months, hours and years you all put into this game, it shows that you care deeply for the world and people in the game, and outside of the game. Anyways, like I said I’ve never done this before, but I wanted to stop what I was doing and personally thank the teams that made this game possible, so.......thank you all so very much!
  3. So.. I'm sitting here by my computer chilling, drinking some rom + coke and playing PoE (20 hours in). It's 4.00 am in the morning in Denmark.. This game is outstanding! I just want to thank Obsidian for creating such an exiting RPG. And to IGN and other critics whom's thoughts on this games graphic design sounds something like "outdated, old, 'not-3d'... - just stop.. - The Art work (scroll-cut-scenes-stuff) is simple and well done - Interface UI is superb - The 2D level design merged with 3D elements is beautiful. Actually the graphic and atmosphere is a lot better than in many top-down-3D RPGs. With so many games these days, everything seems the same..... PoE is the first games in years that I feel I actually WANT to keep playing. It's an indescribable feeling to suddenly feel so interested in a single-player-game again, like I did when I was a kid. I thought that was impossible, guess I was wrong Thx Obsidian, amazing work!
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