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Found 3 results

  1. I'd like to discuss about the current attribute system, because the system is a little unbalanced, especially in the case of Constitution and Resolve. Generally, Offensive/Active stats are considered as being more attractive, because those stats are effective for every characters; either Damage Dealer or Tanker. For example, Might is very effective, may be OP, for every characters, even if for Tanker, since the character even may attack nearby enemies via Disengagement Attack. On the other hand, Defensive/Passive stats seems a bit less valuable, because those stats do not affect until the character who got the stats is attacked by enemies; the defensive stats even need to be valid against the attacker's attack type! Deflection is only against physical melee/ranged attack, Fortitude is only against internal physical systems like Disease, Poison, etc., and so on. Every Attributes, except the two, have at least more than one offensive and defensive stats, respectively. The two Attributes, thus, need to be revised indeed, by either adding a new offensive stat or intercepting some stat from the other Attribute(s). In my opinion, reducing recovery penalty from armor might be a good option for Constitution, I have no idea for Resolve yet though. Any comments and suggestions would really be welcome!
  2. I'd like to discuss about the current attribute system, because the system is a little unbalanced, especially in the case of Constitution and Resolve. Generally, Offensive/Active stats are considered as being more attractive, because those stats are effective for every characters; either Damage Dealer or Tanker. For example, Might is very effective, may be OP, for every characters, even if for Tanker, since the character even may attack nearby enemies via Disengagement Attack. On the other hand, Defensive/Passive stats seems a bit less valuable, because those stats do not affect until the character who got the stats is attacked by enemies; the defensive stats even need to be valid against the attacker's attack type! Deflection is only against physical melee/ranged attack, Fortitude is only against internal physical systems like Disease, Poison, etc., and so on. Every Attributes, except the two, have at least more than one offensive and defensive stats, respectively. The two Attributes, thus, need to be revised indeed, by either adding a new offensive stat or intercepting some stat from the other Attribute(s). In my opinion, reducing recovery penalty from armor might be a good option for Constitution, I have no idea for Resolve yet though. Any comments and suggestions would really be welcome!
  3. I recently tried to play as ranger, but I found what I consider to be a detrimental factor in its balancing, other than in the fun playing it. Or you develop Ranged abilities Or you take pet's ones. Mixing is unsatisfying in my experience. Now, my frustration comes from the fact that the pet IS a second character, I am forced to keep it but its death cripples my Ranger performance. Therefore to augment its functionality and survive-ability I must devolve the points gained from levelling up on said improvements. This result in a very boring Ranger. If instead I decide to strengthen my Ranger, then the pet becomes much of a burden and more frustrating than fun. I've been pondering a lot about it, and I honestly think that the "pet only" abilities (like DR reduction, knock-down, or damage boost) should be automatically unlocked upon levelling up much as the priest spells do. Another way to do it would be to allow me to level up my animal companion independently (separate pet XP). In this way I would still have some chance to learn some new abilities and to progress my Ranger ranged proper development. I feel this change should be implemented by Obsidian, but since probably it won't happen, I would like to know if anybody could Mod it according my suggestion, or teach me how to do it myself. Thanks for the reading.
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