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  1. Hello, I started a new game today, and noticed this weird sound issue. It sounds like it may be a Chest opening, or a page turning, but its repeating constantly. The first time it happened I was attacking the Wolf at the very beginning area near the berries. Thought it would go away after I loaded into the next area in the caves. It didn't so I saved and closed the game. Reopened and it was gone. Then I proceeded to open a chest and it started again. Closed and Reopened. Opened chest again and it did not do it. Proceeded to the pillars that you light with your torch and it started doing it again. Not sure what it is but it is very annoying. I tired to attached my files for but it won't let me Thank you, proppaganda
  2. Hello! I recently experienced the grimoire bug on a wizard/caster using a summon weapon skill. I was able to replicate it once, but not multiple times. After using Kalakoth's Minor Blight, I switched weapon sets, causing my grimoire to disappear. Now the slot is bugged and nothing can be placed. Anyone else seeing this? Just me? I'd rather not reboot a load... Thanks!
  3. Dear Obsidian, Being a huge fan of titles like Baldur's Gate I took Path of the Damned difficulty simply so this wonderful experience would last as long as possible. I wanted to be forced to eat consumables and search for items that help with certain enemies and experience the game in it's full potential rather than just run through the game on normal without any serious challenge. The game still seemed too easy... Boring... There is only one initial playthrough of the game and now that I am close towards the end I realised mine is ruined. I did a quick bug search and sure enough my Eder is overpowered due to stacking bug and the game is too easy. I also experienced other bugs like the Raedric Castle problem. They way I see it yet again I was sold a car without a wheel. It is that simple. Yet another product in the gaming industry that is unfinished, rushed, clearly broken. If this would be any other industry we would never hear the end of it. Just imagine calling help line of some company saying "You sold me a coffee machine that gives tea" and hearing "This is a known issue". Do you know who buys these game right after the release or even pre order ? Your most dedicated fans. The new normal is to poke us in the eyes with a stick and turn us into slave testers. I feel offended obsidian. The experience I bought from you is broken. You send a clear and loud message: "DO NOT PRE ORDER" & "DO NOT BUY RIGHT AFTER RELEASE" Regards, exFan
  4. It was stuck at 9 turns, even after completing couple quests it didnt show any progression, but after completing another quest it actually finished, so im pretty sure just the progression didn't show.
  5. Description: While in the Dyrford Ruins, I accidentally triggered two traps -- once (stupidly) while in stealth, and once out of stealth. Combat started, one of my characters died, and I got a NameError in the message log in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. This really isn't a big deal, but it might be worth looking into. Steps to Reproduce: I can't verify that this works consistently for the two traps in question, because I wasn't able to load a save file where I had not triggered them. When I triggered the traps (the first by opening the container not in stealth mode, and the second by walking over the trap in stealth mode), I saw the NameErrors. Important Files: Unfortunately, I might have screwed up and run the game again, overwriting output_log.txt. I don't know if the NameErrors are in the attached file or not. Sorry about that. screenshots and output_log System Specs: See linked file for system specifications.
  6. Hi there, Love the game but I've encountered a very irritating bug. I just fought off a group of Shades, phantoms and shadows in the Lle a Rhemen dungeon in the Stormwall Gorge map. Unfortunately my main character was knocked unconscious during battle and now that he is awake and the battle is over he is constantly "flanked", ( minus 10 deflection all the time). Reloading the game does not fix this, changing map areas and leaving the dungeon does not fix this, sleeping does not fix this. There does not seem to be any legitimate in game reason he is now flanked all the time. Please assist in any way you can or let me know if you have also encountered this bug. My last save is far enough back that I'd rather not have to resort to that if there's a easy fix and/or this will be addressed in a patch soon. Thanks so much!
  7. Description: As stated in the title, I believe when creating a playable character (or an NPC you can hire in an inn) choosing a Culture does not give you +1 to any stat. The first choice (Aedyr) is already highlighted and the game recognizes this as you having entered that portion of character creation with one less point in Resolve than you actually chose, and when you choose another culture than Aedyr it will deduct the point in Resolve it believes it gave to you and place it elsewhere, leaving you 1 Resolve point short. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1. Choose Hard difficulty & enter character creation. 2. Create any combination of gender/race/subrace/class. 3. Choose attributes as you'd like them and enter the Culture menu. 4. Note that Aedyr is selected and your Resolve did not increase from the previous screen. 4. Choose an option other than Aedyr and watch your Resolve drop by one. Important Files: I created a 1 min video of what I described above in case you cannot create a character immediately after having read this post but you don't need any of my save game files. Just start up the game and begin a brand new one.
  8. Ok, so when you enchant your weapons, it should have different skin.Better quality looking material, or flames etc. On some items it works nicely (crosbow, pistol) on some it dont work at all (spear, sword, mace) is there a way to display it properly? BTW, is there a way to enchant -exeptional- on -fine- quality weapon?
  9. The friendly AOE buff for Devotions of the Faithful doesn't benefit from Intellect's AOE range bonus, which is contrary to the behavior of other buff spells. This is likely due to the fact that the spell has both friendly and foe components, and the code mistakenly fails to apply the buff to the outer circle of the AOE range.
  10. In the area Anslog's Compass there are (at least) three hidden stash locations that contain a page from Fulvano's Travels. If you put them in the stash together they stack. Each of the three pages is supposed to have a different story (one about the gloves, one about the boots, one about the compass) but when they become stacked they evidently seem to take the form of the first one in the stash. So now I've got three Fulvano's Travels pages that all discuss his gloves, even when I take them out of the stash and separate them.
  11. When you remove the armor, you lose the DR from the talent Scion of Flame. I did not test the others similar talents.
  12. Description: Casting mental binding on a troll twice triggers a graphical error. I've only noticed this to occur when the second mental binding is cast thile the first is still active. The actual distortion grows with time (even when the game is paused), and disappears when the troll is killed. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Cast mental binding on Troll. Cast it again before the duration of the first cast is over. Important Files: DXDiag Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
  13. I am on Level 9 of the Endless Path and twice in this map I have encountered enemies, slaughtered them mercilessly, and then they come back to life and continue fighting me now invincible and untargetable. The disease slime and the Cean Glwa have both done it. After loading several times and getting the same result, I ran away from the disease slime and it eventually left me alone. Now it just sits there with the animations of being alive but I can't target it. When I went into combat with others near it, it started attacking me again and after beating the beatles I had to run away to get it to disengage. The Cean Glwa is the exact same way now. I loaded an earlier save...like two minutes earlier, and I went to go rest in my house. Darkness. I try to load the bedroom and I get a black screen with the mouse cursor visible. I can't see any menus or anything and I tried waiting a minute. I am at a loss. I couldn't find anything on the web after a few cursory searches. The bug has now spiraled out of control. First the menus had a few mess ups here and there. Text overlaying other texts. I finish a quest and suddenly My character, and only my main character, gets max level free. Just out of no where. I saw the level up icon so I started leveling up, knowing it was a bit early for that, and then boom the game gave me 4 levels for free. Has to be part of the bug I can't figure out how to attach the save file, it says it is too big
  14. Once I'm within the options menu (within the game), I can't leave. This window asking me to save changes keeps returning, regardless of whether I click Yes or No. I have to quit the game entirely and can only use quick saves and quick loads to record my progress.
  15. as above. in 7z: -bug report folders with output_log -dxdiag report -my saves. http://www.filedropper.com/poebugreport
  16. I decided to defend the merchant Verzano, and after killing Danna party i only get exceptional negative reputation with them but the quest don't progress. I talk to Verzano and his text is as if i didn't even delivered the package yet :/
  17. I am doing the main quest Through Death's Gate and after I interacted with the soul energy in front of the soul machine in the ruins my journal does not update. The journal entry for Through Death's Gate has all of the entries grayed out. I read somewhere that the quest actually ends after you interact with the soul but my quest did not. I'm afraid I don't have a save close to that point either. I would attach my output log but it seems to be too big. I'm just looking for any information at this point, if my information is correct, if there is any workarounds. Thanks
  18. I wondered into the Bear Cave well before meeting Nonton and conversed with the soul and ran from the bear early in the game. I talked to Nonton on my way to Gilded Vale and left the bear slaying til later. After having slayed the bear, I confronted Nonton and Ingroed, and ended up killing them after selecting "turn into the magistrate." After this happened, the mission remained open. The soul is gone from the cave and my journal says "Confront Nonton," like I never did anthing - I have no way of completing this. :banghead: :banghead: Please fix this! POE is an awesome game, just bugs are killing it right now. Tired of trying to quicksave around all these issues.
  19. entering the salty inn the game does not exit the cut scene properly and it auto saved over my f5 quick save so now I can not proceed move or do anything in the game here is an image of the bug 33 hours gone down the drain please fix this bug I will keep this save maybe you can release a patch that will break me out of this.
  20. I just noticed this and tested new characters. Humans and Orlans do not get their racial bonus to the Resolve stat. The bonus is present when distributing stats, but after character creation your character will have one less than shown on the stat distribution screen. The background bonus works, however. Anyone have a workaround?
  21. Hi! I think i have a problem with my stronghold. I've purchased all the upgrades and nothing happend? (no steam achievement- I'm in act 2 btw) Stronghold is also not showing all possible events. Flag says 3 but i can use only 1 or 2.
  22. for some reason ever since i upgraded the entire map of Caed Nua has become extremely dark. (i cant use image extension so heres a link to the screenshot http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/37493561213721404/811D6F7637FDDBA3AD94083AD66865DD6B57ECB6/ ) Its extremely difficult to navigate, has anyone else experienced this yet. EDIT: fixed image link
  23. It seems like sending camping supplies to your stash just makes them permanently disappear. This is not good behavior, since it unintuitively deprives the player of something they'd want without warning or reason. The player should either be able to stash camping supplies, or be prevented from taking them.
  24. I have the secrets of rime Talent on my druid but it doesn't appear to be working properly. The five extra could DR is working fine. The 20% extra cold damage isn't. Winters wind does base damage of 30-50 (which does feel a little high as a sidenote) and is 38-64 on my character which has 19 might. Since 30-50+27% is more or less 38-64 I am pretty sure that the extra 20% damage isnt being applied. I would be expecting more like 55-95 damage at that point. If it did work as advertised it would probably trivialise the content though. Perhaps the tooltip is just wrong and the extra damage isnt intended, which would be fine except for the fact I wouldn't have chosen it then. The secrets of rime effect doesnt show up in active effects on my character either. A lot of passives don't actually. I have tested the spell itself to see if the damage is being applied secretly and all I can confirm is that so far with limited testing I am getting the 38-64 bracket on hits. I crit for around 74. The druid cold spells do feel pretty powerful even without secrets of rime, so perhaps the talent should be removed or the cold spells nerfed or something.
  25. MinorBug // Started game, lvl1 rogue. Onehand - Equip rapier in main hand - 10-15dmg, 47 acc // OK Dualwield - Equip rapier in main (10-15dmg, 35 acc) and stiletto in off (10-15, 30 acc) // OK Character Sheet BUG: OFFhand Single - Equip rapier on Offhand, no main hand weapon. Results in: Main - 10-15dmg blunt(fist), 42 acc Off - 10-15dmg pierce(rapier), 47 acc This would suggest that equiping weapon in offhand grants Singleweapon accuracy bonus to dualwield and that character would hit with both fist and offhand weapon. However when testing on wolf, character did not hit with fist and just used offhand weapon. Unfortunately I was not able to determine if character gets dualwield speed increase on single weapon with this method. Excerpt from output_log.txt (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Paperdoll Character doesn't have the specified bone (primaryWeapon) for Weapon Attachment.
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