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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. Best managed? Obviously we don't have all the facts, not being a part of the dev team, but based on what I've seen in other campaigns I've backed, I'd say PE is pretty high up there. inXile has done a great job as well IMO.
  2. I took all of two months off before backing Satellite Reign. I backed another three projects today... something tells me I'm not very good at taking breaks from KS. P.S. I had to google Wordament, never heard of it before. I did Cool, I wonder if there are many more of us over there? The comments section isn't that fast-paced over there.
  3. Soo... any more of you backing Satellite Reign? We're over there with Jalister and Dablue.
  4. As expected, there are a lot of differing opinions about Obsidian's decision, but I'd like to point out that it was mentioned in the Kickstarter campaign that Obsidian will develop Project Eternity according to their vision, but will sometimes take ideas from the fanbase if they consider them good. As far as I know, Obsidian has done exactly what they told us they would do. Carry on.
  5. One thing I was thinking about is limiting the amount of available gold per playthrough - don't make it so easy for players to accumulate huge amounts of gold, and thus make purchase choices carry weight in the game.
  6. Forges & Labs, Recipes - [Like] I like the way these are being implemented in general Would it also be feasible to allow the player to discover alchemical recipes randomly through experimentation with the ingredients? Or do you want to limit meta-gaming by not having instantly available recipes via experimentation? I can understand the sentiment if that's the case here Hearths, Cooking - [Question] Right now this sounds like something that overlaps with potions How do you plan to implement this feature without making it partly redundant and possibly even superfluous? Item Degradation, Repair - [Dislike] I dislike these features altogether, IE games did well without themPurpose in PE? In MMOs and multiplayer games (e.g. Diablo) it's a gold sink, nothing more If implemented, why can't items go all the way and break? Seems unnecessary to have a repair system if there is no risk Only some items get worn out in combat, and those don't include helms(!), cloaks, boots or gloves? Those usually take damage in combat Where's the consistency with the aforementioned plan? You're basically penalizing players who don't want to craft? Where's the wisdom in that? I think these features should either be revised or removed
  7. Looks like there's enough to go around for more than one game!
  8. While we're discussing armors, I'd like to draw your attention to some mage "armor" (or robes). Sometimes you'd like something better looking than your average bathrobe, so how about adding more variety to robes? I know Obsidian knows how to do it right. It would make sense for different races/cultures to have their own designs as well. Also hats. With feathers.
  9. Sounds like they just need to hire Peter Parker. Zing! They've got time though, inXile hasn't gotten around importing their KS data yet - though if inXile gets it done first, I'm going to question what substance Obsidian serves out of their water coolers.
  10. Backed. +1
  11. "On an all new Big Brother: Obsidian Entertainment, Chris and Josh struggle with the coffee maker, and tensions rise! Also maybe some new game footage!" I'd probably pay them money for that. Sad, I know.
  12. I don't think it would fit PE that well - in IWD2 it was fine because there wasn't any interparty banter, so it provided some amusement occasionally.
  13. I take this as a sign that there's more interest in PE now... or at least that's how I interpret these "leaked" screenshots.
  14. I insist on a Summon Ponies spell. In pink. What, seriously? Ok, I don't really care, as long as it doesn't look like the Diablo 3 pony level.
  15. Thanks for the update - looking forward to to the next installment of Arcanum with MCA.
  16. What's your point though? Regardless of what the quality is, the produced audio is lossless to begin with, it's not an added step. The added step is converting the lossless audio to a lossy format.
  17. I think the Holy Avenger concept doesn't fit in PE "as is" due to the lack of an alignment system in the traditional sense. I'd like to see a new take on Holy Avenger tailored specifically for PE's world. I would also leave the class restriction active for this particular weapon.
  18. I think the argument for lossless audio in modern PC exclusive games is reasonable considering the fact that high-speed internet connections have become more common and large capacity storage solutions can be had for very little money.
  19. Wild Orlans are looking good, about time we got a wookie reference in here! What's your name stranger? *Growr!* Oh, Zaalbar? The paladin abilities sound good to me - I like the fact that they're more tactical instead of just being "smash button" abilities. Gameplay-wise the limitations placed on Reviving Exhortation and Shake It Off seem reasonable and should go a good ways toward making sure that all the classes remain balanced in terms of power.
  20. Certainly some interesting ideas there... although if the trait identification was tied to a certain attribute or skill, it would make that particular attribute or skill imbalanced due to the fact that players investing in it would get better rewards, better quest solutions and a host of other benefits. In a dialogue-based RPG that wouldn't really work out that well for the players who didn't invest in this "trait identifcation". Still, it's an interesting concept, it just would have to be implemented from the ground up to avoid imbalancing any one aspect of char development.
  21. I think it could work "under the hood", i.e. you'd only have one bar to worry about, which would have a value calculated from all the different aspects using, say, a weighted mean. Edit: The game could still check individual variable values for conversations, but the player could stick to watching the "influence meter" to determine if an NPC is going to leave soon or not. This is obviously not a perfect solution by any means, but I'm sure it could be improved upon.
  22. Increasing slowly would be my choice. Health/stamina could easily increase at every level though, provided that they have a governing attribute.
  23. Yes, but it's not a priority for me.
  24. +1 here. These ideas are something I've had in mind as well, especially the separation of various concepts regarding the NPCs, e.g. like/dislike, respect/disrespect and trust/mistrust. They should be separate from each other and rely on different variables - e.g. a conversation between CHARNAME and NPC1 that results in a +3 modifier for like doesn't necessarily affect respect or trust at all, depending on the topic and outcome of the aforementioned conversation.
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