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Found 19 results

  1. If there are any roles or scientists that have audio please try to get Rick Moranis. He would fit perfectly in a role like Pete's parent or something. It would be a perfect casting for the previous Honey I Shrunk the Kids actor.
  2. Hi, I am currently working on a custom voice set mod, and wondering if anyone could give me some clarification on some things: Why does each voice set have different numbering conventions? (****y: "_ability_cast_0092", Feisty: "_ability_cast_0088", Kind: "_ability_cast_0102")? What do the _v1, _v2, _v3, (attack_40001_v2 for example) files do? Based on their corresponding text strings in chp_common.stringtable I'm assuming they are alternate takes or maybe different parts of the same sequence broken up? What action does _investigate_4001* correspond to? It isn't very clear from entry in chp_common.stringtable what the character is doing only that they'll say: "_investigate_40010" = "Hm?" and "_investigate_40011" = "Huh?". Am I correct that the chatter.chatterbundle file is how the game handles both what files to look for in the folder and how they are used ingame? eg. how long a certain clip should be, when it will be played, how frequently it will be played, that sort of thing. What purpose do the generic_spell_cast*_7000* files serve? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  3. This is admittedly a very minor thing, but it can be misleading to annoying. While using the Turn-Based combat, just about every time I mouse over a target to check the chance to hit the character makes their comment about it not going to work. They'll say this even in cases where there's a 100% chance to hit and they'll be doing 130% damage. Not sure what the criteria is for them to say their comment, but it doesn't seem to make sense in a lot of the cases.
  4. I originally purchased POE when it was first release on the Mac App Store. I played about 60 hours and bought the definitive edition today from the Mac App Store for the White March Content. I put my save games into the folder where the new definitive version kept them and am able to continue my game, but the player's portrait is missing and just a gray box. The smaller version of the portrait (used in the inventory and lower left of game screen) is gray with a red question mark. There's an eye icon which will bring a little to select a portrait, but there's not way to actually choose a portrait. (see attached images) I've seen other have had this problem, but everything I've see are from user who've purchased POE from Steam and did something with the Steam app to fix it. I've not found anything regarding this from purchase through the Mac App Store
  5. Hi, I simply want to replace the player's voice with my own voice. There are 155 .wem audio files under the "****y male player" voice set. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? Thanks!
  6. Greetings, During combat when player characters play a sound from its voice-set files - like battle cry, spell incantations, status notifications or any other voice effort and then take any other action, take or deal damage, the previous sound playback is cut off instantly and is being replaced by next sound. For example: - When player character "A" cast a spell and play incantation sound and then player character "B" take damage in same time, then the incantation sound from character "A" is cut off instantly. - When player character is poisoned and play notification sound "I am poisoned ... babble " the poison deal damage at the same time which in turn cause character to play damage received effort sound file and cut of previous sound. In slow mode the sound plays for a little bit longer before it is cut off. - When player character cast a few spells in a row - only first one can be heard. Game version 2.03 + DLC 1 - Galaxy GOG auto installer. I'm not sure but if I recall correctly this bug was introduced in patch 1.03 - the one with new voice sets added and audio loop fix. There was similar bug in Neverwinter Nights 2 which has never been fixed. Pleas fix this bug. Thank you very much.
  7. Hey guys! So I just wanted to drop this here. To my knowledge, no other originally recorded custom voice mods exist, at least not that I've been able to find, and since my Baldur's Gate ones went over so well, I figured I'd do a couple for PoE, as well! The videos below are just demos of the new sound files, and you can pick them up at the Nexus, provided below! And by the way, does anyone know of anyone else that's done something like this? I've seen a fair few people pull files out of other games to use them, but my search for a custom-made voice continues. What do you guys think? Any comments, questions, requests? -Chaotic Neutral- -Lawful Evil- -Nexus- http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/140/?
  8. Male spell chanting/casting voice is too low... it's there, but the volume is too low almost to the point that you can't hear it. Female's voice is loud and clear also for some reason, I recruited Aloth and his spell chanting volume is ok. Tested with a priest and wizard for both male and female and the chanting voice is too low on males.
  9. Whenever you dismiss your custom made recruited adventurer in your stronghold, they lose their voice when you recruit them again. Happened to both of my custom companions Is there a workaround/fix for this?
  10. I would like to point out two minor problems with the game that I encountered so far. 1) Since patch 1.04 I noticed that whenever I select one of my characters when the game is paused, they will not speak their line e.g. Aloth's "Yes?". When I unpause the game the first character that I selected will speak, or finish thier line (it pauses when I pause the game). This has occurred only after the latest patch. I don't know if it was intended to work that way, but it sounds strange. 2) I noticed that in certain battles, my characters would run in some random direction when I ordered them to do something and then selecting someone else. After some time I discovered what was the reason for this. Whenever my screen is in such a position that the UI with portraits is over something that can be selected with magnifying glass, when I selected one of my characters, by clicking on the portrait, previously selected character would run up to "inspect" the thing, cancelling my previous order. This was especially visible in a major fight in the 8th level of Od Nua with a certain Fampyr on a giant hand. On the screenshot below I have my mouse over my main character's portrait and you can see that the magnifying glass is also selectable (I'm not pressing tab):
  11. I recall that characters used to acknowledge clicks and commands in combat while paused, but I haven't heard this since patch 1.04 beta. Is my mind playing tricks on me?
  12. since 1.04 i noticed voice cutting out in fev conversations and developers comment (ont that i remeber, and have tried to listen for a fev times is at the entrance ramp at ondras gift, it just stops abruptly in the middle of same sentence) unfortunately i didnt think of making any svegames to upload, but will do so in future
  13. I really enjoy the movement/command barks, but I find that there's too much voice acting in the dialogues. I prefer to read them at my own pace and with my own voices (a la Planescape: Torment). Also not too keen on some of the voice acting. Any way I could turn the dialogue voice work off while leaving the barks? Anyone made a mod to do something like this?
  14. Hello! I've had the opportunity to play the Backer Beta of Pillars of Eternity from a Friend and i've noticed that there is no Voice Acting for Dialogues and everything else. My Question is: Will you add that, later or will the Game be released without? That would we some kind of "no-go" for lots of Players, i think in modern Times. Just reading and klicking around with a Party, its not such a good Experience without voice & common Localisation.
  15. I know the developers have stated that the game won't be fully voiced-over because of the budget, but it will have voice in some parts, mostly when a major character initiates dialogue or something similar, like the old IE games did. Of course this is reasonable and anyone can understand it. Now; I started playing Divinity: Original Sin, another game I've backed (I believe most of you know about this game), a game with much lower budget and I have to say I loved what they've done with the voice-over. There is no voice in any dialogue, but every other NPC talking is voiced, and voiced well. This way the game feels so much more alive. You hear the people talking to each other at the market or the harbour, or the enemies saying things before they attack you and nice stuff like that. I think it is a great idea Obsidian can borrow and add it on top of the partial dialogue voice.
  16. DEFINITELY do this again for spell casting The spells probably won't have schools, but it would be cool incantations like these were used in this game. The BG1/IWD ones are the best from any game IMO.
  17. Dearest Obsidian: Whatever decisions you may take designing the game, be they more or less popular, the thing you must keep up with is not doing a full voiceover for the game. Some important sentences for important NPCs, like in Planescape: Torment are enought to make the player read the rest of the conversation with the right voice in mind. An alternative may be to record some random nonsense babbling with different emotions for each character, to show it's predisposition towards you. Not having a full voiceover lets you, developers, way more resources (both time and money) to spend on making the game objectively better. You can make: - Way more conversation choices. - More flexibility on making adaptative changes on text (depending on less important things like your sex or name, or more important things like factions, friendships, quests done/failed). - More valuable text with more different characters. - Forget about complains about having only 6 voice actors for 500 npcs (the Oblivion Effect), having spent on that half your money, development time, effort and most of the release delay. - Late moment changes So, whatever you may choose to do for Project: Eternity, the thing that MUST NOT be even remotely contemplated is having a full voiceover. Maybe you guys already had this in mind, nevertheless I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for the attention, A caring fan. --- As a reference: http://www.reddit.co...wards_for_rpgs/
  18. I've always thought it strange that, in party-based RPGs, while lots of time is spent recording dialogues and conversations, there's always only a tiny pool of audio cues that are used when selecting them / giving them orders. Why is this? A large percentage of the player's time is spent clicking on their portraits and giving orders, so why is it that we're stuck with hearing the same 'I stand ready' phrases over and over again? Given that OE don't need to worry about full voiceover for companion dialogue in PE, what I'd like to see (or rather, hear), instead, is greater variety and nuance to the audio cues we hear when giving orders to the party. Here are a few examples: Location specific: relaxed quotes when in Taverns, wary ones when in a new and threatening area, urgent when in battle, whispers when in a crypt, that sort of thing. Emotion-affected: It always jars for me when I've had, say, an argument with a party member in a conversation, or an emotional reveal has taken place, and then when you're back in gameplay, you're back to the standard sets of chirpy responses. It would be amazing if sometimes that could affect the voice sets as well. 'Huffy' or 'distance' responses after an argument, for example, or cheerful after a humerous exchange. If you wanted to be really interesting about it, you could use this as a cue to the player as well. If a companion's audio phrases suddenly sound pensive, or sulky, talking to them might open up a conversation. Level / story affected: This is a big one, but wouldn't it be good if, say, a character's voice set became more confident as the story progressed / levelled up. A character might join the group and be quite non-expressive and professional when being given orders, but as time passes and he's travelled with the group and becomes more relaxed, his tone may change. Or a cheerful character, after being witness to an evil player character's awful deeds and derision in conversation, would become more downbeat. When you've got the voice actor in the studio, given the lack of need for extensive recording, I wouldn't have thought it would be too hard to get them to instead spend a bit of time recording different nuances of responses? I asked about this in the reddit Q&A, but unfortunately didn't get a response. What do you guys think?
  19. Hello, Personally I would like to see (or rather hear) voiced NPCs. For me it is convenience thing, because I read a lot of tech literature for my studies and I hate reading from a monitor. This is probably the main reason why I haven't finished Planescape: Torment. Other question would be, does it fit in the budget? I have don't know how much does it cost to voice a game or make it in a first place (It only cost a lot of time in my experience). In case it doesn't fit I wouldn't mind little sacrifices just not in the story department. What is your opinion on this mater? Do you like to see voice-over in Project Eternity? What are your feelings about voice-over in general?
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