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  1. If you respec or recruit some one at least level 5 or higher, that I've tested so far, after level 1 you are put to level 4. The game half acts like you're level 2 and half acts like you're level 4. You get 1 point for both specs in the case of multi class but don't get the tier 2 options. Another possible related issue I noticed is in the case of chanter you only get 1 point and can't choose a chant and a phrase* (sorry not sure if those terms are right).
  2. whenever I try to level up a character the game crashes. I've been playing for 14 hours, and haven't had this problem before. I did however used to have a bug where the game would crash randomly, that seemed to be fixed by adding "-force-d3d12' to the launch options. I've installed the latest Gpu driver and verified the game files integrity.
  3. Hello, I increased the Dexterity of Merisiel to d12 + 1 and the hand size of Valeros to 5 cards. When I try to start a new game with these characters, if I click “load existing character,” the system says the character is already in a game. If I click “make new character,” the character’s are available, but without the experience level-ups that I mentioned. How do I play the game with characters who have experience level-ups? Thanks, Paolo
  4. On the level up summary page, all defenses are shown as higher than they are after level up. Steps to reproduce the issue: - Level up as normal - See higher defenses on summary page - See lower defenses on character and inventory pages, after level up I tried to attach a save file but it said I'm not permitted to attach the file type. output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  5. Hello everyone. I find this game frustratingly easy and vanilla...etc...... Do you guys have any suggestions for me to make it much interesting / harder ? What guys do you think if there could be an option to lock your player level progression depending on the zone you have entered? For example. If i finish all quests in Glided Vale and finish all non-combat quests in Defiance Bay and Dyrford, then i can take 6 lvl easily. And then just cakewalk all combat quests in Def. Bay, Raedrick, grab all possible EXP in searing falls, etc... This leads to easy lvl 9... What next....Go to WM (part 1), easy grab all starting cool gear....it escalades too fast and easy... If i want to have the best experience with game....then i should gimp my lvl up and have specific route to follow. What is this route?
  6. The mouseover for Nimble in the Wild Sprint barbarian ability shows Unflinching instead of Nimble.
  7. At level 4 i accidentally managed to pick 3 abilities instead of 2. Steps to reproduce: 1. Enter level up and get to abilities section 2. Pick first ability and click next (stays on same page and refunds 1 point) 3. Pick second ability and click next (jumps to second ability page) 4. Pick ability and click next You should now have 3 abilities Playing on MacOS
  8. 1. Start a new game 2. Create a Druid/Monk multiclass character. 3. In-game, level the character up and make sure you select "Bull's Will" twice: Once from the Druid's list; once from the Monk's. 4. Observe that both instances of Bull's Will stack with each other: NOTE: For all I know, this might as well be intended: These are flat bonuses and therefore not subject to the normal Inspiration/Affliction stacking rules. While they are the same talent, they are sourced from different pools in a multiclassed character—multiclass characters are supposed to synergize. To get the bonus twice you need to invest twice the talent points, so it's not like it comes for free. However, I figured I'd bring this up so that designers can confirm whether it is intended or not.
  9. The Shattered Pillar Monk loses his ability to gain Wounds from damage sustained, instead generating them through dealing damage themself. However, said monks still have access to the Lesser Wounds passive which states more or less (game crashed so... ) : Gain the ability to generate Wounds from damage I can see 3 scenarios here : 1/ Intended, working as advertised This is the intended behaviour and Shattered Pillar monks may take the skill to be able to generate Wounds by dealing damage AND by receiving damage (and at a lower threshold at that). It is my belief that the passive's description should be updated to specifically state that yes, it does work for Shattered Pillar monks. Otherwise it is very unclear (which is why you're reading this ). 2/ Affects Wound generation from damage done This is not the intended behaviour, what the passive does is it allows the Shattered Pillar to generate more wounds from dealt damage, or generate them from a lower threshold of dealt damage. In this instance, the wording of the passive needs to be adjusted. 3/ Has no effect whatsoever, lel The skill needs to be removed from the Shattered Pillar's list of pick-able abilities, or at the very least greyed out.
  10. After finishing Cabin in the woods I went on to level up my characters with the last power feat the were going to get. When I reached Seoni I was ready to give her the acid blast, however, it was nowhere to be found and I was forced to give her something else. Her arcane blast was upgraded all 5 steps to True arcane blast and truth be told the icons were occupying the total width of the upgrade window so that might have been the issue. After the level up I checked her power feat tab and it was still available (the acid blast feat). I would wager this can happen to any character having more than 5 upgrades to a power feat. Anyone else seen this before?
  11. I made a review of PoE recently after I finished it for the first time (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92610-my-late-review-of-poe/). In it, I mentioned that PoE1 v3.05 had, personally, two major issues to be fixed: 1 - Encounter design and the limiting nature of combat mode, 2 - The leveling up system. As for n.1, I have reasons to believe it will be quite improved in PoE2. We already have sneak peeks showing us exploding kegs and difficult terrains, we know that Maia's bird will be able to scout and adding to the bigger number of ability options with the new subclasses and multiclassing, I am very optimistic about the combat experience in PoE2. The leveling up still worries me though, and here's why: It was clearly unbalanced in PoE1. You didn't have to be a completionist to become overpowered in the second half of the game and go through every encounter like pie. The level scalling option in the expansion and Twin Elms helped a little bit, but it was more like plugging holes with cement. The increased level cap to 20 in PoE2 only makes me more worried, since it will make the characters level up faster in a game that will be about the same size as PoE1. The leveling up system needs a more permanent solution in my opinion, and I would like to open the discussion in this thread for suggestions and thoughts. My suggestion: In addition to the fast paced leveling (I got to level 4 in the blink of an eye in the game), the main reasons that make the game too easy after a while is the big difference between high-level and mid-level accuracy and defenses and the lack of challenging combat design. For me, the linear increase in accuracy and defenses could be replaced by a curve-like increase (ex: +5 per level until 10, than +3 until 15, +1 from there on), or the increases could be tuned down... or maybe both. Realistically, it makes sense that a high-level character would hit or crit a regular xaurip easier, just because now he/she gathered enough combat experience for that, but that doesn't mean that a well organized tribe of xaurips shouldn't prove a challenge for a high-level party (too bad that doesn't happen in PoE1). The game tries to improve difficulty introducing new harder enemies and that's also a good strategy. The problem is that without dynamic level scalling, it is hard to balance encounter difficulty in a non-linear game. Say, if the game's beggining and end are fairly linear and the middle portion has branching story, with monsters with similar levels in each branch, if the player can choose which monsters to kill first, than the later will become easier by consequence (in that middle non-linear portion of the game). This is where a curve progression of accuracy and defenses becomes a good strategy, as it generates a plateau of stats in higher levels, preventing the player to become over-powered after a number of levels. The difference in high-levels, specially for the late portion of the game, could then be expressed by the widening of the ability options (ex: the per-encounter abilities for vancian casters is a nice touch). I was never a big fan of high-level, or "legendary" adventures, so my opinion might be a little biased. But I really think the game could benefit from an anti-overpowering approach on leveling up. It also fits with PoE's more realistic setting, where having a demi-god warrior killing thousands of enemies with single punches just feels out-of-place (unless you're Waidwen). Other obvious suggestions would be: - Dynamic level scalling, where the number of monsters in every encounter throughout the game always scale with your level, - Just forget about the 20 level cap stretch goal and slow down the level gaining.
  12. I recently tried to play as ranger, but I found what I consider to be a detrimental factor in its balancing, other than in the fun playing it. Or you develop Ranged abilities Or you take pet's ones. Mixing is unsatisfying in my experience. Now, my frustration comes from the fact that the pet IS a second character, I am forced to keep it but its death cripples my Ranger performance. Therefore to augment its functionality and survive-ability I must devolve the points gained from levelling up on said improvements. This result in a very boring Ranger. If instead I decide to strengthen my Ranger, then the pet becomes much of a burden and more frustrating than fun. I've been pondering a lot about it, and I honestly think that the "pet only" abilities (like DR reduction, knock-down, or damage boost) should be automatically unlocked upon levelling up much as the priest spells do. Another way to do it would be to allow me to level up my animal companion independently (separate pet XP). In this way I would still have some chance to learn some new abilities and to progress my Ranger ranged proper development. I feel this change should be implemented by Obsidian, but since probably it won't happen, I would like to know if anybody could Mod it according my suggestion, or teach me how to do it myself. Thanks for the reading.
  13. Found a bug. Harsk and Lini questing. Both leveled up (Harsk to 40). But because I ran out of time, neither character received their reward. Subsequent successful quests did not trigger the reward screen either. (
  14. Apparently Level 30 still tries to give you a power feat instead of a card feat, even though it says (and should be) a card feat. I find it very frustrating to put the hours of effort into leveling up a party, especially having to forfeit if a character dies because of the death level bug, and when you get this far you have to pick the last power you didn't want your character to have instead of another card that you need to face the next tier.
  15. Hello there, I have search in forum and in the wiki but don't find anything about the experience system, maybe I don't use the right words. Anyway, how the experience and leveling up works? Are the experience earned in quests and battle divided to the party or are always the same for every party member? My question it's about playing solo. My character will level up faster if playing solo or have no difference? I just did not understand the experience system yet. Cheers!
  16. Hello! I posted this in the Steam forums also. Since I have not gotten any input, I moved here also. I just leveled up my paladin to level 3. He gained only 12 endurance points instead of 14, as he should get according to the wiki here: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Class I also have Aloth along. He also advanced to level 3 and he gained the correct amount of endurance points: 10. I might miss something, I guess... or it's a bug? Thx.
  17. Hello Backers, So it appears that we have a large amount of missing string data in various locations throughout the beta. Since these issues need to be resolved individually, I am building a master list of the missing strings. This is both to organize the data in a way the developers can easily fix and to relieve pressure on the forums from these bugs being posted multiple times. Please post any findings of Missing Strings in this thread and I will come through periodically and update this post with the full list. Screenshots are still great for this, as it gives us a clear visual of the location of the issue. So please attach any screenshots of the missing string to your posting. I'll be starting the list with an example of some known strings. In an effort to keep the list readable, a primary location where or on what the string was found followed by a short description will be how I will be listing them. MISSING STRINGS Races Character Sheet - Human's Fighting Spirit description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Coastal Aumaua's Towering Physique description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Island Aumaua's Long Stride description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Boreal Dwarf's Hunter's Instincts description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Mountain Dwarf's Hale and Hardy description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Pale Elf's Elemental Endurance description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Wood Elf's Distant Advantage description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Hearth Orlan's Minor Threat description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Wild Orlan's Defiant Resolve description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Death Godlike's Death's Usher description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Fire Godlike's Battle-Forged description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Moon Godlike's Silver Tide description (when clicked) Character Sheet - Nature Godlike's Wellspring of Life description (when clicked) Classes Character Sheet - Chanter's Chant descriptions shown in the character sheet (when clicked) Character Sheet - Rogue's Deep Wounds Ability (when clicked) Inventory - Druid's Spiritshift weapons for all forms (Bear, Boar, Lion, Stag, and Wolf) when moused over or right-clicked Wizard Spell - Thrust of Tattered Veils has missing string in its description and debuff tooltip Talents Character Sheet - Hold the Line description (when clicked)Items Item - in Winfrith's Shop named Missing String purchased for 90cp also has missing description Item - Weapons with Reach show a missing string in their description Item - Weapons with 10% Graze to Hit effect show a missing string in their description Bestiary Pŵgra - lacking flavor description when selected in the cyclopedia/bestiaryOptions Options menu - Missing String shown when selecting Polski language Controls menu - Missing String shown under Cancel Action key binding Graphics menu - Missing String shown when mousing over resolution Misc. Loading Screen - from front end "Did You Know? : Missing String" Party Records - Various enemies display their names as Missing String Lle a Rhemen - Staircase inspectable displays Missing String when clicked Thank you all for your tremendous support !!
  18. I haven't included a saved game with this as there isn't any one point in the game where this issue occurs, it happens constantly. The issue is that whenever I try to equip a weapon while in the inventory screen, or switch characters while in the inventory screen I have to sit through about a 15 second wait. This issue was happening to me even before the 1.03 patch, so I doubt it's something that was caused recently. When trying to level up my characters (by clicking on the + button at the top left corner of the character's portrait) the game goes through the same pause for about 30 seconds for each character I try. I'm not sure if this is something that is a problem on my end, but I know that this particular freeze (when leveling up) did NOT occur before the 1.03 patch. I looked through the forum and through the current bugs list and it wasn't on there, so hopefully it's something easy for me to fix. I'm using the Steam Version: 1.03 My system specs are: -------------------------------------------- OS: Windows 7 Professional x64 RAM: 32 GB Processor: Intel® Core i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.2GHz DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Graphics Card:[SLI x 2] Nvidia Geforce GTX 780 Ti | Mem: 2680MB (x2) ---------------------------------------------------- Graphics Card 1: ---------------------------------------------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780 Ti DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Display Memory: 2680 MB Dedicated Memory: 2966 MB Shared Memory: 3809 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor Monitor Model: ASUS VK278 Monitor Id: ACI27F7 Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz) Output Type: DVI ---------------------------------------------------- Graphics Card 2: ---------------------------------------------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780 Ti DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Display Memory: 2680 MB Dedicated Memory: 2966 MB Shared Memory: 3809 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor Monitor Model: ASUS VK278 Monitor Id: ACI27F7 Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz) Output Type: DVI Here is some info from the log file. It seems to be some kind of issue with it not being able to find the bone transform for the primary weapon/secondary weapon: (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) UnloadTime: 133.102478 ms Checking to instantiate global... (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Checking to instantiate in game global... (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 15 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 7 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 4604 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 85011. Total: 153.006622 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.347139 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.205181 ms MarkObjects: 87.988556 ms DeleteObjects: 54.447174 ms) Asset not found at path: Art/Character/Male/Textures/Body/CL/CL03/m_M_Skin_V02 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 3143 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 89655. Total: 177.098984 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.397386 ms CreateObjectMapping: 6.066102 ms MarkObjects: 161.263428 ms DeleteObjects: 3.574804 ms) Tier1Backer cannot be loaded because the asset bundle type is not supported! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Tier2Backer cannot be loaded because the asset bundle type is not supported! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Tier1Preorder cannot be loaded because the asset bundle type is not supported! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Client Size: L 0, R 1920, T 0, B 1080 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Window Size: L 0, R 1920, T 0, B 1080 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Client Screen Origin: X 0, Y 0 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Clip On. Range: L 0, R 1920, T 0, B 1080 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) GildedVale reputation changed on the Positive axis (Major). (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (primaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 26653 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 89643. Total: 216.801132 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.228884 ms CreateObjectMapping: 8.004454 ms MarkObjects: 166.026306 ms DeleteObjects: 35.715427 ms) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (secondaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (primaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 32899 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 89688. Total: 240.280090 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.530782 ms CreateObjectMapping: 12.164825 ms MarkObjects: 161.240067 ms DeleteObjects: 59.555775 ms)
  19. There is a bug with modification of Eder Defender abilbity on levelup. If levelup is used and Wary Defender is chosen, when Defender mode is active, the tooltip doesn't change. It still shows info about unmodified ability. Moreover, the ability can't be deactivated after such modification. The only solution, I could find, was deactivating Defender before its modification on levelup. Everything works and shows just fine, if done that way.
  20. So I'm about to level Durance to level 6, and there's a nice talent that modifies his attack per-battle ability (forgot the name) The one that makes all enemies in AoE Dazed. Now the talent says that it modifies the spell to do weakened, what im not sure is does it add the effect or replaces dazed? If i take it and look at the tooltip of the spell, it still says dazed only. If i look in his char sheet i have ability that says it modifies in the top. Anyone has any idea?
  21. [Description of the issue] The Fine deflection bonus (and similar) on shields are ignored by the Weapon and Shield style talent. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Example: 1) Create game, any character works, but human/fighter/aedyr with 10 stats everywhere will make things simpler. 2) Inspect character. You should have a sword and shield, and have 40/20/20/20 for defenses. 2) Bring Character to Level 2, select Weapon and Shield style for talent. You should now have 53/23/48/23 for defenses. (You may have to exit the inventory and unpause the game to see these values.) 4) Equip BB Priest's Fine Large Shield. You now have 62/23/48/23 defenses. (You may have to exit the inventory and unpause the game to see these values.) This is incorrect and leaves out the bonus given by the Fine property. The Large Shield has naturally +5 Deflection over Medium Shield, and the Fine property give +4 Deflection. With the Weapon and Shield Style talent, the shield's deflection bonus should apply to Reflex as well. The Deflection and Reflex bonus should therefore be both +9 Higher than with the Medium Shield. This would bring defenses to 62/23/52/23. [Expected behaviour] Any property of shields that gives a Deflection bonus (Fine, Exceptional, etc...) should also increase the Reflex defense for characters that have the Weapon and Shield Style talent selected.
  22. (linux, BBv480) [Problem] When a party member has enough experience to level up, the cross/plus icon appears on top of the portrait. In combat mode, this icon isn't present most of the time, but time to time blinks back to it's initial position. [How to reproduce] For example: 1. Start the game with a new character, don't level up, so the this element is visible over the portrait. 2. Start the combat, execute some action, such as an attack, and observe the blinking. Or if you manage to earn enough experience for the next level for the whole party, the party roster will blink like a christmas tree in the subsequent fight. [Expected behavior] The game should either show the level up cross all the time. We aren't allowed to level up in combat and the combat log informs about this. So this probably wouldn't bring much issues. Or make the icon fully disappear in the combat mode, without blinking. [Comments] As it is now, I'm not sure, but I think it's connected to the unit's action. When moving or idle, the cross is visible. It's not shown during recovery or action time. But it very briefly reappears (blinks) on the switch between the states recovery <-> action. Just in case the blinking is going to stay in game, I would like to ask to make it synchronized with the combat music;)
  23. At level 2 during character creation, the Rogue has access to only 1 class talent, Backstab. Backstab will only work when you COME OUT OF INVISIBILITY. There is only 1 invisibility-granting ability for Rogues and that is Shadowing Beyond. But guess what, it's not available until level 4. Even worse is the fact that you could completely skip over Shadowing Beyond and pick some other talent at level 4 and your Backstab talent that you were forced to pick at level 2 would still be useless! Shadowing Beyond grants invisibility essentially and this is needed for Backstab to even work. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but either way it needs to be changed to the following: At level 2, the Rogue should have Shadowing Beyond available to them (replacing Backstab) as the class talent. At level 4, Backstab will be added in the class talent selection pool. That way, you can still use Shadowing Beyond effectively. I hope this makes sense.
  24. [Description of the issue] When you level up as a wizard and choose spells from the list in the level-up screen, their AoE isn't adjusted to show the difference between default AoE and AoE your character will get. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] 1) Level up as a wizard. 2) Choose new AoE spell from the list. 3) Notice the AoE shown before the base AoE is the same as base AoE. 4) Inspect the same spell from another interface. 5) Notice that AoE which the character will get is adjusted for the character's INT bonus and is different than the base AoE. [Expected behaviour] AoE should be shown adjusted for INT bonus in the level-up interface. [Other remarks / Comments] Initially I thought the AoE bonus from INT itself was bugged, but when viewing a spell's description in other interfaces, they show the correct default/adjusted AoE. So the bug only affects the level-up screen. Screenshots:
  25. [Description of the issue] "Deep Faith" bonus does not get applied! [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] 1) Start new game with a Paladin character 2) Level up your Paladin and select "Deep Faith" when you get the opportunity 3) Check the numbers for Defenses, the entry for "Faith & Conviction" and its tooltip on the character sheet 4) Notice that the defenses get improved as per level-up additons and per regular "Faith & Conviction", but the additional bonus from "Deep Faith" is missing. While being correctly displayed in the "Faith & Conviction" tooltip the entry in the Characte sheet only show the values for regular "Faith & Conviction", too. [Expected behaviour] "Deep Faith" should give bonus to Deflection, Reflex, Fortitude and Willpower!
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